My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 4- Month 3 Why?

Why is it so much easier or come so naturally rather,to live selfishly than selflessly?  On our drive back home from a wonderful little family vacation of 2 days at Knott's Berry Farm and 1 day at Laguna Beach, one of my favorite DC Talk oldies came on, "What have we become? Self-indulgent people in a world degenerating.....selfish people when you going to learn?" That is a good question when will we learn, when will I  learn? I know I'm selfish...Just by going on vacation and spending LOTS of money on food, fun and hotel just proves to me how selfish I am.  I can try and justify my reasons for it and they are great reasons such as we just needed a family get away,  it is Spring Break after all! We were tired and needed some R&R, we need to give our children lasting family fun memories, we only have our children in our home for a short time so we need to invest in their experiences and give them some great ones, so they can say, yeah I've been there, or yes I've done that or seen that before...But honestly all those reasons can be summed up with one, selfishness.  I'm the most selfish person I know.  I'm so glad God loves me in spite of my selfishness. I'm so glad His love for me, is not contingent on my worthiness. I am soooo not worthy.  I praise God for  His sacrifice for me daily and I am truly humbled and in awe of His unfathomable love for me and each of His children adopted into His family.  I serve a GOD like no other!

I know some of my writings can seem down, or maybe like I feel guilty, but truthfully I do not feel guilty for all of the blessings GOD has so graciously given me, I just feel responsible. Taken from a quote by my pastor, Kevin Wehr, the other day that I emphatically agree with, "You should NEVER feel guilty for being blessed, you should just feel responsible"  More and more God is showing me how to be responsible with everything He has entrusted to me. I'm learning, it's a slow process, but I am learning and I'll even say I am growing.  In my mind God is doing some pretty significant things that I just didn't even expect.  He is really teaching me to live my life with open hands, ready to give back to God and those in need when ever He asks me to. Everything I have belongs to God and I want to live my life in such a way, where even the smallest seemingly insignificant thing brings glory to the precious name of Jesus Christ.  This life He has given me to live, though not perfect by any means, is the most fulfilling life I could ever imagine!  My greatest desire is that all people in every nation, of every tribe and of every language could know Jesus  personally as their LORD and Savior and be set free from the bondage of their sin. If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed. Nothing compares to freedom and to the amazing peace that comes with it.  So LORD help me to hear when you are asking for me to sacrifice and give away a possession no matter how small or large, and give me the boldness, the courage, the strength and the trust it takes, to be obedient to YOU!

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