My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 17 of Fasting "7" types of Media

I still miss Facebook! LOL...I know I'm pathetic! I just love how it keeps me feeling connected with my family and friends in the midst of everyone's busy lives though! I normally have fb notifications come to my phone if anyone writes on my wall, tags me, or sends me message. I still have fb messenger which I figure is more like email or texting. It's private communicating and really I've only used it a couple of times for PTA meeting info. I normally have selected 50 people on fb that I follow and all their updates are sent through a text notification. I love that feature because you don't even have to be on fb to know when someone updates, having that turned off is really keeping my phone quiet. Twitter I can do without, pandora and radio I can do without as long as I have my Ipod which I constantly forget while driving and driving in complete silence is not fun! So as long as I have my Ipod it's all good. The Ipod is better anyway because I have more control over what I am listening to. The news....well I've not been the best at avoiding that completely, I still have to check my email and the first thing that I see is the news, I just can't help but read some of it! Youtube...I gave in the other night and watched lots of stand-up comedy bits of Anjelah Johnson with my mom. We were painting our nails together and I remembered about the funny nail salon one and I just HAD to show my mom, of course we couldn't stop there and wound up watching probably every one of her bits on Youtube. I have no self control! It was so fun though, my mom and I laughed together, I would do it all over again :) I guess that means I can't live without Youtube. I already know I can't live without my mom! I love her so much!!!

Let's see fun websites- I've done pretty good at avoiding those, I was tempted to play on Webkinz with my daughter, but I didn't do it! My awesome husband got me a brand new laptop for Mother's Day so I can't wait for Media month to be over so I can really play with it. I have so much I want to do on it! One of the main things I want it for is to be better at scrapbooking and organizing my pictures. I might even try digital scrapbooking or order some shutterfly type books. My honey doesn't know it yet, but I might even make him do some digital scrapbooking of his own, I would love for him to help me journal on them, he has a better memory than me, or maybe we just compliment eachother well, he remembers things that I don't and I remember things that he doesn't.

Ok what else, I have used the internet to look up recipes, it's so much faster than looking through cookbooks, I just had to! The kids are doing wonderful with no TV shows. Since the first day of May when I unplugged the TV's they have not really complained about it at all. I am sooo proud of them. We have plugged in the TV in the family room for popcorn bar family movie night though, but only for those special times which was well worth it. Here are some pictures of the popcorn bar my girl and I just decided to make on a whim :)

First time ever making Caramel Popcorn and I looked up a super fast microwave recipe...It was Delicious! Turned out GREAT!

So what am I forgetting? Texting... well it's been limited, I think! Seriously though that one is extremely hard to give up! And phone conversations, I've only had a couple. I deleted Skype on my phone, which really didn't work right anyway but now I have it on my laptop. I can't wait to try it out, should be fun, anyone want to skype in June? ;) Ok well all this media talk is making me want to stop blogging and go do something productive. Time to get back to work going through every closet, drawer, and cupboards...this is taking me longer than I thought it would, slowly but surely, at least it's getting done right?!

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