My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, April 30, 2012

Month 3 Day 30- Tomorrow is "Media Month of May"

Well it's here! "7 Media fast" month starts tomorrow! I know I should be happy about it, and just a couple of weeks ago I thought I would be happy about it, but right now I find myself not happy about it. I knew all along Media month would be hard for me, it's one of the main reasons, I didn't commit to doing this "7" fast right away in the first place. It's going to be hard, but I can do it, right?! I'm going to start by deleting certain apps from my phone. Facebook being the first one! Then Twitter, my Social Network app, CNN(I'm old now I enjoy the news), then Pandora, Emoji, Skype Mobile, Youtube, and any other tempting app...I'll just re-install them later. Along with changes on my cell phone, I'm going to un-plug all our T.V.'s. My 11 year old son was NOT happy about that... I warned him back in February it was coming, so he just needs to get over it already! I'm so mean! ;) Also going to keep the radio off, and limit my texting, emails and phone conversations to important ones only...important meaning only if they involve family situations, ministry or the kids school :) So....we'll see how it goes! I will blog from time to time, it counts as my journaling, so I'm ok with that, plus if you count up everything I listed there is way more than 7!

Well had a great day today, after an even greater weekend! God is moving in the hearts and lives of the women of SHCC and I am loving the stories that are coming out of our retreat weekend. Jesus is AWESOME!!!! Here are pics of a few things I was busy working on before retreat.

Before Retreat Get Together

Decorative Gum Cases

Chocolates for pillows.

Picture Frame Craft

Rose Cake Pops, made by my talented sister!

There was much much more that our ministry team did. They all did an amazing job making every little detail of retreat special for the ladies that attended. The worship time was beautiful and the teaching times were Holy Spirit led! Prayer times during retreat were definitely orchestrated by God, no doubt about it. And We had the super chef Sally, who is a wonderful person by the way, preparing our meals for us, which were sooo delicious! I ate like a queen over the weekend and it even ended with Texas Roadhouse with friends, which was perfect! :) My only regret of the weekend, was that I feel like I didn't get to spend as much time getting to know new friends like I wanted to...I did somewhat during craft time, but I just wanted more time, so now I'm looking forward to the next SHCC ladies event, I hope there is one soon!

Well it's been a long non-stop day, and I'm ready to crash and catch up on some sleep, Just have to say one more thing. It was embarrassing today when I couldn't find my debit card to pay for my groceries, which I really needed in order to take dinner to a family tonight. Of course I didn't notice until all the groceries were rung up! I think God is trying to teach me a lesson, stick to the Dave Ramsey cash envelope system, it works!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Month 3, Day 22- Baptism

I had to post this mainly because I never want to forget! My sweet girl came up to me and her daddy this afternoon and told us she wants to be baptized. So Awesome!!! I was not expecting her to say that, but I'm so excited she wants to!  We asked her if she knew exactly what it meant, and explained that it is a public profession of her faith in Christ as her Lord and Savior.  We explained, it is not for salvation, but is symbolic of what Christ has already done in her. She is a new creation in Christ Jesus, a child of God now, adopted into His family.  I can't wait for baptism day... A reason to celebrate for sure.  I still vividly remember the day a couple of years ago when she proclaimed Jesus as her Lord and Savior.  It's so wonderful watching her love for God grow, parenting is a most rewarding gift. Love my girl so much!  Once again thanking my LORD God, King Jesus for His faithfulness, His love and His salvation through grace alone.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 21- wait! What day is it again?! This month is flying by!!

Been so busy with different projects for the church Womens Retreat coming up, that I haven't had time to even focus on "7" much!!! So far I'm failing this month! It's not too late though, I can get caught up...and I will!! AND I'll post pictures of all the things we'll be giving away too, it just may take a couple of weeks is all.  I'm really looking forward to retreat though, I just know all of us ladies are going to have an amazing time drawing closer to eachother as we draw closer to Jesus. I'm looking forward to meeting new sisters in  Christ, that I can call friends :)

Speaking of friends, I went out with friends last night to celebrate a beautiful person. She really is FABULOUS & 40! I love her and praise God for her and our friendship.  We all had a great time together, really need to get together more often.

This morning two huge Yellow Labs made my kids late to school. We walked outside to leave and they just walked right up to us. They didn't have collars on so I didn't know who they belonged to. Now usually I am terrified of big stray dogs and I'm justified because I have been bit by two neighborhood huge German Shepherds once at age 4, then 7. And when I was in 6th grade I was bit by a Pit Bull on the school yep, justified. Anyway these big dogs were soooo sweet! The kids and I fell in love instantly. I should have kept them. So we got in the car to leave and the Labs immediately went and laid right next to my car in the  shade, and close to my tires! I just couldn't leave. So we brought them in the house and gave them water. I thought about leaving them in the house until I got back home, but didn't think that was too wise. So back outside they went. We got in the car and one of them followed us out to the middle of the road and watched us drive away. After dropping kids off, I came  home immediately, but they were gone. I just pray they found their way back home.

My girl and I did some shopping tonight, I needed more paper and ribbon for my projects. We went to one of my favorite stores EVER! Hobby Lobby! I love the music they play in the store, so many songs that bring back memories from my childhood with Maranatha praise albums. Also love all the beautiful fun and funky home decor. I wanted to buy stuff! Then I remembered, I'm supposed to be giving stuff away, not buying stuff for myself! There is one thing I really must buy though, I just have to wait for a sale or a coupon. There is no way I am going to pay full price for it.  After Hobby Lobby we NEEDED to buy toilet paper. Can you believe we were on our last roll, yikes! So I had to stock up again, and My girl, well she was a little embarrassed about how much we were buying. Ha ha! Love it. Especially when the check out lady teased us about it saying "Are you hoping this will last you a week?!" The embarrassed look on my girl's face was priceless.  It is fun embarrassing the kids sometimes. It's one of our jobs as parents, right?!

Well I best go to sleep, tomorrow is another busy yet fun day! :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 14- Mutiny Against Excessive Possessions Month

"And we have overspent… We have not been responsible - we've bought things we didn't need with money we didn't have to impress people we didn't even like.... The biggest problem for all of our economic problems is our inability to delay gratification. I want it and I want it now, and I'm going to buy it even if I can't afford it. And not only have people done that, the government's done it."  -Rick Warren

So True!!!! We all share the problem, an "inability to delay gratification". As Christians we must stand up for what is right. God's Word is right, and the answers for how we should live regarding our possessions, is in there.

Acts 2:44-47 KJV

"And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."

My favorite part of the above scripture, "And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved"!  That part is awesome! When the church loves on people fulfilling their needs, God is glorified by people surrendering their life and will to Jesus their LORD and Savior, and that is what it is all about! May God be continually glorified and praised, and His Kingdom increased with more and more and MORE of His beautiful people!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 13-Month 3= What day is it?

Oops I keep forgetting to blog! Ok not really, I just don't really have much to say... My mind is filled with things I have to do lately instead.  "So much to do, so little time", that seems to be my life's motto alot of the time. I told my husband I am ready for a "Year of Jubilee", the sabbatical year, can you imagine a whole year off from work and canceled debts?...sounds nice doesn't it?! :)  Thank YOU LORD that in the spiritual sense we have that Year of Jubilee in Christ now. So wonderful to know how He has paid our debt and has completed the work for us too! Jesus is our sabbath and we can rest daily from the works of the law in Him! He is so AWESOME!  And now I'm reminded of how much I am really enjoying Galatians Bible Study! It's been so good, and each of the ladies that are attending, offer so much to our discussions. It's fabulous, I look forward to it every week!

Let's see what has happened in the last 10 days of not blogging... Nothing too exciting, well that I'm allowed to publicly share anyway! ;)

Easter happened! That's exciting! We celebrated the resurrection of our Lord God the King Jesus!!! We attended Sunrise service at 6 AM, then enjoyed breakfast together, then church service at 8:30 AM, then worked the 10 & 11:30 services at Kidz City. Fabulous morning of church! It was followed by a delicious meal and Easter Egg hunt at my sisters house. We had a beautiful day.

Oh and we bought two hamsters for our children. They are FANTASTIC with them too. So proud of how well my kids are taking care of them and, love how much they are enjoying them.  The hamsters Cinnamon and Sugar Baby are doing great, they are cuties!

I'm still working on gathering 210 possessions to give away this month along with a few other projects and responsibilities, this really is a busy month! May will be nice, things will slow down and I'm really looking forward to Mutiny Against Excessive Media!!! Right now, I would gladly give up my cell phone and the internet!

Well falling asleep time to stop writing for now.

P.S. The church I attend produced a worship CD and I'm really loving it!  It's called "Your Name in Lights" South Hills Church. You can find it on Itunes, if interested!  There are 3 original songs on it, they're so good!!!:)


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 4- Month 3 Why?

Why is it so much easier or come so naturally rather,to live selfishly than selflessly?  On our drive back home from a wonderful little family vacation of 2 days at Knott's Berry Farm and 1 day at Laguna Beach, one of my favorite DC Talk oldies came on, "What have we become? Self-indulgent people in a world degenerating.....selfish people when you going to learn?" That is a good question when will we learn, when will I  learn? I know I'm selfish...Just by going on vacation and spending LOTS of money on food, fun and hotel just proves to me how selfish I am.  I can try and justify my reasons for it and they are great reasons such as we just needed a family get away,  it is Spring Break after all! We were tired and needed some R&R, we need to give our children lasting family fun memories, we only have our children in our home for a short time so we need to invest in their experiences and give them some great ones, so they can say, yeah I've been there, or yes I've done that or seen that before...But honestly all those reasons can be summed up with one, selfishness.  I'm the most selfish person I know.  I'm so glad God loves me in spite of my selfishness. I'm so glad His love for me, is not contingent on my worthiness. I am soooo not worthy.  I praise God for  His sacrifice for me daily and I am truly humbled and in awe of His unfathomable love for me and each of His children adopted into His family.  I serve a GOD like no other!

I know some of my writings can seem down, or maybe like I feel guilty, but truthfully I do not feel guilty for all of the blessings GOD has so graciously given me, I just feel responsible. Taken from a quote by my pastor, Kevin Wehr, the other day that I emphatically agree with, "You should NEVER feel guilty for being blessed, you should just feel responsible"  More and more God is showing me how to be responsible with everything He has entrusted to me. I'm learning, it's a slow process, but I am learning and I'll even say I am growing.  In my mind God is doing some pretty significant things that I just didn't even expect.  He is really teaching me to live my life with open hands, ready to give back to God and those in need when ever He asks me to. Everything I have belongs to God and I want to live my life in such a way, where even the smallest seemingly insignificant thing brings glory to the precious name of Jesus Christ.  This life He has given me to live, though not perfect by any means, is the most fulfilling life I could ever imagine!  My greatest desire is that all people in every nation, of every tribe and of every language could know Jesus  personally as their LORD and Savior and be set free from the bondage of their sin. If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed. Nothing compares to freedom and to the amazing peace that comes with it.  So LORD help me to hear when you are asking for me to sacrifice and give away a possession no matter how small or large, and give me the boldness, the courage, the strength and the trust it takes, to be obedient to YOU!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 1- Month 3: Experimental mutiny against excessive possessions.

Month 3! Isn't it crazy how time flies?!  So this month is a challenge to give away 7 possessions a day. I started thinking about this challenge today and decided, I just can't do it!!!  I own way too many precious things that I just can't part with!! So no more "7 experiment "for me!

(((((April Fools!!!!)))) :)

I know, lame but at least I tried! ;)

So the total amount of possessions I must give away this month is: 210, which I think will be easy!; especially if I count the items I take from cleaning out closets and drawers.  I'm going to try not to count any clothing, but if I have to, then I will.

Well good night all! I am falling asleep as I write again.  One last thing I  want to say on this Palm Sunday is "Hosanna to the King of kings and Lord of lords."  So thankful for Jesus the Christ who came to this earth He created, to live and die for each of us.   Deeply grateful for the sacrifice my God made for my sins. Thankful for His love, forgiveness, mercy, and overwhelming GRACE!!!