My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My bro, Outreach, Friend~ Thankful Challenge Day 17

Tonight I'm thankful for my brother in law! I won't give details why, but all I will say is, he loves me, he really loves me! And I'm so grateful! He's the best bro in law I could ever wish to have! 

I'm also thankful for Calvary Downtown Outreach and the ministry that is happening there! It's an awesome place where Jesus is reaching the lost and changing lives!

And another special mention, I'm thankful for my friend Natalie, who for the most, part, helps me daily. She's always willing to go that extra mile for me and is very thoughtful and dependable, which are important qualities to have in a friend! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today!~ Thankful Challenge Day 16

So today I'm thankful for friends who aren't afraid to celebrate a birthday 16 days belated! :) I was tremendously blessed today by my very thoughtful, loving and generous friend Amy. I'm so thankful we are forever sisters in Christ and I'm glad we get to encourage and pray for each other in this roller coaster ride we call life. My heart is filled with hope knowing "... that he who began a good work in you (us) will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."(Philippians 1:6 ESV)  His goal is to transform us into the image of His Son, and I can't think of anyone else I would most want to be like than Jesus! :)

I'm thankful my husbands nephew and cousin both graduated from UNLV today! I'm very happy for them and even though we weren't able to make it to the ceremony, we are celebrating with them in spirit and pray for all of God's best for their future!

I'm thankful my son enjoys band a lot because he's pretty good at it! He's learning both the French Horn and the Trumpet this year. We had so much fun watching and listening to his Christmas concert tonight. I'm looking forward to his high school band days and beyond!! I'm anxious to see what the future holds for him in regards to his playing instruments, but... I really need to just focus on the here and now enjoying the time as much as possible! He's already growing up way too fast as it is!!! (Sigh)... I'm not sure how he grew so fast, I've told him many times to stop growing. I should punish him for disobeying me! ;-P

Monday, December 15, 2014

Special Mention, Raising Cane's, Piano Recital ~ Thankful Challenge Day 15

I just read my post from last night and I'm glad it made sense and that I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said... I was falling asleep the entire time I was writing it!!!

Today was a very good day. First of all, I'm thankful for my dear friend Dana who definitely deserves special mention. She is one talented and gifted, selfless servant. I love her and her husband! They're both just awesome. I'm so thankful God brought us closer together in one of the hardest seasons of my life. She's a true friend and my forever sister in Christ!

I'm thankful I got to have lunch with 4 amazing ladies today, at Raising Cane's. I love each of them so much, they're just super fun to be with and the chicken fingers were sooooo yummy!

I'm thankful I got to see my niece and nephew in their first piano recital tonight! They both did awesome!  I'm very proud of them and I was weakened by their cuteness, once again. They're completely ADORABLE! 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Busy Weekend Thankfulness~ Thankful Day 14

Oh my goodness! I LOVE MY GIRL SO MUCH!!!! We just have the best time together, laughing HARD! She just went to bed, but I'm telling you, she is a funny girl, so quick witted and just completely fun to talk to.  I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with her beautiful self! 

It was a crazy fun, busy, busy weekend!  I'm thankful for all who participated in the parade or showed support by coming out to watch us in it last night.

I'm thankful for my Honey's place of work and for the really nice and delicious Christmas dinner party thy have each year for their employees. We had a nice time last night visiting with friends and relatives who were there.

I missed blogging my thanks yesterday, so here are three more:

I'm so thankful for our interim pastor and all of the hard work he is doing and the sacrifices he and his family are making for our church! Praying God blesses he and his family abundantly!!!

I'm thankful for the Kidz Praize kids and for all of their hardwork and dedication to this years Christmas musical! So excited to see it all come together for their performance this coming Friday night!

I'm extremely thankful for our life group, and especially our life group host family! Tonight we had our Christmas party together, which was fun!!! I'm looking forward to all that God has in store for us in the coming new year, as we draw closer together as a life group family and closer to JESUS too!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Time flies!! Thankful~Day12 (Part 2)

Time flies when you're having fun! It's almost midnight!! Which means it's almost tomorrow and I haven't finished listing 6 of my thankfulness today... So here is 4,5 & 6:

4. I'm thankful for my daughters Girl Scouts group and leaders. She's been with them for 7 years, as far as I can remember. Today they had a Christmas party and she had a late, but great night!

5. I'm thankful for finding a dress and shoes to wear to my husbands work Christmas party tomorrow night! I'm a procrastinator in case you didn't know, and I finally went out shopping for it after 6:00 tonight.  Found it pretty fast too, which was a bonus! :)

6. And yet again I'm thankful for Pentatonix Christmas albums. I really am enjoying driving around store to store, shopping and singing away with their beautiful voices and fun music arrangements! Here is another favorite I just have to share! ENJOY :)

Bible, Spontaneity, DONUTS! ~Thankful (part 1) Day 12

Apparently my exhaustion continued to the next day, because once I got home from my busy yet amazing day yesterday, I crashed, hard. So today I'll list 6 things I'm thankful for... 

1. The Bible! It is the life changing, Living Word of God and I love how The Holy Spirit speaks to my heart with it everytime I read it. Enjoyed final Ruth bible study, worship and prayer time with Immersed in the Word ladies life group yesterday, anxious to see what study we will do together next!! :)

2. My spontaneous friend Moriya, (I love spontaneity) who blessed me so much yesterday with a fun afternoon of mani and pedi's together, satin hands lotion for my dry, thirsty skin, a nail polish kit and a night out with ladies for some retail therapy and great discounts!

3. Hot fresh Krispy Kreme glazed donuts! No other donut compares!!! Us ladies stopped in for one last night, and I'll be going back today in celebration of today's date, 12-12, buy a dozen get a dozen free! My kids will love me and I'll get another perfectly sweet, fresh, hot, soft and delicious melt in your mouth glazed donut! YUM!

3 more things to list...To be continued... NOW GO GET YOUR FREE DOZEN KRISPY KREME DONUTS! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Exhausted but thankful! ~Day 10

I'm falling asleep as I write this, having a very hard time keeping my eyes open!

Today I'm thankful for clothes!!! They're stylish, their colorful, their fun, their comfortable and they're a necessity sooo, I don't feel bad buying them! Haha!  I do buy lots, but I also give away lots and I shop at discount stores and get way more for my money that way.  Today my family and I along with many others from church youth group wore cheesy sweaters, see told you clothes were fun! 
I'm thankful for no school days where my kids and I can just relax and hang out together. Today was one of those days.

And I'm also thankful for my vehicle! I love driving it, and I can't imagine what it's like to not have a car.   I bought my first car, a midnight blue TBird in 1995, loved that car! And I've owned a  vehicle ever since. One of these days, I hope to Own a Corvette, don't laugh, it could happen! 😉