My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 11 Month 2- Missing my cousin

A year ago today my sweet 28 year old cousin Vince went to be with Jesus. It definitely does not seem as if it's been that long although it has not been an easy year, especially for my aunt and uncle who lost their only son.  My heart still hurts for them and I wish so bad that Vincent was still alive on this earth.  God has given me complete peace and assurance through a few tangible and real signs that we will be united in Heaven for eternity.  It is soooo amazing how God works sometimes, even when you aren't expecting Him to.  The last communication I had with my cousin Vince, besides in a dream a few months ago that seemed so real, was on March 9, 2011 while he was in Jamaica, two days before he passed.  He was giving me advice on how to learn Spanish for my mission trip to Dominican Republic.  He had taught himself to be fluent in Spanish, Portugese, and Italian and even learned some Russian and Chinese. I had told him I wished he could come with me as I would need help in the language department!  Well due to grieving and life, I never did learn before the trip, but today I was reminded, it is something I REALLY need to do!!! With prayer and God's help, I can and will learn. I'm not sure about Creole which is spoken by the Haitians but I would love to learn that too!  I really need to get ready for my mission trip coming up in July, it will be here before I know it. I need to be diligent and wise with my time so I can accomplish what God has placed on my heart to do. Staying Kingdom minded and focused is not easy, but it can be done and is beyond rewarding in this life and will be in the one to come!

Church, life group and bunko made today busy but fabulous! Nothing like being around so many people who love Jesus and get excited about growing deeper in relationship with Him! God is using so many people to encourage me right now, and for that I am truly grateful!!! 

Sky on Fire in Cabo da Roca
Cabo da Roca, Portugal
taken Febrary 22,2011 by my cousin Vincent Alesi
I love you my cousin and will miss you and remember you always!
(R.I.P. Michael Vincent Alesi July 16, 1982 - March 11, 2011)

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