My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 7-Praying friends are the best kind to have!

A great Galatians Bible study this morning with good discussion! Loved it! :)

Still mad at satan for attacking my family, but trusting that God will come through and use it all for His glory someday.  He is already giving me peace, and talking it out with friends is really helping too. Praying friends are the best kind to have!  One of my praying friends sent this message today which was much needed and very appreciated: 

"Was just praying and I got an image of an African lion pacing in front of an acacia hedge of protection with your family on the inside. Safe and sound. Isn't it funny how the enemy is seen like a lion prowling looking to steal kill and destroy. And yet God is also portrayed as a lion. The lion of Judah the great one. He is our fortress and our refuge."

I choose to trust in the Lion of Judah!

Posted on fb today by our Worship Pastor, was a great truth that really spoke to me today :

"Recognize that with great blessing comes even greater responsibility. The devil hates that God is blessing you, so he's gonna do his best to ruin it. Stay strong."

Also I must say our lead pastor is awesome and has a great heart! So truly thankful for him and his family.

I can't believe I've only worn the same pair of jeans since last Thursday.  I have washed them, but it's amazing how much laundry I don't have. I'm liking this! It is cold out so I'm missing my jacket, but it's amazing how not having one makes me think about and pray for those who don't even own one, but need one. Still need to go through our closets!! Just not enough hours in a day sometimes.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 6- not really blogging

I'm blogging to say I'm not really blogging tonight.  I lived on chocolate and praying today.  I think I was in need of both!  Looking forward to starting Galatians Bible study tomorrow, it should be good! :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 5-Month 2 Under attack

You know how sometimes bad things happen and you think, maybe this an attack by satan.  And then there are other times when bad things happen and you are 100% sure satan is attacking. Well we are in one of those 100% sure times.  I will not fear though! I am fully going to take this trial to my Lord and trust that God will work everything out according to His will for our good.  We are bathing this in prayer and I'm sorry to be so vague, but it's personal and not meant for sharing with everyone. I will however be sharing with those whom I trust with sensitive information and whom I know will join my family in prayer. 

On another topic, I feel physically great tonight. I guess fasting is what my body likes most! :-/

Had a wonderful walk and talk with my friend from God this morning, thankful for a friend that I can share anything and everything with.

I haven't worn 3 of my 7 clothes yet, I was told it's ok to change my mind on them as long as I haven't worn them yet, and in light of the warmer weather conditions, I just may do that.

Meditating on these verses tonight:

Ephesians 6:11-20 KJV

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 4- Learning

Um, yeah...learning I should have done some research before ending my  food fast. It is not going well. Second day of feeling absolutely miserable after eating. Wishing I could go back in time and make wiser choices. I promise I'm not over eating!  Definitely will be fasting all day tomorrow! Right now I'm starting to hate food. You would too if your whole stomach and back were feeling the way mine is:(

Overall a fabulous day: Kidz Praize practice, Church,  Fazoli's lunch with family, Then a stop to window shop for baby puppies, the Lorax movie,  the park and Coldstone  for only the small "like it" size.

Falling asleep, so good night all! Hoping tomorrows fast will bring God's great things for myself and for others :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 3- Yuck

Yuck!...That about sums up the way my tummy feels right now. I guess I should NOT have had the delicious Hawaiian Cheeseburger in Zion today!!! I think I may have shocked my system, thinking of going back to my "7 foods fast"!!! :-/

It was so great to enjoy girl time, chatting, laughing, munching yummy food, painting nails and enjoying the awesome beauty of Zion with sisters in Christ to plan out details for our womens church retreat there in April. I'm extremely excited for what God has in store for all of us!

Spent a joyful and hilarious time with my kids tonight playing Eli' s version of Hangman called "Shark Tank Hangman"  We make the worried  man hang over a ferocious looking shark, sometimes the shark eats the mans shoe when he is getting close to falling in. Eli and Belle were laughing  so hard! I just love being with mysweethearts! <3

Need to catch up on sleep now. I'm a little sleep deprived. Goodnight!  :-)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 2 of Month 2- Zion with 4 fabulous ladies!

Had the easiest time packing for my trip to Zion today, already knew what I was  going to wear! My only pair of jeans for the month, my long sleeve shirt & a t-shirt.... NO Jacket or gloves! And there is snow on the ground up here!!! Good thing I brought my favorite blanket!
Nice not to even think about coordinating jewelry or shoes with my outfits :)

Looking forward to the morning and the beautiful scenery that awaits my eyes!

Having a wonderful time, God is good!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1 of Month 2- An experimental mutiny against excessive clothing

Today started out busy from the moment my feet hit the floor. After getting ready for my walk, I mixed up some chocolate chip banana bread and baked it. Then helped Belle find a red bow tie so she could complete her Doctor Seuss look for Nevada Reading Week at school. (can't believe I didn't take a picture!) Took the kids to school then I was off to a wonderful walk and talk with my beautiful friend Jennifer. I've missed her, it's been a long time since we've been able to walk together. I did miss my friend Shannon today, but she'll join us again next week, and I'm looking forward to it! :) Immediately after my walk I took my banana bread and went to join in on a brunch feast with the 7 other ladies who are doing "7". They are all a fabulous group of ladies who love Jesus and desire to show that love to Him by serving, helping and meeting the needs of others. I'm honored to be a part of this experiment with them and praying we all are striving to bring Glory to God through it all!

I definitely used self-control this morning at brunch. I picked the smallest home made cinnamon roll and cut it in half, then took a small piece of delicious Quiche, I could have had more of that! Yum! And a small piece of a french toast bake made with peaches, it was all sooo good! I enjoyed every bite. I stuck to my water though and will continue to do that, no sugary unnecessary drinks for me. Later on in the day I had two small slices of Banana Bread, and that's all I ate today. Lot's of sugary choices, but very small portions and definitely didn't over eat. Tomorrow I will eat healthier, today started a weight loss month long challenge with a friend and I think I said before, I am determined to win! It's game on my friend! ;)

At brunch we wrote down the 7 articles of clothes/shoes we would be wearing this month...good accountability to do it that way, so we can practice integrity and no one is tempted to cheat. Two of the ladies presented each of us with a nice 7 t-shirt they made for us to wear... I love it. My daughter has been wanting to do 7 with me, and I told her of course she can, after seeing my shirt she really wants to do it with me now! I told her we can start by going through all of her clothes to give some away :)

Practiced piano for a while before going to play for my teacher. She says I've got my recital song down...we'll see how that goes! I lack confidence in myself with it. Ran a few GS cookie errands after picking up kids from school then I was finally back home for the night...this week has been non-stop running around: Clothes shopping on Monday, meeting and grocery shopping on Tuesday, Bible Study, Rescue Mission and Belle's Piano on Wednesday sometimes it's just nice to be home.

Well the 7 articles of clothes I picked are:
1 pair of dark blue jeans- gotta have jeans!
1 Go Ministries T-shirt, that will help me to remember to pray for the Dominican Republic and Haiti ministry often!!
1 fitted long black t-shirt ( it is windy and freezing outside right now! But as March goes along if it gets too hot, I will be cutting my sleeves and hemming them to make it a short sleeve)
1 Tank Style long stretchy rayon peacock blue dress
1 Tank style long black and white cotton dress
1 long sleeve black thin cardigan shirt to wear over my tank dresses.
1 pair of black sandals/ 1 pair of tennis shoes (so glad 2 pairs of shoes count as only 1 article)

Now I have to be truthful here, our "7" 3/4 sleeve t-shirt is a freebie, but has rules with it. And we can have 1 work out outfit that is also a freebie, but again has rules. So that's it! My personal laundry is not going to add up to a lot at all this month!!! woo-hoo! Now if I can get all my family to do this with me! Imagine the time we would save not picking out our clothes every day, or washing loads and loads of laundry! ;) Anxious for what God will do this month as I "fast" clothing..."speak to me Lord, for your child is here, waiting on YOU"!

I know I'm long winded right now, but one more thing I need to say, God came through for me tonight through my husband's cousin Ann, who is also my cousin and fb friend. She of course had no idea of the thoughts, and emotions I was feeling at the time, all I can say is they were not good. I was pretty down and hurt, but her encouraging words were just what I needed at just the right time. And after talking to my husband about all of it, he too said things to me that just re-confirmed what I already knew in my heart to be true. God You are so faithful! Thank you for loving me and for always being there for me and for using others to speak into my life. I do know You will never leave me or forsake me. You have been there for me my whole life. You are my constant in this life, though the world and people can let me down, You never will. You remain the same and I have my identity in You alone.