My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 22- Imagine giving 7 possessions away, a day!

Romans Bible Study this morning with a fabulous group of ladies, one week left and then we start Galatians! Love studying God's word, contemplating on it, and discussing it with others who love Jesus and desire to become more like HIM!

The real highlight of my day is when I drove my friend from the Rescue Mission to Man Power today to pick up papers she needs for her work. She humbly asked if I would and I'm so glad I did! She said the 20 minute drive would have taken her 2 hours on the bus! Wow, I never realized the large chunk of time having to take the bus can take from someone's day. Crazy! It's a good thing she will now have an Ipod, given to her by my generous Jesus-loving friend Molly! She will get great use out of it while taking the bus to and from work everyday. Molly loaded the Ipod with praise and worship songs and sermon podcasts. You should have seen the look on my friend's face today as she learned how to use and listen to her new Ipod. While I was driving she was scrolling through all the songs and clicking through so many of them, just giddy with excitement that so many of her favorite songs were on it. Her new Ipod replaces her old rather large tape playing walkman that she had been using. It was truly wonderful seeing one of my friends put a smile on my other friend's face! So excited for the month coming up, where we will be giving 7 of our possessions away per day the whole month long! You may say I'm a dreamer, but I hope I can be a blessing to people who really need it! ;)

I'm not talking about food today, well ok, the only thing I will say is, my husband says he is ready for me to be able to eat everything again. When I asked him "why?" he said, "oh, no reason" so I pressed him harder, "why?" "Is it because I'm edgy?" and he said, "yes that is a good word for it" I'm trying not to be, I guess I'm not doing that great of a job at it. I'm like a fussy baby by the end of the night. Being tired and hungry, makes me grumpy, and here I thought I was hiding it from him. Oh well, I guess he knows me better than anyone. If you think about it, pray for my husband, he has to endure me like this for six more days! ;)

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