My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Laughing with my Son

Besides just being together, one of my favorite past times is laughing uncontrollably with my son. He has one of the best sense of humors I've ever known.  We like to look up clean funny pictures and jokes together as well as stand up comedy.  We can spend a lot more than an hour sitting together reading funny pictures as we laugh hysterically until our sides ache.  It's in these moments that I realize just how intelligent and quick he is. Embarrassed to say that occasionally he gets the punch line quicker than I do. He's patient with me though and gives me the time I need to catch on. Likewise, if he doesn't understand one I explain until he does.   It's amazing the knowledge he gains from reading jokes, I never would have thought it would be a good way to learn and retain but I'm convinced it is.  I know my son loves the time we spend laughing together because he wants to do it often, I hardly ever pass up the chance to see his beautiful smile so of course it doesn't take much to talk me into it.  His laugh is music to my ears, much like his French Horn playing which is for another topic, another day.  I love my son, I love everything about him, I wouldn't change a thing because honestly I know he changes daily. He's growing into a caring, thoughtful, sensitive, fun loving, responsible young man and for that I am truly thankful.  At times I miss the sweet baby, toddler, preschool and elementary days which bring vivid memories that I will always cherish, but I continue to love each passing day with him as I try to hold on to each special moment.   There is nothing in the world quite like having a son and when he expresses thoughts for his future, it makes my heart glad even though I can't begin to imagine the day he'll be on his own.  I have high hopes for my son and whatever he chooses to do in his life my biggest hope and prayer is that he will always choose to serve Christ Jesus his Lord first and foremost and everything else he chooses to do will prosper. It's hard to believe that in just 18 days he will be a teenager. I look forward to all that lies ahead with him and I pray God will give me the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to be the best mother I can be to my son as he continues to grow into an adult. These years are so important and I pray my selfishness would not get in the way, so that I can be all that I have been called to be for him with God's help and strength. It is a fine privilege and an honor to be the mother of my son.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Never Alone

You know when you sometimes get that feeling that you are all alone? Yeah, we all know that feeling. I'm sure all of us have experienced these feelings at least once in our lives and I'm sure for most of us a lot more than once.  It's a feeling that can leave you feeling sad, lonely, depressed, hurt, angry, bitter, and frustrated. It can also make you want to withdrawal from people and isolate yourself, which is ironic because you're already feeling withdrawn and isolated!  

It breaks my heart to think that any one of my family or friends have felt this way, because I don't want them feeling that way! Especially because God has given me so much love and compassion for each person that He has ordained to be in my life.  I view each and every person I have ever met or come in contact with as a divine appointment or relationship. There are no coincidences, luck or happenstances when it comes to people in life.

Although I do not have all the time in the world to check up on or connect with all my friends and family that God has so graciously blessed me with; I do not want them to ever think I have forgotten about them, that I don't think of them or that I don't love them, because I seriously do!  So, though I can't be the person to make sure ALL my friends and family never feel alone, I'm here to assure everyone today you are NEVER ALONE! 

Though you may feel it, though you may think no one cares about you and though you may be feeling unwanted and unloved. There is One who is ALWAYS WITH YOU, Who will never leave you and Who will always love you! I KNOW this to be true because He has always been there for me, in my times of feeling alone. He brings comfort in times of sadness, He brings peace in times of turmoil and He brings healing in times of pain.  He is a Father to the fatherless, He is a Faithful and True Friend whose love is relentless.

I'm sure most of you know WHO I am speaking of, but in case you don't, His name is Jesus and He says,“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." (Matthew 7:7, 8 ESV) 

Ask, seek and knock today, for He has promised to never leave you or forsake you!