My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Girls, Cheese Dreams, Humor~ Thankful Challenge Day 23 (a day late!)

This should've been posted Yesterday, but once again, I was too exhausted and needed to sleep first.

I'm thankful I have a daughter! As complicated, emotional and unpredictable us girls can be, I'm so happy to have my very own young lady to raise and watch grow. She ordered new eye glasses the other day, and she was so excited when she got the phone call they were ready, that we had to leave asap to go get them. Well once she tried them on she was sad because she was no longer sure she liked them. Reassuring her that they looked great on her wasn't helping, at all! So I said, "ok, well, let's try out all the other frames again and see if we could find something she liked better." It finally became clear to her, no pun intended, that she had made the right choice for herself. Isn't my daughter beautiful?! :) 

I'm thankful I got to spend the afternoon with Kathy, my sister in Christ, whose wisdom and insights I cherish as well as covet. We had such a wonderful time together. She asked me if I would help her with an open house she was having for the church staff and I'm glad I said yes, not just for the 'cheese dreams' either! After a relaxing beef brisket lunch, we got to work making them and oh my.... 'cheese dreams' are so delicious and BONUS... I got to hold a tiny, pretty baby girl today!!!

I'm thankful my family are fun and have a great sense of humor! When I walked in the house after being gone all afternoon, my husband, kids and father-in-law, were all sitting in the family room watching a fireplace video and singing "Joy to the World", I didn't believe them for a minute, but it was funny and made me laugh! :D

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