My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 24- a funeral and a musical

What to say? Sometimes there is just so much to journal about! I know I get long-winded, but really I do try to keep it short, sometimes anyway ;)

Started the morning out with an energizing walk with my friend Amy. Love my walking schedule with friends, I have 4 walks a week scheduled with 4 different friends! Friends are great walking accountability partners, I need them and they need me! Thank you Jesus for my friends! I love the saying "Friends are the flowers in the garden of life", so true, they're beautiful and they bring me joy! :)

Sad afternoon, my husband and I helped out at a funeral at church for a 19 year old who was killed in a tragic car accident. My heart and prayers go out to his family and friends. He sounded like such a joyful, wonderful giving person. My favorite things to hear about him was how he selflessly did things for others just out of the kindness of his heart. He and his friends shared a house and instead of complaining about a messy room mate, he would just serve him by surprise cleaning up his friends messes and doing his friends laundry for him folding it neatly and leaving it on the bed. His friends said he would always offer them food and drinks knowing they would be hungry. He always stopped and gave homeless people money, anything he had in his pocket even if it was only fifty cents. I was so amazed by the servant's heart he had, and he really inspired me to evaluate myself. To me the legacy he left was a legacy of "love in action", that is the kind of legacy I want to leave. Jesus please help me to die to myself and be more like YOU, a true servant. A song that has been really penetrating my heart right now is Empty Me by Chris Sligh, these are the words I'm talking about " I know how I can stray and how fast my heart could change. Empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with You"

Saw a spectacular musical tonight at Basic High School, it was sooo good! Loved seeing two of my favorite teens perform in it. Kaleb and Amber Stumbaugh both did an amazing job! I still think back to the first musicals they ever did at Harvest Church. I'll never forget those days, they were both extremely talented back then too! They just keep getting better and better and I can't wait to see them perform in more shows! I took pics tonight, but I'm not posting them because I don't want people to see any of it until the last show is performed. It truly was a wonderful night with lots of great friends!

Too busy to think much about food today so it was pretty easy to remain strong today, although, I opened the pantry to get my shakeology bag out and the Dove chocolate truffles my mom bought me for Valentine's day were mocking me! Get thee behind me truffles, only 5 days left now, I can do this! :)

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