My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, May 7, 2012

Month 4-Day 7 of "7" Media Fast

Well I'm realizing as I sit here in the truck waiting for the kids to get out of school....I miss Facebook!  I should bring a  REAL book to read while I wait, but I guess I can blog! This media fast hasn't been too bad though, I've got plenty on my to do list to keep me busy, and fasting media I would think I would have more time in my day, but I haven't noticed a difference yet!

Well now it's bed time and I'm laying in bed watching the cool lightening and listening to thunder. Feel's like it's been forever since our last storm here in the desert.

Ok, so I need to share a story that happened Saturday at our Piano Recital... We arrived just on time for the show to begin, we literally found our seats and the show began. Now the way it worked is each pianist was listed on a program sheet and when it was your turn on the sheet you just go up, introduce yourself, your song and perform away.  Because we didn't arrive early, we sat in the very back. As I was looking over the sheet I realized my name was not listed on the sheet, so suddenly I was filled with different emotions, I was already nervous because I HATE playing for people, but now I was also confused, unsure about what to do and relieved that maybe I wouldn't have to perform afterall.  I might just get the wish I had been wishing just an hour before... to attend a recital where I could just go and enjoy watching my girl perform instead of me having to stress about playing my song without mistakes!   My girl played perfectly by the way, "It's a Small World" duet with her teacher, so proud of the progress she is making.   So after all the kids went, it was the adults turn.  I just didn't know when I was going to stand up and tell everyone it's my turn and that I was left off the just never seemed like the right time to do it.  Can you imagine? I would have made myself 100 times more nervous by having to stand up and interrupt the whole flow of events...I honestly just couldn't do it, so I didn't. I never played my recital song.  So after the recital my teacher comes up to me, gives me a hug and says, "You played great, you did a great job."  When I looked at her blankly, she said, "Wait, did I forget to put you on the program?"  Lol!!! It was so funny, I said to her, "yes, you did, but that's ok! It's really not a big deal, trust me, I don't mind!!!"  And I really didn't mind, a part of me wondered how I would have done, but mostly I just don't care. I actually have the song memorized which is a huge accomplishment for me in itself, so really, all that matters is that I'm learning to play for me and my God, it's just another way I desire to worship Him. :) 

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