My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Challenge Accepted

First of all it's been 6 months since I last blogged and wow, I think I forgot how to!  Trying to relearn as I type, hopefully I won't have to delete this draft like I just had to delete the other three! In my defense I usually post from my phone and right now I'm using the laptop which just doesn't seem to cooperate as well... user error.  I'm just used to my phone...of course I am, it's pretty much with me all the time... a sad reality, I know.  It's the world we live I'm just making excuses...ok done rambling about nothing.

Sunday in church we were challenged to write down 3 things every day until Christmas of what we are thankful for.  I pretty much NEVER back out of a challenge, so here it goes.  I'm aware It's already early Tuesday morning which means I missed Monday altogether, but I'm giving myself a little grace.  Today I'm just going to share what I wrote on Sunday when we were told to quickly write down 3 things we were thankful for.  Though my husband and dad made fun of me for writing a lot, I tried to do it as fast as I could so I could sing the last worship song with the rest of the church congregation.  Here is a picture of my writing from Sunday, it's messy, but I was trying to write fast! As if that's the only excuse it's messy...haha, terrible handwriting, what can I say?! :)

I will type out what the picture says in case you can't read it from the pic, but here it is:
"Today I am thankful for The Trinity.  I'm thankful for God my Father, Who loves me unconditionally and wants the best for me.  He's willing to allow things to teach me and grow me and also protect me.

I'm Thankful for Jesus my Lord and my Savior Who loved me so much to step down from His throne and become like me so I can become like Him.  His sacrificial love, is perfect and unending grace, mercy.

Holy Spirit thank You for always being with me, filling me up daily and for empowering me to serve You and walk with You.  You are my Strength and joy, peace and my Everything!"

My words were rushed and I didn't say everything the way I wanted to or even the way I fully believe, but they were my immediate thoughts of Thanksgiving to God.  Tomorrow which is actually today, I will write 3 more things that I am thankful for, and I will do this every day thereafter until Christmas day, or most likely until the day after Christmas.

 Since I've honestly been feeling some discontentment in my life for reasons I won't publicly share, I think this thankful challenge is just the thing I need.  I'm praying it draws my heart closer and closer and even closer to God! I'm praying also that everyone else in the congregation took this challenge to heart and will be participating too. Also I pray that everyone will experience God in real life changing ways.  Here's to the next 26 or so days of blogging my thanks to God my Provider!

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