My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 13- I can't wait for day 15! ;0)

My huge pot of chicken in broth soup

Chicken Pillows and Mac n Cheese, yummy for JJ and kids tummy.

So it's true, I now can't wait for day 15! Since I made the decision that I will have one meal off on Wednesday night, I'm really looking forward to it! Ha! I just need to be careful I don't over do it. After fasting like this, my stomach has shrunk no doubt, so if I over fill it, I'll just be sick and I don't want that to happen. I am looking forward to having "Seared Ahi Tuna" for the second time in my life though, I hope it doesn't disappoint. The first time I had it I loved it and craved more for a few days afterwards, so we'll see how it goes this time. I Love food, who doesn't though right???

I love Monday's, I'm probably one of the very few people in this country that can say that. Being a stay at home mom, I make my own schedule and Monday just happens to be one of the best days of my week. I did a super fast grocery run after dropping the kids off at school, but then it was a day to spend a LOT of quality time in prayer and feasting on God's Word. Then it was off to fast walk and talk with my beautiful friend.

I went the whole day until 4:30 without eating and only drinking water, not too hungry today for some reason, but when I was hungry I DID eat! A nice hot bowl of shredded chicken breast in it's own broth with salt, pepper, avocado and cheese, it is becoming my staple. As long as I know that is in the fridge, everything is all good. So I made a giant pot of it to last throughout the week. Belle wanted some too, so I fixed her a small bowl, she ate a little of it and said she didn't really like it, which I thought was funny, because right now, it is sooo delicious to me. What's wrong with her? (just kidding, I'm sure I'm the weird one) I tried to imagine myself serving the soup to guest, and wondered if they would like it? I should make JJ have some for my test. Maybe I'll make it to share with our Life Group on Sunday! I shredded some of the chicken I made, to make chicken pillows which are crescent rolls stuffed with chicken, cream cheese & cheddar cheese mixture for JJ and the kids, I'm so glad they LOVE easy foods, they ate about half of what I made! The chicken pillows smelled really good, yep I wanted one, but once again God gave me strength to endure the temptation.

I forgot to say yesterday that I was a wee bit grumpy after church because I was starving! So, I'm also thankful for my husband for putting up with my not so nice tone of voice yesterday and I'm so glad that after I ate, my grumpiness went away. Crazy how lack of food can affect my mood like that, now I realize even more why my babies would scream their heads off as infants when they were hungry! Poor babies! I want to help feed hungry babies around the world even more now!!! I need a change, a real change in my life, to be able to do what God is calling me to do. Please join me in praying. I'm praying for clarity, Godly wisdom, provision and boldness. Be glorified in my life LORD, in whatever way that looks, that is my hearts desire.

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