My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 13-Month 3= What day is it?

Oops I keep forgetting to blog! Ok not really, I just don't really have much to say... My mind is filled with things I have to do lately instead.  "So much to do, so little time", that seems to be my life's motto alot of the time. I told my husband I am ready for a "Year of Jubilee", the sabbatical year, can you imagine a whole year off from work and canceled debts?...sounds nice doesn't it?! :)  Thank YOU LORD that in the spiritual sense we have that Year of Jubilee in Christ now. So wonderful to know how He has paid our debt and has completed the work for us too! Jesus is our sabbath and we can rest daily from the works of the law in Him! He is so AWESOME!  And now I'm reminded of how much I am really enjoying Galatians Bible Study! It's been so good, and each of the ladies that are attending, offer so much to our discussions. It's fabulous, I look forward to it every week!

Let's see what has happened in the last 10 days of not blogging... Nothing too exciting, well that I'm allowed to publicly share anyway! ;)

Easter happened! That's exciting! We celebrated the resurrection of our Lord God the King Jesus!!! We attended Sunrise service at 6 AM, then enjoyed breakfast together, then church service at 8:30 AM, then worked the 10 & 11:30 services at Kidz City. Fabulous morning of church! It was followed by a delicious meal and Easter Egg hunt at my sisters house. We had a beautiful day.

Oh and we bought two hamsters for our children. They are FANTASTIC with them too. So proud of how well my kids are taking care of them and, love how much they are enjoying them.  The hamsters Cinnamon and Sugar Baby are doing great, they are cuties!

I'm still working on gathering 210 possessions to give away this month along with a few other projects and responsibilities, this really is a busy month! May will be nice, things will slow down and I'm really looking forward to Mutiny Against Excessive Media!!! Right now, I would gladly give up my cell phone and the internet!

Well falling asleep time to stop writing for now.

P.S. The church I attend produced a worship CD and I'm really loving it!  It's called "Your Name in Lights" South Hills Church. You can find it on Itunes, if interested!  There are 3 original songs on it, they're so good!!!:)


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