My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hello? Blog world? Are you still there?

It has been years since I've last blogged! Ok, not years, sometimes I exaggerate, just a little. In reality it's been 5 months, and yes the last 5 months have flown by, just like every second, minute, hour and day fly by! I guess it's true what they say, the older you get, the faster time seems to go by.  Why? Who knows, there are all sorts of theories out there, but only God truly knows why.  

Well let me see, what to talk about?! There is so much to say and yet there is so much I am just not ready to say.... In time though, in time.   

Right now we are in the middle of summer, and so far it's been a busy but fun one!  From celebrating my grandmas 90th, to family weekend camp, to cooking and art church camps, to cousins staying with us for a week, to special treat times with friends, It truly has all been so wonderful thus far.  I'm trying to keep the kids busy, although with allergies and common colds attacking, sometimes all we want to do is stay in from the ferocious heat! Summer colds are the worst! Yes it's been a hot one, but on the bright side, it makes for perfect swim weather which we have also done a lot of, thank God my sister is so generous with her beautiful pool.  If she wasn't, I'm sure we would be bored at least half of the summer, but we're not! :)
In between all the fun, this has been a weird uncomfortable summer, for me especially, but again just not ready to talk about it all.  In time I will share.  I can say though, that God continues to reveal things to me about life in general and about what's most important in this life! Life is fragile, it really is!!! We need to live each day as if it were our last! That doesn't mean, go out today and try to DO everything you want to do before you die, it just means live peaceably with everyone in your life as far as it depends on you! Forgive and receive forgiveness! Absolutely no one is perfect and everyone needs grace! I need  grace all the time! I mess up constantly!!!! I thank God that He forgives me and loves me through it all. I thank God that He reveals things in my heart, mind and actions that are not pleasing to Him and helps me to change! He is Amazing and I don't want Him to stop refining me, I desire to be like Jesus His perfect Son.  So I welcome the fire, because I know In time He will make something beautiful out of me.  Please don't stop refining me until you're done Lord!

Well If I failed to mention one important thing that happened right before summer it would be just that, a fail. So here it is, my pastor and one of my closest friends, my friend sent from God, his wife, and their beautiful children left our church and moved away.  It's been a sad time in my life, and honestly a lonely time. It would be nice to have friends check in on me from time to time asking how I was doing... I guess I can't say no one has, I can think of a couple who reached out to me first through a text or a hug and they are one's who I would have least expected it from, but I am so grateful they did because it meant the world to me.  It's so hard when close friends move away! I thank God for technology though, it's a lot easier to stay in touch these days and that makes it slightly easier, but it's still hard. A cyber hug is not the same as a real warm hug from a friend or loved one you miss.  I won't be too hard on the Christians in my life who I thought would check on me knowing my God-friend was moving away though, I think fear of finding out too much or fear of gossip kept them from asking if I was ok, and I can't fault anyone for wanting to stay out of it or not wanting to sin. It just makes me sad this happens in Christ's church especially when we are supposed to be a family. It makes me more aware of trying to recognize those who may be hurting.  I know I fail constantly in this area and it's something I'm trying to work on! We all Need each other! Just like in the Sanctus Real song that has the "oh-oh's" in it that drive one of my friends crazy! Lol!  I love my friends, everyone of them and I don't just want to say it, I want to show it and I hope I get better at it, which is something else God has to do in me, there's a lot, and again i welcome it, I want Him to work in me!!! :)

My prayers these days consist of too many young ones that are fighting for their lives against cancer. I hate cancer!  I thank God for everlasting life, I know one day there will be no more death and I'm so thankful to Jesus for that! One day, we will live together for eternity, oh what a glorious day that will be!

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