My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Saturday, February 4, 2012

End of Day 4! Cruising right along!

Today was a great day! Picked up almost 350 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and we already need to go back for more!!! Thin Mints are popular! My favorite is Caramel Delights also known as Samoas, so when my daughter Belle and I were walking the neighborhood with the wagon selling them and she got hungry and needed help busting open a box to snack on, boy did my mouth water when the toasted coconut, chocolate and caramel smell hit my nose... I wanted one sooo bad! But with only the strength that God can give, I stayed strong! I did have good eats today though, a banana, grapes, chicken, cheese, and an avocado. All very delicious items, and satisfying, so glad I chose them. I still haven't had Shakeology, my blender is not the best so I need to buy a new one. I told my accountability partner/friend Molly that since I haven't had any Shakeology yet, maybe I should replace that item with Caramel Delights! Of course I was kidding, kind of ;) No seriously though, I do enjoy my Shakeology and I can't wait to be able to have it, it's going to be a treat for sure! I know I really should be drinking it everyday, it's loaded with vitamins. Well one thing for sure I have noticed only eating these 7 foods a day, I have more energy and I wake up earlier and easier in the morning. I really am feeling great, praying that will continue through out the month. I received my book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" yesterday, I just haven't been able to read it yet! I am dying to read it, so even though it is late, I'm going to go read until my eyes won't stay open anymore. BTW, I am rooting for the Giants tomorrow, only because I would rather visit New York than New England. Dumb reason I know, but I can't root for the team with the best colors because well, they're the same! At least I'm watching the game tomorrow, and especially watching it with family, which will be the best part. Good Night Blog World!

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