My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 3- Yuck

Yuck!...That about sums up the way my tummy feels right now. I guess I should NOT have had the delicious Hawaiian Cheeseburger in Zion today!!! I think I may have shocked my system, thinking of going back to my "7 foods fast"!!! :-/

It was so great to enjoy girl time, chatting, laughing, munching yummy food, painting nails and enjoying the awesome beauty of Zion with sisters in Christ to plan out details for our womens church retreat there in April. I'm extremely excited for what God has in store for all of us!

Spent a joyful and hilarious time with my kids tonight playing Eli' s version of Hangman called "Shark Tank Hangman"  We make the worried  man hang over a ferocious looking shark, sometimes the shark eats the mans shoe when he is getting close to falling in. Eli and Belle were laughing  so hard! I just love being with mysweethearts! <3

Need to catch up on sleep now. I'm a little sleep deprived. Goodnight!  :-)

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