My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

First Time

"It is finished!" The famous last words of The Savior on the cross, the irony is that, it's really only the beginning of new life in Christ, for those who believe on Him! The Holy and Perfect Lamb of God, uttered these words not only because his mission on earth was complete but also because he became the sacrifice for all of us. We are righteous in no other way, except through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. When I think of the amazing, freeing gift we have in Christ, it overwhelms me greatly with a heart of gratitude and love for my God. There are not adequate words to express how truly miraculous it is to live a life knowing He has completed the work on my behalf. I will never have to know what it's like to live under a yoke of bondage or heavy burdens. I'll never have to be good enough, righteous enough, or holy enough to spend eternity with my Abba Father in Heaven, because through Christ alone, God already sees me in all those ways! Wow! Simply amazing!!!

So this was my first time observing Lent. Two years ago I stated that I had never been taught to observe Lent and really didn't understand the why behind it all. Growing up I had friends who observed it, by giving up chocolate, (which, btw I didn't really care for chocolate in my younger days, I was foolish back then, what can I say?!), but that was the most religious I had ever seen them act or speak all year long. And honestly when they did speak of it they didn't sound excited about it. It sounded more like a burden and something they "had" to do then something they wanted to do or were privileged to do. Well this year, I decided, I'm just going to do it. We are called to pray and fast, so why not join the Lent fast. So I did, I decided I would fast sugar, all carbs except fruits and veggies, and junk food.  It was a great decision, one of my best yet and all because I committed to do it for Jesus. He helped me to succeed far beyond my expectations. I chose a 46 day Lent devotional and Bible reading, which drew me closer to Christ in the process! Not only do I feel better physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. He is simply amazing!!! AND because, it all went so well I decided, I'm going to continue the food fasting as well as kick it up a notch by fasting Facebook too. (GASP!) Not Facebook, I love Facebook, but let's be honest now, I'm on there way too much! I love keeping in touch with family and friends on there, it's even helped grow some relationships with new friends, it's a great tool for praying for those who need it and sharing  truth and encouraging words too, but anything, even if it's good, needs to be used with some self control!!! Once again, I know Jesus will help me succeed, I chose another devotional, actually two, and hopefully He'll draw so near to me that I'll be able to touch the hem of a His garment! (Yes, I desire physical healing :) 

And so my journey with Jesus continues.   I look forward to all that lies ahead in the next 50 days or so :)