My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 7-Praying friends are the best kind to have!

A great Galatians Bible study this morning with good discussion! Loved it! :)

Still mad at satan for attacking my family, but trusting that God will come through and use it all for His glory someday.  He is already giving me peace, and talking it out with friends is really helping too. Praying friends are the best kind to have!  One of my praying friends sent this message today which was much needed and very appreciated: 

"Was just praying and I got an image of an African lion pacing in front of an acacia hedge of protection with your family on the inside. Safe and sound. Isn't it funny how the enemy is seen like a lion prowling looking to steal kill and destroy. And yet God is also portrayed as a lion. The lion of Judah the great one. He is our fortress and our refuge."

I choose to trust in the Lion of Judah!

Posted on fb today by our Worship Pastor, was a great truth that really spoke to me today :

"Recognize that with great blessing comes even greater responsibility. The devil hates that God is blessing you, so he's gonna do his best to ruin it. Stay strong."

Also I must say our lead pastor is awesome and has a great heart! So truly thankful for him and his family.

I can't believe I've only worn the same pair of jeans since last Thursday.  I have washed them, but it's amazing how much laundry I don't have. I'm liking this! It is cold out so I'm missing my jacket, but it's amazing how not having one makes me think about and pray for those who don't even own one, but need one. Still need to go through our closets!! Just not enough hours in a day sometimes.

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