My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 29! Self-control a gift from God

Wow, it's the end of the very last day of eating only 7 foods for an entire month! Eggs, chicken, avocados, cheese, bananas, grapes and Shakeology, I still like and enjoy all 7 of you, and I'm thankful to God for you, but it will be extremely nice to ADD to you for more variety!!

The most important lesson I have learned through this experiment is that I do have the Holy Spirit given fruit of Temperance, also known as Self-Control! It is definitely a gift and now I recognize it as such and need to be responsible to use it the way God wants me too.  I need to use it daily, anytime God prompts my heart when I feel excessive tendancies trying to take over!
In everything I do, even in eating and drinking, I need to do all things unto the Lord in such a way that He is glorified and honored in it.

I've learned so much just in this first month of seven and I am already making drastic changes in my walk and relationship with Jesus my Lord. I'm excited to see where this next month will take me.  Change me to be more like you Jesus, that is my hearts desire!

Galatians 5:22-25 ESV "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 28-If only it wasn't Leap Year! ;)

Tomorrow is the last day of 7 foods for me. If only it wasn't leap year, tomorrow would've been today! ;) I am looking forward to food freedom, but like I said before I am determined to practice the self-control God has blessed me with! I know I have it and He helped me to see that even more through this fasting food experiment.

I'm really trying to not worry about what I will be wearing over the next month, but I am having a really hard time choosing only 7 things!  It would be a whole lot easier if I new exactly what the weather will be like in March! I keep second guessing my choices and changing my mind, I just need to stop already!

Right now I'm feeling tired and all done, which pretty much translates to grumpy in my house. I need sleep!  AND I need to reflect on the following verses.

Matthew 6:25 ESV

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"

Matthew 6:25, 28-33 ESV

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 27- first day of fast and freaking out

So I decided today would be the first day that I'm going to do once a week of fasting food all day in order to give my meals money to someone in need. It was a little hard, but surprisingly not too hard. 

Today was a shopping day, my honey and my boy needed some clothes, and I needed new sandals and of course I picked up some "new to me" clothes too :) I decided I would take 3 bags of clothes into Savers a second hand store and buy used clothes to save money, I kind of look at it as exchanging. They give me discount coupons in exchange for my clothes and I get a LOT for my money, and that's just what I did! I paid $12 for two cute dresses for me, $12 for 2 pair of jeans for my son, $12 for two pair of dress pants and $56 for 9 dress shirts for my Honey, he really needed work clothes! I need to shop regularly so I don't have to buy so much at once, the problem is I hate going shopping anymore, so I avoid it as much as possible!   Clothes are on my mind now, and I'm FREAKING OUT trying to narrow down the 7 articles of clothes I will wear all month long starting March 1st. I thought this next month would be easy for me, already I'm seeing how much having so many clothing options means to me! God is shining a light on areas I thought I didn't have issues in... I guess I'm still glad I'm doing this experiment, ugh! (just being real!)

Continuing the shopping day, right after school my son wanted to go buy Poke Park 2 Wii game. He's been saving up for it and waiting patiently for it to be released. He found out after going to 3 stores the release date on the website is actually the ship date, so we will be heading back tomorrow when the stores actually have it. He's learning  to wait with patience, it's a good thing :)

My mom's kitty cat of 19 years died today, so sad :(  I can't believe she's gone. She was a good kitty, I'll never forget her kitten years, she could jump amazingly high and liked to play keep away. She had a wonderful life and will be missed. I'm praying for my mom, it's hard saying bye to a pet you love so much.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 26-Love busy Sunday's

How many things can you pack into a Sunday? Phew! Today was a busy one, great as usual though. Started it out right by being with kids! Kidz City (sunday school) is a great place to be on Sunday mornings, then Kidz Praize learning new songs and choreography for our upcoming parade and outreach events, so fun! Worship service was wonderful followed by a great sermon by Pastor Chris. Came home to yummy rotisserie chicken lunch which is all I've had to eat today, unless you count the small taste I had of the new Tropical Strawberry Shakeology flavor, I had to taste it! And it's Shakeology so technically it is not cheating, although I found out after I drank it that fresh strawberries had been blended into it...ooops! Not my fault, I didn't know, I didn't mean to cheat! it sure was yummy though :) I made home made Spanish rice to take to Life Group since it was Mexican food theme, everything looked yummy. I know I will be able to eat anything I want in just 4 days, so actually it really wasn't that hard to be around all the tempting food.

A friend of mine asked me the other day, so have you not cheated at All? I said, nope, not once, except for the meal off on my anniversary. For some reason, when I set my mind to it, and once again, only with God's help, I can remain strong and not give in to temptation. So I'm excited for the weight loss challenge I agreed to do with a friend starting March 1st, when fasting all but 7 foods is over. Besides the fact it will keep me accountable with my eating when I go back to freedom, I am pretty competitive so I will really be on my game so I can WIN the challenge!

I canceled going to Bunko tonight to attend a much needed Women's Ministry meeting, bummer that they were on the same night :( I miss my bunko babes! Anyway it was nice to finally be home for the evening by 8:30, I was able to join the family in nightly prayers and give hugs and kisses good night. I love my sweethearts! GOD YOU are SO GOOD! I feel that much more blessed when I think of all the ways God has blessed my life. May HIS name be glorified and exalted in EVERYTHING I do, all because my God doesn't deserve anything less from me!

I'll be in constant prayer this week for a few friends who will be serving on mission trips! I'm so excited to hear all that God will do through them and in them on their missions. May hearts repent and lives be changed forever in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 25 of this 7 month experiment- Join me in the feast and the fast too!

Time really does seem to be going by a lot slower this month! Does anyone else feel that way or just me? It's nice in a way, since time usually seems to just race right by. I'm realizing though, really truly how much I LOVE food! It sounds crazy but it is sooo true! This experiment is really opening my eyes to how much our lives revolve around food. We get up in the morning, we eat. We go out on dates, we eat. We invite people over, we eat. It's lunch time, we eat. We go to the movies, we eat. We watch a movie at home, we eat. We get together after church, we eat. It's dinner time, we eat. We attend a meeting, we eat. We celebrate weddings, birthdays, retirements, graduations, holidays, we eat! We attend a funeral, we eat. We're bored, we eat. We're hungry, we eat. Ok the last one I listed really does make sense, and honestly so do the others, it's just what we do. Eating together is fun. Food is a necessity. Food is fun. It's our culture our way of life, and without it, time goes by slow. LOL!

I was reading Jen Hatmaker's book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" again and something she said just left me in awe. (paraphrased) The early Christian church practiced self-denial constantly. "In the Shepard of Hermas, a well-respected Christian Literary work in the early 100's, believers were instructed to fast one day a week:" He said to eat nothing but bread and water on that day and the money you would have spent on your meals that day should be given to a widow, an orphan, or someone else in need. What a marvel concept I say! It seems completely feasible to feast all week long and fast only one day a week. So why aren't most Christians doing this today? I'm sure there are a few, but why not all of us? Why not me? I think the answer is the belief that we have freedom in Christ and people are so afraid of legalisms within the church. So we think anything that is not done out of our "own" convictions and feelings or "being led by the Spirit to do" or if we don't hear the clear audible voice of God telling us to do it, then we aren't going to do it. The Bible clearly tells us to though:

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27(ESV)

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." 1John 3:17&18

"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Luke 12:32-34

"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." Matthew 25:34-40

I'm ready to start, who wants to join me? I'm going to follow in the footsteps of the early Christian church, by taking a baby step and fast and pray for those in need, one day every week, giving the money I would have normally spent on my meals to someone who needs it. It's what we have all been called to do as followers of Christ. Provide for those who can't provide for themselves, loving them not just with words but with action.

"Oh God, may we be focused on the least; a people balancing the fasting and the feast." -Robbie Seay Band (Kingdom and a King)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 24- a funeral and a musical

What to say? Sometimes there is just so much to journal about! I know I get long-winded, but really I do try to keep it short, sometimes anyway ;)

Started the morning out with an energizing walk with my friend Amy. Love my walking schedule with friends, I have 4 walks a week scheduled with 4 different friends! Friends are great walking accountability partners, I need them and they need me! Thank you Jesus for my friends! I love the saying "Friends are the flowers in the garden of life", so true, they're beautiful and they bring me joy! :)

Sad afternoon, my husband and I helped out at a funeral at church for a 19 year old who was killed in a tragic car accident. My heart and prayers go out to his family and friends. He sounded like such a joyful, wonderful giving person. My favorite things to hear about him was how he selflessly did things for others just out of the kindness of his heart. He and his friends shared a house and instead of complaining about a messy room mate, he would just serve him by surprise cleaning up his friends messes and doing his friends laundry for him folding it neatly and leaving it on the bed. His friends said he would always offer them food and drinks knowing they would be hungry. He always stopped and gave homeless people money, anything he had in his pocket even if it was only fifty cents. I was so amazed by the servant's heart he had, and he really inspired me to evaluate myself. To me the legacy he left was a legacy of "love in action", that is the kind of legacy I want to leave. Jesus please help me to die to myself and be more like YOU, a true servant. A song that has been really penetrating my heart right now is Empty Me by Chris Sligh, these are the words I'm talking about " I know how I can stray and how fast my heart could change. Empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with You"

Saw a spectacular musical tonight at Basic High School, it was sooo good! Loved seeing two of my favorite teens perform in it. Kaleb and Amber Stumbaugh both did an amazing job! I still think back to the first musicals they ever did at Harvest Church. I'll never forget those days, they were both extremely talented back then too! They just keep getting better and better and I can't wait to see them perform in more shows! I took pics tonight, but I'm not posting them because I don't want people to see any of it until the last show is performed. It truly was a wonderful night with lots of great friends!

Too busy to think much about food today so it was pretty easy to remain strong today, although, I opened the pantry to get my shakeology bag out and the Dove chocolate truffles my mom bought me for Valentine's day were mocking me! Get thee behind me truffles, only 5 days left now, I can do this! :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 23- Scrapbooking is always a great way to end the night

Did I ever mention I really love being around people? I just do. This morning was great because I got to walk with a fabulous person. I always enjoy being around her and I'm so glad our schedule's work out where we can walk twice a week together, as long as school is in session on those days! We love looking at all the homes as we walk through the neighborhoods and critique them. Today a cute medium sized dog was barking at us and it looked like it was standing on top of the high brick wall! I should have taken a picture, it just looked funny, we were both laughing.

I almost have my piano recital song mastered. I want to memorize it, so I have a better chance of not messing up while playing it. We shall see how that goes, my brain does not memorize things well these days!

Did some Girl Scout Cookie errands after school with the kids, we have sold all of the 474 boxes that we checked out. Woo-hoo! Belle will definitely break 500 with the ones she has also sold at the cookie booths in front of 2 stores and the one she still has left to work. So nice that she met and exceeded her goal to help pay for her troops trip to San Diego, Wild Animal Park. We could NOT have done it with out the help of all of our beautiful friends and family!!!! Thank you so much! You ALL ROCK!!!

Tonight was scrapbooking at my friend Jennifer's house. Love my friend, she is awesome! I always look forward to this night. I sit next to my sister so it's so great to be able to chat with her the entire time. Jennifer always plans our page for us, so we just do the work of putting it together which is so nice not to have to think about it. We just get to do the fun part! And she is so talented, her pages are always so amazingly beautiful!!

Along with scrapbooking Jennifer always has good eats for us while we scrapbook and I always partake of what she so generously provides, but as you guessed it, not tonight. Even when she offered me one of her favorite special chocolates all the way from Pennsylvania! It had a creamy white center and was covered in peanuts!!! I can't believe I passed that one up! I stayed strong again, only through You Jesus, seriously, it looked so delicious!!!

Well time for bed, up early for walking with another friend tomorrow. I'm getting nervous about next months only seven articles of clothing the whole month! What will I wear? I'm sure the initial decision will be the hardest, but once I have it, I won't have to worry about it the rest of the month! That part sounds nice. Good Night!