My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Month 4-Day 19 Surviving a "7" Media Fast

So how have we (especially the kids) been surviving this media fast? Easy with hamsters, reading and basketball of course!
We love our hamsters. We taught them how to go up and down the stairs.  We made them a maze to run through out of cereal boxes. It wasn't the best so we decided we were going to make a better one soon. We need to make the walls higher so they don't try to cheat their way through the maze by climbing over them! Little rascals, they're fast too! 
Basketball, playing Risk and wrestling after reading their books and finishing homework, seem to be what the kids have been enjoying this week with Daddy.  They really love their Father! Me too! :) Going on 4 hours at the pool today, the weather is sunny and warm and the water temperature is perfect, especially in the spa! Picked up my cell phone to "play" on it and realized it's boring now with all the fun apps deleted off of it! Might as well not even have a smart phone this month. That's ok though the kids and their cousins and an extra 4 year old girl whom I love a ton have been keeping me quite entertained. Love these little people wish they would just stay little! :)

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