My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Thursday, February 2, 2012

End of Day 2

So did I mention I was scared to even join in on this "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess"? Well I was!!! It just sounded too extreme! I mean the same 7 foods for one month? The same 7 clothes (not including undergarments, phew!)for another month? And the BIG one, giving up 7 types of media for a WHOLE month...Internet? Meaning facebook(YIKES!), podcasts(sad face), Itunes(NO!), twitter(OK), radio(NO!), television(OK), email(YAY!!!)What am I going to do? Now add Blogging to that list, hey maybe I can keep that one, that would make 8 types of media??? Yeah, probably going to have to handwrite journal for that month...we'll see. Anyway, Molly mentioned 3X that I should join her small group on this...but I just wasn't biting. I needed to really think about it, read about it, research it, mention it to my husband first, and finally after the 3rd time she prompted me, I took the plunge. And, I am so glad I did!!!

Today was busy busy again, I'm unorganized right now, or everything just seems to need to be done all at once, ok it's both. Did some grocery shopping this morning, was able to finally eat at 1:00. Boiled chicken, shredded it and put it back into it's boiling water, added salt and pepper and enjoyed. It was delicious! Then decided to torture myself and bake some banana bread with the ripe bananas I had. I took homemade Chicken Alfredo Pesto dinner tonight to a sweet little older lady who is recovering from surgery, and I thought she would love banana bread, and yay she did! So did my kids as they ate an entire mini loaf after school, must have been the chocolate chips in it. It smelled up the house wonderfully! Ok, I'll stop talking about it, my mouth is starting to water. My mom came over for dinner tonight and I told her all about this challenge, she thought I was going to make my family do it with me, which is actually not a bad idea! Maybe I will?! Well, somewhat, I'm sure they will join in on some of it. This all really is exciting to me! I'm really not even missing food that much, really! I guess when you feel called to do something by God, it makes it a whole lot easier! Definitely the lesson I have learned today. I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS, "I'll go anywhere, I'll do anything, at any cost for YOU my KING!" <3

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