My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Girls, Cheese Dreams, Humor~ Thankful Challenge Day 23 (a day late!)

This should've been posted Yesterday, but once again, I was too exhausted and needed to sleep first.

I'm thankful I have a daughter! As complicated, emotional and unpredictable us girls can be, I'm so happy to have my very own young lady to raise and watch grow. She ordered new eye glasses the other day, and she was so excited when she got the phone call they were ready, that we had to leave asap to go get them. Well once she tried them on she was sad because she was no longer sure she liked them. Reassuring her that they looked great on her wasn't helping, at all! So I said, "ok, well, let's try out all the other frames again and see if we could find something she liked better." It finally became clear to her, no pun intended, that she had made the right choice for herself. Isn't my daughter beautiful?! :) 

I'm thankful I got to spend the afternoon with Kathy, my sister in Christ, whose wisdom and insights I cherish as well as covet. We had such a wonderful time together. She asked me if I would help her with an open house she was having for the church staff and I'm glad I said yes, not just for the 'cheese dreams' either! After a relaxing beef brisket lunch, we got to work making them and oh my.... 'cheese dreams' are so delicious and BONUS... I got to hold a tiny, pretty baby girl today!!!

I'm thankful my family are fun and have a great sense of humor! When I walked in the house after being gone all afternoon, my husband, kids and father-in-law, were all sitting in the family room watching a fireplace video and singing "Joy to the World", I didn't believe them for a minute, but it was funny and made me laugh! :D

Monday, December 22, 2014

YIKES! Cramming 3 days into 1! ~Thankful Challenge Day 22

It's the most busiest time of the year! :) I've been too busy to sit down and write my thankfuls for the last few days, so now I'm cramming 3 days into 1! 

Let's see, Saturday:
I was thankful I got to spend the entire day in my pajamas cleaning house and stuff... The and stuff part was listening to lots of music. I'm so thankful for music, but I've already mentioned that fact in a past blog.  Saturday I was thankful for my flowers, cards and gifts from loving, generous Kidz Praize parents, participants and staff from my church, given to me after Friday night's musical. The gifts were all so unexpected and big time blessings too!

I'm thankful I will get to see my daughter's winter choir concert on video that my sister recorded for me, since I had to miss it last Wednesday night. I can't wait to have a few minutes to sit down to watch it. 

I'm thankful for Fausto's and the fact it's so close to my house, I LOVE their Carne Asada Super Nachos!!!

I'm thankful we had some extended family join us for church service and that it was an awesome service too!! From the worship to the preaching, loved it!

I'm thankful my father-in-law really enjoyed lunch at Raising Cane's. He definitely would like to eat there again.

I'm thankful for football games, classic Christmas movies and old school movies that are fun to watch, while baking Christmas cookies, into the wee hours of the morning. 

I'm thankful for my husband who does so very much to help me around the house, pick up items I need from the store and just plain keeps me sane! Just like one of my favorite couple quotes from the "Who's That Girl" Madonna movie that I haven't seen in ages, (remember the movie?! I Love it!) Movie Quote: "Because we're a team, a lean, mean, fighting machine of a team!" In short, my honey makes me look good. He's awesome!!!!

I'm thankful for online shopping and after driving around in this crazy city today, I realize I need to utilize it a lot more!!! I like when I see things in myself that I really need to work on changing, like my procrastination habits. I know one New Year goal of mine, stop procrastinating so much!

I'm thankful my 12th annual Christmas cookie exchange, dinner party was a success! So much fun with some truly beautiful and wonderful friends! We laugh a lot when we play pictionary, and I got to taste all the cookies brought, to decide on the hostess choice award. Someone had to! YUM!!!! I should be a food critic, seriously how fun would that job be?!! ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Musical, Breakfast, Director- Thankful Challenge Day 19

I guess I've been busy, because right after the musical tonight, my girl attached herself to my side and wouldn't let go. I'm definitely not complaining! I love spending time with my beautiful, sweet girl! I'm thankful she had so much fun performing in the musical this year and I'm so thankful when parents tell me their kids LOVED being in the musical too! Besides the fun and the sharing of the Good News through song, the kids have some of the Word hidden in their hearts now due to memorizing the lines and songs! That makes me happy!! The musical turned out wonderful! I'm very proud of the cast, choir and crew who made it all happen! 

Kind of father-in-law took us out to breakfast this morning. He always spoils us and I'm thankful for that, but I'm mostly just thankful for him and the time we get to spend together!

Back to the musical topic, I'm so thankful to have worked right beside such an  amazing director, Staci Maxwell, for the 5th time! I really can't believe this musical was number 5 together!! Time sure does fly! If God allows and only if it's His will, I hope we get to do many more! I can't think of a better person I would want to lead with! :) 

A bonus thankful: I'm extremely thankful for everyone, friends and family included, who took time out of their busy holiday schedules to come see the show and I hope everyone enjoyed it! Merry CHRISTmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

People Who Shine, Calvary, A Friend's Surgery~ thankful challenge day 18! 😊

Today I'm thankful for extremely thoughtful, willing and dedicated people, who shine brightly in this world! Today I noticed a handful!!! From my women's Bible study group, to those in my own family, to those working hard long hours on the Christmas musical! Just wow!!! I'm so amazed and inspired to try to live even more with open hands than I already do. When God works in the hearts and lives of His people, it really shows. After all our faith in Jesus is displayed through our actions.

I didn't mention this on my blog yesterday, but I feel compelled to, today.  Yesterday the Angels in Heaven were rejoicing because Luis at the Calvary downtown outreach, came to a belief in and confessed Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of his life! It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget!! And I'm so thankful I was able to witness it! :)

I'm also thankful my friend's surgery went well today, and although I'm sure she's sore, tired and probably has so much to get done before Christmas...I trust God will heal her completely and that her symptoms and reasons for having the surgery will all be healed as well. Praying she'll be feelin back to normal in no time!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My bro, Outreach, Friend~ Thankful Challenge Day 17

Tonight I'm thankful for my brother in law! I won't give details why, but all I will say is, he loves me, he really loves me! And I'm so grateful! He's the best bro in law I could ever wish to have! 

I'm also thankful for Calvary Downtown Outreach and the ministry that is happening there! It's an awesome place where Jesus is reaching the lost and changing lives!

And another special mention, I'm thankful for my friend Natalie, who for the most, part, helps me daily. She's always willing to go that extra mile for me and is very thoughtful and dependable, which are important qualities to have in a friend! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today!~ Thankful Challenge Day 16

So today I'm thankful for friends who aren't afraid to celebrate a birthday 16 days belated! :) I was tremendously blessed today by my very thoughtful, loving and generous friend Amy. I'm so thankful we are forever sisters in Christ and I'm glad we get to encourage and pray for each other in this roller coaster ride we call life. My heart is filled with hope knowing "... that he who began a good work in you (us) will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."(Philippians 1:6 ESV)  His goal is to transform us into the image of His Son, and I can't think of anyone else I would most want to be like than Jesus! :)

I'm thankful my husbands nephew and cousin both graduated from UNLV today! I'm very happy for them and even though we weren't able to make it to the ceremony, we are celebrating with them in spirit and pray for all of God's best for their future!

I'm thankful my son enjoys band a lot because he's pretty good at it! He's learning both the French Horn and the Trumpet this year. We had so much fun watching and listening to his Christmas concert tonight. I'm looking forward to his high school band days and beyond!! I'm anxious to see what the future holds for him in regards to his playing instruments, but... I really need to just focus on the here and now enjoying the time as much as possible! He's already growing up way too fast as it is!!! (Sigh)... I'm not sure how he grew so fast, I've told him many times to stop growing. I should punish him for disobeying me! ;-P

Monday, December 15, 2014

Special Mention, Raising Cane's, Piano Recital ~ Thankful Challenge Day 15

I just read my post from last night and I'm glad it made sense and that I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said... I was falling asleep the entire time I was writing it!!!

Today was a very good day. First of all, I'm thankful for my dear friend Dana who definitely deserves special mention. She is one talented and gifted, selfless servant. I love her and her husband! They're both just awesome. I'm so thankful God brought us closer together in one of the hardest seasons of my life. She's a true friend and my forever sister in Christ!

I'm thankful I got to have lunch with 4 amazing ladies today, at Raising Cane's. I love each of them so much, they're just super fun to be with and the chicken fingers were sooooo yummy!

I'm thankful I got to see my niece and nephew in their first piano recital tonight! They both did awesome!  I'm very proud of them and I was weakened by their cuteness, once again. They're completely ADORABLE!