My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Sunday, February 5, 2012

End of Day 5- What to say?

I don't feel much like writing today, but I will try. I love going to church every Sunday and always get so much out of my pastor's sermon, today was a hard one though, hitting really close to home. Let's just say it was tough, but oh so very very good! I am so thankful for a Pastor who is not afraid to preach the hard truth that people who love Jesus and claim to love Jesus, need to hear! Thank you Jesus for Rev Kev! Had a low-key Superbowl family get together at my house, so glad we were all rooting for the Giants, and they Won, Yay! Had so much chicken left over from Friday night, that I threw it back in the oven and made it crispy again for us, it was delicious! With all the cookies, brownies, cheese dip, chips and soda, I'm really happy to say God gave me the strength to endure and I only ate 5 out of my 7 food choices today! I'm still enjoying it and love explaining to my kids the purpose behind it all. They seem to be a tiny bit impressed by this experiment, although my son says he doesn't think I should have to get on the computer every night. I even wait until after they are in bed! I'm sure he will like the mutiny against excessive media month ;) Well I'm off to read Jen Hatmaker's book, Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you! Keep it up!