My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 22 month 4-now, what did I miss?

Yeah not really liking this media fast...I'm seriously the last to know anything that's going on! I think Facebook kept me updated on more than I thought. Weather, News (including family and friends news), sales,  my calendar of events, solar eclipse phenomenas etc... I'm missing out on so much!I didn't even know about the upcoming solar eclipse and I usually love knowing about stuff like that happening. I'm fascinated by this world God created. I love learning new things about it and love seeing new things even more. I am definitely one of those who feel close to God through nature and creation. Anything natural that God created just excites me! Feeling very thankful for media in all forms. We have it really good here in America, don't ya know?! :)  Luckily I was told about the eclipse right as it was happening so I was able to look directly at the sun and see it!  Ooops, they didn't tell me not to look directly at it until AFTER I already did!  It was so cool though, loved seeing it, and my eyes are still ok! Crazy thing is I've been looking directly at the sun since I was a kid, must be why I'm blind! LOL!
I'm driving the car around this week because something is wrong with the truck, (cha-ching!), don't tell my honey, but I think something is wrong with the car too (cha-ching cha-ching, cha-ching!) When I arrived home after lunch with my mom and running around doing errands for the kids the rest of the afternoon, the garage immediately filled with smoke...uh-oh, I'm no mechanic but I don't think that's a good sign, (sigh) I hate when things stop working right. Ice Maker quit last week, outlet with second refrigerator plugged in went out and we lost lots of good meat  and outlet is still not working right. Then truck problems, now car problems. I know it's satan trying to get me down and make me think I can't afford to pay for the rest of my mission trip to DR/Haiti...he's not going to win though, so he might as well stop trying!  God will provide, He always has and I have faith that He always will!!! 
Used my Hobby Lobby Mother's Day gift card and bought a new floral arrangement for my dining room table, Thank you Sister, I've been wanting one for years now!!! <3  My son was stung by a bee last night INSIDE our house! The kids say the bee came in the house because it thought my silk flower arrangements were real, then when it discovered it was fake, it must have got mad so that's why it stung my son.  Crazy kids! I'm just glad he wasn't allergic and I was so proud of what a tough guy he was about it. He's really growing up. I love my sweet young man!  :)
God is good....All the time!!!

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