My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, July 22, 2013

Argh! A little frustrated!

Sometimes I guess I just expect too much from certain people.  Especially those in leadership positions. I love honesty! I'm not afraid to be honest and speak what I feel or think no matter how foolish it may sound or wrong it may be.  I don't desire to offend anyone, but if it's how I feel or what I think, I say it. It doesn't mean I can't  be proven wrong or can't be convinced to believe a different way, because depending on the issue sometimes I can have a change of heart or mind. I know I am not always right! I know I get things wrong or perceive things different than what they really are, we all do. One true thing I am not a public speaker. I'm actually a very shy person, an introvert in many ways, I do better talking in very small crowds and even better one on one and mostly while walking.  It's just the way I am, I'm a better listener than a talker.  It doesn't mean I don't have a lot to say because I do, it just means, sometimes I like to process things for a long time before I speak and so sometimes I won't say much at all.  I think I'm better at writing what I feel, because I've already thought long and hard about what I want to say.... So back to topic, if someone stands up for something secretly, are they really standing up for it?! I mean if a person takes a stand for something, they should do it publicly, or not at all! Just like the verse says, "Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. (Matthew 5:37 ESV)"  a person who privately stands for something but doesn't do it publicly, especially to the ones involved, has no backbone and lacks courage, simple as that.  I know it's harsh, but it's truth.  Don't take a stand for something or someone and then say, "this is confidential" and completely deny the stand you took or the side you took when it becomes public and hold it against the ones you told when it becomes evident to everyone what you truly believe or how you feel.  Basically if you can't say it to all involved, don't say it at all.  That is simply wrong in my book and I would say it's wrong in God's book too. It's deceptive and I'm sure done out of fear of man, maybe being too concerned about being accepted by everyone. Anyway I guess, I just expect to much sometimes, especially from self proclaimed Followers of Christ and those who continually quote the Bible.  I desire to see people actually live what they believe. Just like the preacher in church said today, faith is living out what you believe to be true! Don't be afraid to take a stand for the things you believe to be true and just! Let your yes be yes and your no be no, and yes I'm applying these words to myself as well as  to every other follower of Christ.  Lord Jesus, help me to live what I believe and to always stand for truth and justice as well as extend mercy and grace.

1 comment:

Heike said...

Amen to that Sandra. (((((((hug)))))