My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Friday, February 3, 2012

End of Day 3 and a GREAT end to it too!

Another busy day started off bright and early with my Savior and then went on an early morning walk with my friend Amy. Afterwards, I got busy making my house picture perfect from top to bottom so 16 friends could come over and join us for dinner. I like to have it picture perfect, (although it still wasn't) so that my friends can feel free to go into any room they like, and so I won't worry about them seeing my messes! ha ha!!...mi casa es su casa:)

Drinking nothing but water this entire month, I scarfed down a banana for brunch, never enjoyed a banana that much before! I was seriously impressed by the flavor, yummy! God does good work!! Finished house work at 1:30, and got ready so I could be at the school to get 10 kids out of class (which just happened to my my daughters class today, so she helped too) to drain, flatten and count used capri suns for re-imbursement, the kids love helping with that and they get a treat for it! Our school PTA is awesome! Does so much for our kids and teachers! :)

Next I made a quick stop at the grocery store for lots of chicken, so I could oven fry it. Dinner turned out wonderful, everyone brought something delicious to share...I stayed strong and only ate shredded chicken in broth, with avocados added in and a bowl of grapes. Again, it was super good!!! Amazing how satisfying it is, just knowing it's all I can have makes me really try to enjoy it to it's fullest. Right now I am truly grateful for being able to just go to the grocery store and being able to buy any food items I need or want. I know and realize that I could never truly duplicate living in extreme poverty here in America. We are soooo extremely blessed!!! Thank You God!!! I just can't Thank Him enough for all the blessings in my life! May I never take my blessings for granted and may I always choose to share them and not just keep them all for myself.

After Dinner, us 10 adults, played one of my favorite games, Telestrations. It really is a ton of fun! We always laugh so much when we play this game, I highly recommend it!!! It really was a fabulous night with friends, and now my house is really clean, Yay! Time to relax all weekend long! Ok not really, tomorrow we pick up Girl Scout Cookies, time to get busy delivering, and selling more! Go Troop 360!:)

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