My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 21- No Lent for me

I've never given anything up for Lent. I'm not Catholic so I have never been taught that it applies to me. I honestly don't really know what it is all about. I certainly believe in fasting which sounds like what Lent is, in a way. I am just curious as to the reason for it. Is it done because that is what is expected? Or is it done for the reasons the Bible tells us to fast? Isaiah 58:6-12 tells us what true fasting is really all about. I can recall the last time I seriously fasted other than the fasting I am doing now. It was before going on my Mission trip. God put it on my heart to fast all but one meal a day, for a week in order to pray for the people we would be serving in D.R./Haiti and then He led me to Isaiah 58. I remember how overwhelmed I felt with a sense of enlightenment while reading the Word. I felt the Holy Spirit with me strongly urging me to fast. It was truly an amazing thing. Fasting I believe should always be Holy Spirit led. In my experience when I fast because God called me to do it, I CAN do it and stick to it, because He gives me the strength for it. When I have tried to fast because someone other than God told me to or for selfish reasons, I pretty much failed every time. Of course if God calls me to give up something for Lent, I will do it, but as for now, no Lent for me.

Fabulous night at Girl Scout World Thinking Day. My sweet Belle really looking forward to it this morning told me, "Mom, if I ever have to miss any girl scout event, I do NOT want to ever miss Thinking Day. It is my favorite thing in Girl Scouts!" I just love her, she is the reason I worked so hard for the United States poster board. It took hours! But she is ALL worth it, she was proud of my work on it and that made me happy. She even helped me stick some of the items on it, which made me even happier! :) The night was a little torturous though, imagine me having had only two small pieces of chicken for lunch, grapes and water, going to a place at dinner time where there were all these exotic foods representing different parts of the world and I couldn't try one thing! It was Hard! I survived, and even had a smile on my face while doing it. Thank you Jesus, only through You and for You! Also want to thank Belle's awesome Girl Scout Leaders, they are absolutely the best ever!!! And my friend Moriya for saving me and letting me borrow her awesome tape gun since mine was out of tape! Moriya, you have no idea, how much time you saved me on that poster!!! This procrastinator seriously would not have been done with it in time, if it wasn't for you! Love you my neighbor! :)

Belle getting her passport stamped.

My finished product, yeah I added more to it from last night, I knew I would!

I would go CRAZY without my grapes!!! So glad I chose these among the 7!

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