My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I forget everything!

I'm blogging this because I forget everything! And by everything, I mean everything!! My husband says I remember things but I tell him I really only remember things if I've taken a picture of it or if I've written it down somewhere... Other than remembering random things from my childhood, I can't seem to remember much else, since...well...since having kids! I'll blame my memory loss on them, it's a good thing they're worth it!! :) So this past Sunday at our awesome life group, I had to leave early, which I hate doing, but I also hate to miss out on playing with the bunco babes for Jesus so I had to leave... We had been discussing chapter 5 of Ephesians and a question was asked, "why are husbands commanded to love their wives, and the wives aren't told to love their husbands but to submit and respect them?" It's a good question... So why?! I wanted a clear cut answer, before I left the discussion, some things that drive me crazy are open ended questions, I always want to know why. I always want to understand, I always want to know why I believe the way I believe, so I have a hard time letting certain things go, sometimes it's annoying but yeah...anyway. So I thought about it a little on the way to bunco, and I almost asked my friend who picked me up what she thought, but I didn't....When I arrived home after bunco, I asked my husband how the rest of life group went and especially the discussion. He shared with me a little and it got me thinking more.  The verses don't just say "husbands love your wives" it actually goes into detail about the kind of love it's talking about, it's a sacrificial love, the same kind if love Christ loves each of us with when He gave His own life for us. So it's so much more than, infatuated love, romantic love, sexual love, or protective love etc. it's a selfless, unconditional, servant kind of love. And it hit me, that this kind of love is powerful, transforming and life changing. It's the kind of love that initiates an overwhelming response in us. Just like when a person realizes the enormous sacrifice Jesus Christ made for them because of His love for them, that person can't help but to love and devote themself back to Jesus. So because a marriage between a man and a woman is a picture of the relationship of Christ and His Church, it makes sense that the husband, the head of the wife, much like Christ is the head of the church, is told to love His wife like Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. When a woman is loved in that sacrificial way by her husband, her response will always be one of love and devotion back to her husband, just like our response to our Savior is love and devotion because of what He did for us.  As the head and spiritual leader of the wife, the husband seems to have the greater responsibility of loving first, like when it is said, we love God because He first loved us. God designed the husband and wife relationship to function perfectly, resulting in sanctification and holiness for all of us, just like the relationship between Christ and His Bride.  God makes it possible for the husband to succeed in the commandment he has been given. It happens when the husband, who being a part of the body of Christ, obeys the command to submit to Christ and selflessly and sacrificially love his wife out of His love and devotion to Christ his Lord and Savior. 

My mind was put at ease when God helped me to understand the answer to the question in this way. There may be a lot more to the answer that I still need to learn, but at least this explanation gives me peace for the moment. I'd completely love to hear more insight into it of anyone is willing to share it with me :)

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