My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Saturday, February 11, 2012

End of Day 11- Staying Busy

Ok, I must have got a second wind today, because I was way more energized today then yesterday, maybe I just had no other choice but to be! ;) My adorable 5 year old twin nephew and niece spent the night last night, so I got up this morning and fixed everyone nice golden brown, thick and fluffy chocolate chip pancakes. They seemed to really enjoy them, which made me happy. I enjoyed, well I tried to enjoy, my overcooked crunchy over easy eggs, really wishing I had chosen tortilla's as one of my 7 food choices... oh well probably better for me health wise that I didn't. Next, I cleaned up the kitchen, wiping all the counters, table, stove, refrigerator, shined my sink and swept the floors. Then I was off to get ready for my friend Michelle's fun jewelry party and selling Girl Scout cookies at Hobby Lobby. We sold $750 worth of cookies there in only 3 hours, not bad at all! I definitely got my workout unloading and re-loading cases of cookies to and from my truck. It really was a great time, especially working with a fellow troop mom. She is great to be around and chat with and she loves Jesus too! We had fun :) Belle and I got home to an empty house, Eli and his daddy went to see "Star Wars" movie, but they were back fast and JJ being the awesome husband that he is, had picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner! Yay!!! It was delicious, juicy and tender and I was hungry! Busy day, which might be why it was such a great day, not enough time to think about all the food I want to eat. Staying busy is key! And as long as it's productive then it's good right? :) Really it was a great day because I love being around people, they always makes me happy. Tomorrow will be another busy day, looking forward to it!

Have to mention, I was sad to read the news that Whitney Houston died today at such a very very young age. It's really sad what fame and fortune can do to some people. I wish her life could have been better, I wish she would have lived it for Jesus and used the amazing beautiful voice God blessed her with, for His glory. I'm praying for her family, just so very sad :(

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