My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thankful Challenge Day 2

 Three things I'm thankful for today are my family, my friends and don't laugh... social media! 

My family, immediate family, extended family and church family! Near or far wherever they are, our hearts are connected by blood and by the blood of Christ! Family really are true blessings in this life and the older I get the more I realize just how important family is.  I truly believe God created families to help us learn to be just like Jesus. Forgiving and loving each other unconditionally. As well as learning how to serve each other and putting our families needs, above our own. Family is extremely important to God, which is why He created a way for us to become children in His family through our faith in Jesus Christ. He is our Father, we are His children and I can promise you, we are precious to Him. 
"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus". (Galatians 3:26 KJV)

God placed us in our families and chose us for each other and nothing can change the fact that your family is your family, even if you're relationships with each other are bad, you'll always be family. Same thing goes with your family in Christ, you are bound together in Christ, no matter what church you attend, you'll always be a family forever in Jesus. So your best bet when offended by a fellow Christian brother or sister is to forgive, and ask for forgiveness when you offend...always.

Friends! We get to choose our friends!! Which is wonderful! This makes it true however, that some friends do come and go. They'll be in your life for a season, then out the next. Not all friends of course, some are in it for the long haul and will stick closer to you than family. This is when you begin to consider your friends as family, which is one of life's greatest blessings!!!

Social media, makes it soooo much easier and faster, to stay in touch with so many friends and family. Also it helps me to create friendships out of mere acquaintances.  So I'm not kidding when I say I'm thankful for social media. I just really am! 😄

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