My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 23- Scrapbooking is always a great way to end the night

Did I ever mention I really love being around people? I just do. This morning was great because I got to walk with a fabulous person. I always enjoy being around her and I'm so glad our schedule's work out where we can walk twice a week together, as long as school is in session on those days! We love looking at all the homes as we walk through the neighborhoods and critique them. Today a cute medium sized dog was barking at us and it looked like it was standing on top of the high brick wall! I should have taken a picture, it just looked funny, we were both laughing.

I almost have my piano recital song mastered. I want to memorize it, so I have a better chance of not messing up while playing it. We shall see how that goes, my brain does not memorize things well these days!

Did some Girl Scout Cookie errands after school with the kids, we have sold all of the 474 boxes that we checked out. Woo-hoo! Belle will definitely break 500 with the ones she has also sold at the cookie booths in front of 2 stores and the one she still has left to work. So nice that she met and exceeded her goal to help pay for her troops trip to San Diego, Wild Animal Park. We could NOT have done it with out the help of all of our beautiful friends and family!!!! Thank you so much! You ALL ROCK!!!

Tonight was scrapbooking at my friend Jennifer's house. Love my friend, she is awesome! I always look forward to this night. I sit next to my sister so it's so great to be able to chat with her the entire time. Jennifer always plans our page for us, so we just do the work of putting it together which is so nice not to have to think about it. We just get to do the fun part! And she is so talented, her pages are always so amazingly beautiful!!

Along with scrapbooking Jennifer always has good eats for us while we scrapbook and I always partake of what she so generously provides, but as you guessed it, not tonight. Even when she offered me one of her favorite special chocolates all the way from Pennsylvania! It had a creamy white center and was covered in peanuts!!! I can't believe I passed that one up! I stayed strong again, only through You Jesus, seriously, it looked so delicious!!!

Well time for bed, up early for walking with another friend tomorrow. I'm getting nervous about next months only seven articles of clothing the whole month! What will I wear? I'm sure the initial decision will be the hardest, but once I have it, I won't have to worry about it the rest of the month! That part sounds nice. Good Night!

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