My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day12 Month 2 mutiny against excessive clothing!

I am soooo sleepy tonight so if I accidentally fall asleep in the middle of a sentence or if I start sounding as if I'm drunk or something, I'm really not, I promise! I'm just not used to this time change yet!! This morning getting up and ready for the day was brutal for me and kids. We just didn't want to, it felt too early! We love it staying lit up longer in the evening after school though. Felt like we were able to accomplish a lot more for some reason. I'm already looking forward to summer break, I'm worse than the kids I think!!!
This mutiny against excessive clothing is waaay easier than mutiny against excessive food! I really could get used to this simplified wardrobe idea! I remember the first time hearing about a simplified wardrobe, when I heard Devi Titus speak at a Womens Retreat weekend years ago. I thought her ideas were awesome, but back then I also thought they sounded so boring! Now I only wish I had learned to put her ideas into practice. I see now how simplified living in many areas means less stress!! Less time consuming & less spending which frees up more time and resources for serving and giving. Here are some great ideas I came across on simplifying a wardrobe. For some reason I can't get the links to work right, so if you want to check them out, you'll have to copy and paste it into your browser. (sorry)

I still need to clean out my closets! I got distracted today with PTA stuff, podcasts, cleaning, and then printing pictures for a frame I was given back in November. We had a fun family night, went on a little bike ride with kids after homework, then the kids pulled out games to play: scrabble, Eli beat me at Checkers (I've never liked that game anyway!! ;) Perfection, that game makes me jump! And "You Gotta Be Kidding Me Game", a fun game which is so gross it makes us laugh alot. Enjoying studying the book of John together before bed, we are in chapter 3. It amazes me how much the kids can remember sometimes. I love it! :)

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