My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Friday, July 13, 2012


So its "Experimental Mutiny Against Excessive Spending Month" and as I sit in the eye doctor waiting room I realize already I'm going to cheat on my 7 places of spending this month. I NEED eye wear though, I'm blind without it! Thank God for contacts, I'd be miserable without them.   I won't cheat too bad though, I am determined to do my best! I don't see needing too many other things that I can't get at one of the 7 approved places I listed for this month.
So the Dominican Republic/Haiti mission trip was even more wonderful than I expected it to be. God was in every little detail of it. He always amazes me and I love it!  We had the best group of servants on this trip ever! God definitely put the team together and everyone of us put God's glory ahead of our own.  It was so awesome to see the team work and the new friendships for life that evolved in the process.  Yes of course there were times when some could have chosen to be offended and let mis-communication and hurt take over, but they didn't. Instead they chose the higher road, God's road, and extended grace, compassion and humility realizing that God's way is the best way and that we were there to please Him.   The week was fabulous, seeing and learning even more of what G.O. Ministries is doing to help those in need on the Island of Hispaniola to the glory of God, was so humbling and inspiring. 
CHALLENGED... the word that keeps coming to mind and with it a song that God laid on my heart the night we returned back to the D.R. from Haiti, Josh Wilson's - "I Refuse" (hope the link works)  Really a great challenging song that I listened to over and over and over again that night. I know what God is calling my family to do and it's time we act on it.  I'll say it publicly soon, but for now only those I actually speak to face to face with will know the details.
The trip was amazing. I just wish my family could have been with me,if  they were I would have wanted to stay longer.  I look forward to the day we can all go together.  Haiti has my heart for sure. I NEED to learn Creole and Spanish!!!! Need to make it a priority.   Still so mind boggling to think about how they survive day to day, but realizing even more how great their need for Jesus is.  The Haitian kids... I still can't get over how utterly insane they get over cute little smiley face and heart stickers...simply mind blowing and how I would love to be able to give them something even much more valuable than that...Jesus, He is the greatest treasure of all, nothing is more valuable than having a relationship with Him.  I've learned so much from the little village in Phaeton, so much more than I ever thought possible. I'm Challenged and I'm called to act on it and I will.    

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