My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Busy Weekend Thankfulness~ Thankful Day 14

Oh my goodness! I LOVE MY GIRL SO MUCH!!!! We just have the best time together, laughing HARD! She just went to bed, but I'm telling you, she is a funny girl, so quick witted and just completely fun to talk to.  I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with her beautiful self! 

It was a crazy fun, busy, busy weekend!  I'm thankful for all who participated in the parade or showed support by coming out to watch us in it last night.

I'm thankful for my Honey's place of work and for the really nice and delicious Christmas dinner party thy have each year for their employees. We had a nice time last night visiting with friends and relatives who were there.

I missed blogging my thanks yesterday, so here are three more:

I'm so thankful for our interim pastor and all of the hard work he is doing and the sacrifices he and his family are making for our church! Praying God blesses he and his family abundantly!!!

I'm thankful for the Kidz Praize kids and for all of their hardwork and dedication to this years Christmas musical! So excited to see it all come together for their performance this coming Friday night!

I'm extremely thankful for our life group, and especially our life group host family! Tonight we had our Christmas party together, which was fun!!! I'm looking forward to all that God has in store for us in the coming new year, as we draw closer together as a life group family and closer to JESUS too!

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