My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 26-Love busy Sunday's

How many things can you pack into a Sunday? Phew! Today was a busy one, great as usual though. Started it out right by being with kids! Kidz City (sunday school) is a great place to be on Sunday mornings, then Kidz Praize learning new songs and choreography for our upcoming parade and outreach events, so fun! Worship service was wonderful followed by a great sermon by Pastor Chris. Came home to yummy rotisserie chicken lunch which is all I've had to eat today, unless you count the small taste I had of the new Tropical Strawberry Shakeology flavor, I had to taste it! And it's Shakeology so technically it is not cheating, although I found out after I drank it that fresh strawberries had been blended into it...ooops! Not my fault, I didn't know, I didn't mean to cheat! it sure was yummy though :) I made home made Spanish rice to take to Life Group since it was Mexican food theme, everything looked yummy. I know I will be able to eat anything I want in just 4 days, so actually it really wasn't that hard to be around all the tempting food.

A friend of mine asked me the other day, so have you not cheated at All? I said, nope, not once, except for the meal off on my anniversary. For some reason, when I set my mind to it, and once again, only with God's help, I can remain strong and not give in to temptation. So I'm excited for the weight loss challenge I agreed to do with a friend starting March 1st, when fasting all but 7 foods is over. Besides the fact it will keep me accountable with my eating when I go back to freedom, I am pretty competitive so I will really be on my game so I can WIN the challenge!

I canceled going to Bunko tonight to attend a much needed Women's Ministry meeting, bummer that they were on the same night :( I miss my bunko babes! Anyway it was nice to finally be home for the evening by 8:30, I was able to join the family in nightly prayers and give hugs and kisses good night. I love my sweethearts! GOD YOU are SO GOOD! I feel that much more blessed when I think of all the ways God has blessed my life. May HIS name be glorified and exalted in EVERYTHING I do, all because my God doesn't deserve anything less from me!

I'll be in constant prayer this week for a few friends who will be serving on mission trips! I'm so excited to hear all that God will do through them and in them on their missions. May hearts repent and lives be changed forever in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

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