My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 9- I had Chocolate today!

So I'm still reading Jen Hatmaker's book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess", and guess what?! It keeps making me laugh out loud while reading it! She is too funny! I'm enjoying it, and it's really making me think about so many different things. I'm going to have to read it again while doing this 7 Experiment. It's really helping me with my perspectives on certain things. I agree with her a lot on so many things and I think this book is going to help me get motivated to put my money where my mouth is and do the things I know God has called our family to do.

Today was another day where I was feeling tempted and having thoughts of eating things that I committed not to eating. I just had to make my "Chocolate" Shakeology tonight with a banana added in, and even though I drank the whole thing, I really did not enjoy it as much as I was hoping. Yes it's sweet and chocolaty, but it tasted really healthy too! blah! I know exactly what was wrong with it, it didn't have the peanut butter in it that I usually add! Amazing how the peanut butter makes it so much tastier to me. Oh well... I'll get used to it eventually :(

I want to say THANK YOU to GOD for making so many different flavors and so many different food choices for us His creations! I'm pretty certain God did not intend for any of us to eat the same thing over and over again every day of our lives. We were meant to enjoy every natural food choice He has made. Even the people living in extreme poverty who are lucky if they get to eat rice every day of their lives. God made the variety of food choices for them too. How are we going to help those who don't have the resources to help themselves? It's going to take sacrifice from each of us. Can you imagine? If every "rich" person, us American's, were to do our share of giving what God has so abundantly blessed us with, what an impact we could make on the lives of all the beautiful people starving to death in this world?! It would truly be a miraculous thing. Lord I pray for a miracle!

I am reminded of a story I heard by Jackie and Alan, the missionaries through G.O. Ministries in Dominican Republic and Haiti. They told us of a Haitian pastor whom they support and built a wooden church for in his community. They were able to bring him to an all-inclusive hotel/resort in the Dominican Republic. When he arrived and saw all the food before his eyes in the buffet at the hotel/resort, he couldn't believe his eyes and said, "I thought places like this only existed in Heaven." Wow...we really don't realize how amazingly wealthy we are...

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