My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 7- It's been a week :)

It's Day 7 of doing the "7 Experiment" That week went by fast! Kind of like my life sometimes, sooo looking forward to eternity where time doesn't even exist! Then I'll never be late to anything, I'll always have enough time to stop and chat with a friend, I'll never get tired because it won't get too late, I'll have plenty of time to spend with family and I'll always have time to worship at the feet of my Lord and Savior! Eternity in Heaven with God my Father, nothing on Earth can compare!
Today was wonderful! After a very nice walk and talk with my friend Shannon, I picked up my friend from work so she didn't have to go back to the Rescue Mission right away. I wanted to give her a day away, so I took her to IN-n-OUT for lunch ( I stayed strong once again and had water!) Then we did a little shopping, and then came to my house to watch the "Courageous" movie, since I love it, I really wanted her to see it. She loved it too and thought it would be a great movie for her Son-in-law to watch :) Then I took her with me to deliver GS cookies and to an hour long PTA meeting, I didn't know it would go so long, usually it's only a half hour, oops, sorry friend! She was fine with it. Next we came back to my house where I cooked a Spaghetti dinner for her and my family, I ate my famous Chicken with broth soup AGAIN! It's still good, I promise I am enjoying it, which is really weird! I am not normally a chicken eater, I prefer Steak over chicken all the time!!! Bring on the tender Steak filet, that is my choice any day! After enjoying a nice family dinner together, I took my friend back to the Rescue Mission and we went to the Church Service together, which was so awesome, because it was the night my home church takes a team to minister there and my pastor delivered an amazing sermon as usual! My friend said she really needed to hear it and I know she got a lot out of it. Today was pretty much perfect! I love days when they go as planned, looking forward to tomorrow. Night night all!

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