My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 28, Month 2- French Horn?!!!

Yesterday we took our son to band tryouts at the middle school he will be attending next school year. (Yes I wore my peacock blue dress again)!  It's interesting to me how depriving myself of things makes me appreciate diversity and variety that much more, our lives would be boring without them! Our God the CREATOR of variety and diversity, is soooo AMAZING!!!!! I'm so thankful for His provision for me and my family! He is truly awesome!!!  Looking forward to wearing anything I want again starting April 1st! :)

So back to band...  We went to tryouts, and after Eli passed the music test, he was able to try many different instruments.  First we tried Percussions since that was first on his list, he did wonderful, I thought for sure that's what he would pick...but then we tried a few more. I thought if he didn't play percussions, then maybe Saxophone, which is one instrument I love!  My 11 year old son did not want to try it, because of it's funny sounding name, but I made him try it anyway. So after trying a few, my son chose the French Horn. The French Horn?!!! I was not expecting that! He is getting more excited for middle school now, I really hope and pray he likes it!

It was nice having my mom join us for dinner last night!. I love her and I'm so thankful for her!!

So after talking with my  wonderful Father-in-law about me planting a garden, he said right in front of my husband,  that "it would cost more money than what I will get out of it!", So...  I'm willing to shop at Farmers Markets for now, but I still want to plant fruit trees. Maybe even a small strawberry patch. We shall see...

1 comment:

little sis said...

My grandfather played the french horn in the San Francisco orchestra. You will love hearing it.