My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Never Alone

You know when you sometimes get that feeling that you are all alone? Yeah, we all know that feeling. I'm sure all of us have experienced these feelings at least once in our lives and I'm sure for most of us a lot more than once.  It's a feeling that can leave you feeling sad, lonely, depressed, hurt, angry, bitter, and frustrated. It can also make you want to withdrawal from people and isolate yourself, which is ironic because you're already feeling withdrawn and isolated!  

It breaks my heart to think that any one of my family or friends have felt this way, because I don't want them feeling that way! Especially because God has given me so much love and compassion for each person that He has ordained to be in my life.  I view each and every person I have ever met or come in contact with as a divine appointment or relationship. There are no coincidences, luck or happenstances when it comes to people in life.

Although I do not have all the time in the world to check up on or connect with all my friends and family that God has so graciously blessed me with; I do not want them to ever think I have forgotten about them, that I don't think of them or that I don't love them, because I seriously do!  So, though I can't be the person to make sure ALL my friends and family never feel alone, I'm here to assure everyone today you are NEVER ALONE! 

Though you may feel it, though you may think no one cares about you and though you may be feeling unwanted and unloved. There is One who is ALWAYS WITH YOU, Who will never leave you and Who will always love you! I KNOW this to be true because He has always been there for me, in my times of feeling alone. He brings comfort in times of sadness, He brings peace in times of turmoil and He brings healing in times of pain.  He is a Father to the fatherless, He is a Faithful and True Friend whose love is relentless.

I'm sure most of you know WHO I am speaking of, but in case you don't, His name is Jesus and He says,“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." (Matthew 7:7, 8 ESV) 

Ask, seek and knock today, for He has promised to never leave you or forsake you! 

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