My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 21- wait! What day is it again?! This month is flying by!!

Been so busy with different projects for the church Womens Retreat coming up, that I haven't had time to even focus on "7" much!!! So far I'm failing this month! It's not too late though, I can get caught up...and I will!! AND I'll post pictures of all the things we'll be giving away too, it just may take a couple of weeks is all.  I'm really looking forward to retreat though, I just know all of us ladies are going to have an amazing time drawing closer to eachother as we draw closer to Jesus. I'm looking forward to meeting new sisters in  Christ, that I can call friends :)

Speaking of friends, I went out with friends last night to celebrate a beautiful person. She really is FABULOUS & 40! I love her and praise God for her and our friendship.  We all had a great time together, really need to get together more often.

This morning two huge Yellow Labs made my kids late to school. We walked outside to leave and they just walked right up to us. They didn't have collars on so I didn't know who they belonged to. Now usually I am terrified of big stray dogs and I'm justified because I have been bit by two neighborhood huge German Shepherds once at age 4, then 7. And when I was in 6th grade I was bit by a Pit Bull on the school yep, justified. Anyway these big dogs were soooo sweet! The kids and I fell in love instantly. I should have kept them. So we got in the car to leave and the Labs immediately went and laid right next to my car in the  shade, and close to my tires! I just couldn't leave. So we brought them in the house and gave them water. I thought about leaving them in the house until I got back home, but didn't think that was too wise. So back outside they went. We got in the car and one of them followed us out to the middle of the road and watched us drive away. After dropping kids off, I came  home immediately, but they were gone. I just pray they found their way back home.

My girl and I did some shopping tonight, I needed more paper and ribbon for my projects. We went to one of my favorite stores EVER! Hobby Lobby! I love the music they play in the store, so many songs that bring back memories from my childhood with Maranatha praise albums. Also love all the beautiful fun and funky home decor. I wanted to buy stuff! Then I remembered, I'm supposed to be giving stuff away, not buying stuff for myself! There is one thing I really must buy though, I just have to wait for a sale or a coupon. There is no way I am going to pay full price for it.  After Hobby Lobby we NEEDED to buy toilet paper. Can you believe we were on our last roll, yikes! So I had to stock up again, and My girl, well she was a little embarrassed about how much we were buying. Ha ha! Love it. Especially when the check out lady teased us about it saying "Are you hoping this will last you a week?!" The embarrassed look on my girl's face was priceless.  It is fun embarrassing the kids sometimes. It's one of our jobs as parents, right?!

Well I best go to sleep, tomorrow is another busy yet fun day! :)

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