My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31- Last Day of Month 6

Well I wish I could say I did perfect this month, but that would NOT be truthful.  Fact is, it was a harder month than I thought it would be for me, especially since I don't consider myself a big spender and I have changed as I've matured and I really don't enjoy shopping as much as I once used to.  For a few reasons though, I didn't do as well as I hoped.  One of the first instances in which I failed was when I took my girl shopping for a bday gift for her friend from school.  Not even thinking, I took her to Kohls, which was not on my 7 list, the crazy thing was, I didn't even realize until the next day sitting in church, it just dawned on me all of a sudden that I totally cheated without even thinking.  Then the next night my honey and I had a chance for a date night and we took it! Dinner and Batman movie and this time I willfully cheated, and Chipotle was worth it, Yum!!  I didn't count Batman as cheating since I listed the movie theatre in my seven.  So then a couple of days go by and  yep cheat again, this time for dinner  with a friend, Pei Wei, de-lish!!!  The food and company both were worth cheating for and since I never ate at Panera or went to Knott's, both places listed under 7 then I should've been ok......BUT we went out of town for a beach weekend trip so I failed some more.   Oh and I ordered Anne of Green Gables movies on DVD off of Amazon, another not thinking instance.  Wow, I guess I'm a bigger  spender than I thought I was!!! Learning so much about myself through this experiment. I highly recommend it to anyone!  I also joined Pinterest this month, what a fun online window shopping experience! Only been on for a couple of weeks and already have re-pinned 95 things!  I can see how beneficial the website can be, but I also see how it can harm too.  The verse that comes to mind...
1 John 2:16-17 KJV

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. "
I need to be careful I don't become addicted or excessive with Pinterest, just like with anything I must practice self control.

So August 1st starts the mutiny against excessive stress month. I'm loving this month already!! And i might blog more to keep me here it goes... :)

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