My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, February 25, 2013

7 fast for 7 weeks officially over

Wow the last 7 weeks have flown by and today my 7 week fast is over. As you can tell I did not blog at all during it...FAIL! And I did not do as well as I hoped in certain areas, mainly food and excercise but I did better than I would have done not doing the fast at all...Always trying to look at the positive side of things ;) I missed all the social media and loved when my sis would share a fb post with me here and there about mutual friends or family. I have to say though I DEFINITELY loved the freedom away from my phone (and laptop) and I think I actually concentrate better at certain tasks at hand not having the temptation of checking fb newsfeed all the time, or Instagram, twitter and Pinterest. In fact, I think it made such a difference that I am extremely hesitant to log back in to any of my social media accounts just yet... So the fast on those things will continue for a little longer. Well I have so much I want to get done today, that I'm all done writing for now. I'm thinking I might turn this blog into a family blog and start posting more about our family fun times and the unbelievably blessed life God has so graciously and sovereignly bestowed on us... Seriously my words cannot express how thankful I am to my Creator God for this amazing life I am so undeserving of, and I'm trying to live for Jesus to show my appreciation to Him. I remain filled with awe at the power of His grace and His mercies that are new EVERY morning! Oh how He loves us!!!!