My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 10-Springing Forward

Springing forward tonight and I'm definitely ready for spring, in more ways than one! I love the warm weather, I love the heat of the sun.  I guess that's why I've always been pretty happy living in the desert. I do LOVE the ocean too though, so I'm sure I would be just as happy living someplace warm and tropical.

I can't wait for blooming flowers everywhere.  Spring is just a beautiful time of year, I love the newness and freshness of it all!  Reminds me of a new start,  a new beginning, a born again experience with Jesus. Nothing compares to it, and I'm praying for it by name, for a few people that God has placed on my heart and that I love.

It was a nice couple of days break from blogging, I was just too emotionally drained.  God is working though! I see Him orchestrating in different ways, and I'm excited to see how He will use certain things to bring about changes in the lives of my loved ones!

About the "7-experiment", I changed my mind on a dress and traded it in for another pair of jeans instead. It was a fair trade, I hadn't worn my dress yet! I feel like I should have another shirt.....or do laundry more often. Oh well my honey still loves me! ;)

Yesterday and today were both wonderful family days: frozen yogurt, hiking, pizza, mani's & pedi's with my Belle, my sis and my niece, rebels game ( wish they would have won!), bike riding, fun at the lake etc.  Wishing everyday could be a family play day!! I LOVE my family!

Speaking of family, tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my cousin Vincent's death.  I will be praying for my Aunt and Uncle especially. I loved my cousin and wish everyday that he was still alive.  We will be joining together at Sunset wherever we are in remembrance of Vince <3

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