My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Day!~ Thankful Challenge Finale (Part 2)

Happy Birthday Jesus!!! I started my morning with thanksgiving in my heart and on my lips to my Lord Jesus and for His plan of salvation for all of us! Can you imagine, the Ancient of Days, our self-existent eternal God, Who stands outside of time, Who has no beginning and Who has no end, is celebrated all over our world,  because He stepped into earth's history as a newborn, fully human, fully God? He humbled himself to be born as a baby boy and split time in our world in half? Amazing to think about! He loves us so much more than we can even imagine, and I am so thankful to Him for His unending love!

At 12 and 14, I'm  thankful my kids still get so excited for Christmas morning! It's always fun watching them open presents. Later in the day my 8 year old niece and nephew came over to open presents together too, and I realized watching the happiness, joy and excitement of the kids  open their presents, is really one of the best things about Christmas!

It was fun to watch the older kids open their gifts too!

(Nana's homemade gift from Belle)

I'm thankful for each of the gifts I received, yes it's true "it's more blessed to give than to receive", but I'm certainly blessed when given to as well! :) My daughter made everyone homemade gifts this year, I loved her thoughtfulness and the extra work she put into them. Here's a picture of what she made for me.  A purple bead cross to add to my cross wall and chocolate in case of emergency, she knows what I need! ;)

Since this is my last thankful challenge post, I'm adding a bonus thankful: I'm thankful I got to spend an entire day celebrating my sisters 40th with her. We shopped for fun girl stuff, ate a delicious barbecue lunch, watched Into the Woods movie, followed by meeting up with the rest of our family for pizza, chicken wings, cake and ice cream for dinner. We always have a lot of fun together and I can't wait to spend an entire day with my sis again! She's the best and always makes me feel blessed! I love my sis!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Eve~Thankful challenge finale (part 1)

Well again I was supposed to write three things I was thankful for yesterday and I actually got half way on writing it last night, but, in a moment of not thinking straight, I closed the blogger app before saving what I had written and lost the post... Argh, can you say frustration? I guess it builds character?! :-{ 

Anyway, Christmas Eve was wonderful! First preparing food and cleaning up the house for a traditional Christmas family dinner, then off to a beautiful candlelight church service we went! I'm so glad we did too! Christmas Eve is just not the same to me without congregating with fellow believers to contemplate the miraculous birth of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for a Creator God who completely humbled himself to become like one of us. When I think about the true humbleness of my God, how could I not consider every person better than myself? 

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:3-11 ESV)

No matter WHO it is, or WHAT they have done, we are called to forgive, to be peacemakers, to LOVE our enemies in word and deed and to pray for them... This can only be done through a sincere act of humbling ourselves, and with help from Jesus, it's very doable!

I'm thankful Dad was able to attend candlelight service with us! In case I haven't said it, I love him, he's the best father-in-law I could ever want! He really enjoyed the service, which made us happy too! 

I'm also thankful there is a time for feasting and celebrating with family and friends. I can think of no better reason for it, than to honor our Lord and Savior. Christmas Eve Dinner at our house with lots of family was delicious and super fun! We all had a great time of visiting, playing games, and
Exchanging gifts. Traditions are awesome! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Girls, Cheese Dreams, Humor~ Thankful Challenge Day 23 (a day late!)

This should've been posted Yesterday, but once again, I was too exhausted and needed to sleep first.

I'm thankful I have a daughter! As complicated, emotional and unpredictable us girls can be, I'm so happy to have my very own young lady to raise and watch grow. She ordered new eye glasses the other day, and she was so excited when she got the phone call they were ready, that we had to leave asap to go get them. Well once she tried them on she was sad because she was no longer sure she liked them. Reassuring her that they looked great on her wasn't helping, at all! So I said, "ok, well, let's try out all the other frames again and see if we could find something she liked better." It finally became clear to her, no pun intended, that she had made the right choice for herself. Isn't my daughter beautiful?! :) 

I'm thankful I got to spend the afternoon with Kathy, my sister in Christ, whose wisdom and insights I cherish as well as covet. We had such a wonderful time together. She asked me if I would help her with an open house she was having for the church staff and I'm glad I said yes, not just for the 'cheese dreams' either! After a relaxing beef brisket lunch, we got to work making them and oh my.... 'cheese dreams' are so delicious and BONUS... I got to hold a tiny, pretty baby girl today!!!

I'm thankful my family are fun and have a great sense of humor! When I walked in the house after being gone all afternoon, my husband, kids and father-in-law, were all sitting in the family room watching a fireplace video and singing "Joy to the World", I didn't believe them for a minute, but it was funny and made me laugh! :D

Monday, December 22, 2014

YIKES! Cramming 3 days into 1! ~Thankful Challenge Day 22

It's the most busiest time of the year! :) I've been too busy to sit down and write my thankfuls for the last few days, so now I'm cramming 3 days into 1! 

Let's see, Saturday:
I was thankful I got to spend the entire day in my pajamas cleaning house and stuff... The and stuff part was listening to lots of music. I'm so thankful for music, but I've already mentioned that fact in a past blog.  Saturday I was thankful for my flowers, cards and gifts from loving, generous Kidz Praize parents, participants and staff from my church, given to me after Friday night's musical. The gifts were all so unexpected and big time blessings too!

I'm thankful I will get to see my daughter's winter choir concert on video that my sister recorded for me, since I had to miss it last Wednesday night. I can't wait to have a few minutes to sit down to watch it. 

I'm thankful for Fausto's and the fact it's so close to my house, I LOVE their Carne Asada Super Nachos!!!

I'm thankful we had some extended family join us for church service and that it was an awesome service too!! From the worship to the preaching, loved it!

I'm thankful my father-in-law really enjoyed lunch at Raising Cane's. He definitely would like to eat there again.

I'm thankful for football games, classic Christmas movies and old school movies that are fun to watch, while baking Christmas cookies, into the wee hours of the morning. 

I'm thankful for my husband who does so very much to help me around the house, pick up items I need from the store and just plain keeps me sane! Just like one of my favorite couple quotes from the "Who's That Girl" Madonna movie that I haven't seen in ages, (remember the movie?! I Love it!) Movie Quote: "Because we're a team, a lean, mean, fighting machine of a team!" In short, my honey makes me look good. He's awesome!!!!

I'm thankful for online shopping and after driving around in this crazy city today, I realize I need to utilize it a lot more!!! I like when I see things in myself that I really need to work on changing, like my procrastination habits. I know one New Year goal of mine, stop procrastinating so much!

I'm thankful my 12th annual Christmas cookie exchange, dinner party was a success! So much fun with some truly beautiful and wonderful friends! We laugh a lot when we play pictionary, and I got to taste all the cookies brought, to decide on the hostess choice award. Someone had to! YUM!!!! I should be a food critic, seriously how fun would that job be?!! ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Musical, Breakfast, Director- Thankful Challenge Day 19

I guess I've been busy, because right after the musical tonight, my girl attached herself to my side and wouldn't let go. I'm definitely not complaining! I love spending time with my beautiful, sweet girl! I'm thankful she had so much fun performing in the musical this year and I'm so thankful when parents tell me their kids LOVED being in the musical too! Besides the fun and the sharing of the Good News through song, the kids have some of the Word hidden in their hearts now due to memorizing the lines and songs! That makes me happy!! The musical turned out wonderful! I'm very proud of the cast, choir and crew who made it all happen! 

Kind of father-in-law took us out to breakfast this morning. He always spoils us and I'm thankful for that, but I'm mostly just thankful for him and the time we get to spend together!

Back to the musical topic, I'm so thankful to have worked right beside such an  amazing director, Staci Maxwell, for the 5th time! I really can't believe this musical was number 5 together!! Time sure does fly! If God allows and only if it's His will, I hope we get to do many more! I can't think of a better person I would want to lead with! :) 

A bonus thankful: I'm extremely thankful for everyone, friends and family included, who took time out of their busy holiday schedules to come see the show and I hope everyone enjoyed it! Merry CHRISTmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

People Who Shine, Calvary, A Friend's Surgery~ thankful challenge day 18! 😊

Today I'm thankful for extremely thoughtful, willing and dedicated people, who shine brightly in this world! Today I noticed a handful!!! From my women's Bible study group, to those in my own family, to those working hard long hours on the Christmas musical! Just wow!!! I'm so amazed and inspired to try to live even more with open hands than I already do. When God works in the hearts and lives of His people, it really shows. After all our faith in Jesus is displayed through our actions.

I didn't mention this on my blog yesterday, but I feel compelled to, today.  Yesterday the Angels in Heaven were rejoicing because Luis at the Calvary downtown outreach, came to a belief in and confessed Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of his life! It was a beautiful moment that I will never forget!! And I'm so thankful I was able to witness it! :)

I'm also thankful my friend's surgery went well today, and although I'm sure she's sore, tired and probably has so much to get done before Christmas...I trust God will heal her completely and that her symptoms and reasons for having the surgery will all be healed as well. Praying she'll be feelin back to normal in no time!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My bro, Outreach, Friend~ Thankful Challenge Day 17

Tonight I'm thankful for my brother in law! I won't give details why, but all I will say is, he loves me, he really loves me! And I'm so grateful! He's the best bro in law I could ever wish to have! 

I'm also thankful for Calvary Downtown Outreach and the ministry that is happening there! It's an awesome place where Jesus is reaching the lost and changing lives!

And another special mention, I'm thankful for my friend Natalie, who for the most, part, helps me daily. She's always willing to go that extra mile for me and is very thoughtful and dependable, which are important qualities to have in a friend! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today!~ Thankful Challenge Day 16

So today I'm thankful for friends who aren't afraid to celebrate a birthday 16 days belated! :) I was tremendously blessed today by my very thoughtful, loving and generous friend Amy. I'm so thankful we are forever sisters in Christ and I'm glad we get to encourage and pray for each other in this roller coaster ride we call life. My heart is filled with hope knowing "... that he who began a good work in you (us) will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."(Philippians 1:6 ESV)  His goal is to transform us into the image of His Son, and I can't think of anyone else I would most want to be like than Jesus! :)

I'm thankful my husbands nephew and cousin both graduated from UNLV today! I'm very happy for them and even though we weren't able to make it to the ceremony, we are celebrating with them in spirit and pray for all of God's best for their future!

I'm thankful my son enjoys band a lot because he's pretty good at it! He's learning both the French Horn and the Trumpet this year. We had so much fun watching and listening to his Christmas concert tonight. I'm looking forward to his high school band days and beyond!! I'm anxious to see what the future holds for him in regards to his playing instruments, but... I really need to just focus on the here and now enjoying the time as much as possible! He's already growing up way too fast as it is!!! (Sigh)... I'm not sure how he grew so fast, I've told him many times to stop growing. I should punish him for disobeying me! ;-P

Monday, December 15, 2014

Special Mention, Raising Cane's, Piano Recital ~ Thankful Challenge Day 15

I just read my post from last night and I'm glad it made sense and that I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said... I was falling asleep the entire time I was writing it!!!

Today was a very good day. First of all, I'm thankful for my dear friend Dana who definitely deserves special mention. She is one talented and gifted, selfless servant. I love her and her husband! They're both just awesome. I'm so thankful God brought us closer together in one of the hardest seasons of my life. She's a true friend and my forever sister in Christ!

I'm thankful I got to have lunch with 4 amazing ladies today, at Raising Cane's. I love each of them so much, they're just super fun to be with and the chicken fingers were sooooo yummy!

I'm thankful I got to see my niece and nephew in their first piano recital tonight! They both did awesome!  I'm very proud of them and I was weakened by their cuteness, once again. They're completely ADORABLE! 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Busy Weekend Thankfulness~ Thankful Day 14

Oh my goodness! I LOVE MY GIRL SO MUCH!!!! We just have the best time together, laughing HARD! She just went to bed, but I'm telling you, she is a funny girl, so quick witted and just completely fun to talk to.  I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with her beautiful self! 

It was a crazy fun, busy, busy weekend!  I'm thankful for all who participated in the parade or showed support by coming out to watch us in it last night.

I'm thankful for my Honey's place of work and for the really nice and delicious Christmas dinner party thy have each year for their employees. We had a nice time last night visiting with friends and relatives who were there.

I missed blogging my thanks yesterday, so here are three more:

I'm so thankful for our interim pastor and all of the hard work he is doing and the sacrifices he and his family are making for our church! Praying God blesses he and his family abundantly!!!

I'm thankful for the Kidz Praize kids and for all of their hardwork and dedication to this years Christmas musical! So excited to see it all come together for their performance this coming Friday night!

I'm extremely thankful for our life group, and especially our life group host family! Tonight we had our Christmas party together, which was fun!!! I'm looking forward to all that God has in store for us in the coming new year, as we draw closer together as a life group family and closer to JESUS too!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Time flies!! Thankful~Day12 (Part 2)

Time flies when you're having fun! It's almost midnight!! Which means it's almost tomorrow and I haven't finished listing 6 of my thankfulness today... So here is 4,5 & 6:

4. I'm thankful for my daughters Girl Scouts group and leaders. She's been with them for 7 years, as far as I can remember. Today they had a Christmas party and she had a late, but great night!

5. I'm thankful for finding a dress and shoes to wear to my husbands work Christmas party tomorrow night! I'm a procrastinator in case you didn't know, and I finally went out shopping for it after 6:00 tonight.  Found it pretty fast too, which was a bonus! :)

6. And yet again I'm thankful for Pentatonix Christmas albums. I really am enjoying driving around store to store, shopping and singing away with their beautiful voices and fun music arrangements! Here is another favorite I just have to share! ENJOY :)

Bible, Spontaneity, DONUTS! ~Thankful (part 1) Day 12

Apparently my exhaustion continued to the next day, because once I got home from my busy yet amazing day yesterday, I crashed, hard. So today I'll list 6 things I'm thankful for... 

1. The Bible! It is the life changing, Living Word of God and I love how The Holy Spirit speaks to my heart with it everytime I read it. Enjoyed final Ruth bible study, worship and prayer time with Immersed in the Word ladies life group yesterday, anxious to see what study we will do together next!! :)

2. My spontaneous friend Moriya, (I love spontaneity) who blessed me so much yesterday with a fun afternoon of mani and pedi's together, satin hands lotion for my dry, thirsty skin, a nail polish kit and a night out with ladies for some retail therapy and great discounts!

3. Hot fresh Krispy Kreme glazed donuts! No other donut compares!!! Us ladies stopped in for one last night, and I'll be going back today in celebration of today's date, 12-12, buy a dozen get a dozen free! My kids will love me and I'll get another perfectly sweet, fresh, hot, soft and delicious melt in your mouth glazed donut! YUM!

3 more things to list...To be continued... NOW GO GET YOUR FREE DOZEN KRISPY KREME DONUTS! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Exhausted but thankful! ~Day 10

I'm falling asleep as I write this, having a very hard time keeping my eyes open!

Today I'm thankful for clothes!!! They're stylish, their colorful, their fun, their comfortable and they're a necessity sooo, I don't feel bad buying them! Haha!  I do buy lots, but I also give away lots and I shop at discount stores and get way more for my money that way.  Today my family and I along with many others from church youth group wore cheesy sweaters, see told you clothes were fun! 
I'm thankful for no school days where my kids and I can just relax and hang out together. Today was one of those days.

And I'm also thankful for my vehicle! I love driving it, and I can't imagine what it's like to not have a car.   I bought my first car, a midnight blue TBird in 1995, loved that car! And I've owned a  vehicle ever since. One of these days, I hope to Own a Corvette, don't laugh, it could happen! 😉

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

GOD IS GOOD~ Thankful Day 9

I'm thankful today for two Pentatonix Christmas albums that I bought a couple of weeks ago and listened to ALL DAY today! I even played a couple of songs, through my Jambox in the middle of Panera tonight, for a couple of friends from church Bible study group, they liked them! Their music really puts me in the Christmas spirit! 

I'm thankful for a flexible schedule that lets me do pretty much anything my heart desires. I had plans to work at home all day, until... I needed to run an errand to church and wound up staying there for 4 hours, working on paper chains and candy cane invites to pass out at the Christmas lighted parade this Saturday. I'm hoping it doesn't rain on our parade! I heard it's in the forecast, yikes!

And I'm so thankful for the teachers at my kids school, who work hard everyday to educate my children and who gave us good reports on them today. Always good to hear good things about your kids!


Monday, December 8, 2014

Perseverance, Grace and Random Strangers~ Thankful Challenge Day 8

So just being honest but I thought this being thankful for 3 things everyday challenge was supposed to make me feel more thankful and content... It's not working. I'm positive I shouldn't post this, but I'm going to. I've got issues.  I have to say I've never felt more discontent in my life than I do now. Again, I've got issues. I have sooo much to be thankful for!!! More than I can wrap my brain around, and I know this, yet I'm still dealing with these feelings that at times seem too much to bear. What is wrong with me?! Honestly I already know. I've been praying for quite some time now, probably for a good 10 months, that God would change my heart's desire to desire only the things He desires for me. For some reason all these months later, I'm still praying that prayer.  I'm a dreamer, and a visionary. I like to imagine my life in ways that are completely different than reality.  I love my life, I love all the people in my life, but I still have a longing for more, for different, for "better", which is insanely ridiculous. Why am I not content? Whatever the reason sometimes I just want to escape. Sometimes I want all new, and not new stuff but just new surroundings, new mission, new calling, new purpose... Sometimes I want to move somewhere more simple where everything is just simplified, not chaotic and just completely relaxing and filled with only natural things.  Anyone else ever feel this way? Or am I alone? I'm sure I'm not alone, I'm sure there are quite a few in this world who can relate.  So I'm not sure how to fix my issues, I know only God can help me in this, and so I will persevere, and I will not give up asking Him to change my hearts' desires to align with His. I will continue to serve, continue to be willing to be used by Him and continue to try to be what He has made me to be. Feelings of discontentment will remain until He calls me home, hopefully not for the same reasons I just described above, but instead because I'm longing for my heavenly home, a better country, a place where contentment is made complete in Christ Jesus, a place far better than one I could ever dream up or imagine! "But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." (Hebrews 11:16 ESV)

So in conclusion I bring a sacrifice of praise before my Lord and I say Thank You today for the perseverance you provide me to not quit and to never give up. Thank You for the grace you provide, that I'm so undeserving of and help me to give it as quickly as I receive it. And finally, Thank You for friendly random strangers who just want to chat, but who remind me how important a feeling of community is and of the fact that every single person in this world has been made in Your image and is worth a friendly smile, a genuine "hi, how are you?", a helping hand, or a chance to go first in line.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Church People and 8! ~Thankful Day 7

Three things I'm thankful for today... Awesome people at church who use their unique talents and gifts to serve Christ Our Lord and others...that would be ALL of our church staff and volunteers!!! I'm so blessed to work with some of the best! Today I was amazed by our church's tech team, completely using their expertise and going above and beyond to help this years children's Christmas musical run as smooth as possible. 

And the next two I'm thankful for are my niece and nephew! Today they turned 8 years old!! 8 years ago today I got to hold them for the first time in the NICU, born at 30 weeks, they were the tiniest, most perfect babies I had ever seen with my own eyes. And today, 8! Strong, healthy, energetic, fun and full of personality, both my niece and my nephew are true miracles and blessings from our God!

Should Be In Bed! ~Thankful Day 6

It's already tomorrow, I should've written this before now and I really should be in bed! It turned out to be a great night though and I had some stuff to finish up when I got home after midnight, so alas, I'm still up and it's almost 2 a.m. I'll probably be up until 3 a.m.... Hey I just remembered a song, Matchbox 20 ring a bell? Love them! Which actually helps lead me into my first item to give thanks for...MUSIC! What in the world would I do without it?!! Life would be unbearable without music, plain and simple, THANK YOU LORD GOD for creating music for us to worship with and enjoy! 

Second thing I'm thankful for, birthday parties! My niece and nephew had a fun bday party this morning. It's a wonderful thing to be able to honor each other on the special day God brought us into this world. It was so fun watching them playing with their friends, and excited to open up their presents, watching their reactions as they opened them was fun too! :)

And last one for now, I'm so thankful for my mom!!!! She's the absolute best! I love her so much! We laughed a lot tonight, and we really just enjoyed being together. She's a lot of fun! :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thankful Day 5

I am so very thankful for food!!!! I went to bed hungry last night because I was too lazy to eat, then of course, woke up even more hungry and had low energy. Thankfully my Honey took me to a buffet breakfast, where we love to visit our favorite omelet lady! I ate my fill of a low carb variety, besides an omelet filled with bacon, I ate more bacon on the side, need I say more?! :) 

I'm also thankful for pretty winter flowers! A ginormous beautiful poinsettia plant, which you can see in the picture below, was delivered by two very sweet and generous friends this past Monday, I'm enjoying them immensely!

And I'm thankful for our Christmas tree, I've been enjoying it so much already this season. I even took a much needed nap by it today laying in my favorite spot on the couch, which was so nice! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Always Causing Troubles- (thankful day 4)

First of all I need to say how thankful I am for my husband! You would not believe how much he has had to put up with since he married free spirited me. I'm always causing troubles...hehehe! Not joking though, he is a saint! ! I'm a handful, I admit it, I guess we balance each other out. I'm so thankful he loves me and when he has tried to change certain things about me, he realized quickly he couldn't, so instead he chose to love and accept every frustrating to him thing about me. He really is that awesome! I love him and what's more than that, he loves me, unconditionally, it's amazing! I wish I could say I'm as good at loving him as he is at loving me, but I know I'm not...I'm working on it though!

Next I need to say how very thankful I am for my son. I've written about him before. He is so loving to me (most of the time anyway). I like how he always walks up to me and strokes my long hair. He also loves to make me laugh with a funny joke any chance he gets. I see a lot of myself in my son, when he gets his mind set on having something he doesn't stop thinking about it until it becomes a reality or until it becomes clear that he's just not going to get it and forces himself to move on. He has my temperament too, but he also has a huge forgiving and caring heart.  I'm truly thankful for our mother and son relationship, it's definitely special.

And last but never ever least, I'm thankful for my daughter. She's sweet, witty, creative, playful and definitely sarcastic, like her dad! We always have so much fun when it's just her and I. Whether we are shopping, watching Good Luck Charlie, getting fro yo, or laughing at goofy pictures of ourselves, just being together is one of my favorite pastimes. I'm  proud of the thoughtful and generous individual she is becoming. Watching her grow up into a beautiful young woman is a great pleasure, bittersweet but joyful and rewarding all at the same time.

I know I already blogged about being thankful for family, but these 3 deserved a special mention! #ThankYouGod

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thankful Day 3- Simple Things

I'm thankful today for simple things!

Sitting with a few sisters in Christ for 3 hours cutting strips of paper for paper chains, chatting with a friend about confusing yet so intriguing Bible topics, and doing Bible study with a sweet high school student over lunch followed by Bible study with 15 fully energetic, highly intelligent, hungry for more of Jesus, middle school students! Today was a blessed day, in more ways than I can say! And I'm so thankful for all of it!! :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thankful Challenge Day 2

 Three things I'm thankful for today are my family, my friends and don't laugh... social media! 

My family, immediate family, extended family and church family! Near or far wherever they are, our hearts are connected by blood and by the blood of Christ! Family really are true blessings in this life and the older I get the more I realize just how important family is.  I truly believe God created families to help us learn to be just like Jesus. Forgiving and loving each other unconditionally. As well as learning how to serve each other and putting our families needs, above our own. Family is extremely important to God, which is why He created a way for us to become children in His family through our faith in Jesus Christ. He is our Father, we are His children and I can promise you, we are precious to Him. 
"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus". (Galatians 3:26 KJV)

God placed us in our families and chose us for each other and nothing can change the fact that your family is your family, even if you're relationships with each other are bad, you'll always be family. Same thing goes with your family in Christ, you are bound together in Christ, no matter what church you attend, you'll always be a family forever in Jesus. So your best bet when offended by a fellow Christian brother or sister is to forgive, and ask for forgiveness when you offend...always.

Friends! We get to choose our friends!! Which is wonderful! This makes it true however, that some friends do come and go. They'll be in your life for a season, then out the next. Not all friends of course, some are in it for the long haul and will stick closer to you than family. This is when you begin to consider your friends as family, which is one of life's greatest blessings!!!

Social media, makes it soooo much easier and faster, to stay in touch with so many friends and family. Also it helps me to create friendships out of mere acquaintances.  So I'm not kidding when I say I'm thankful for social media. I just really am! 😄

Challenge Accepted

First of all it's been 6 months since I last blogged and wow, I think I forgot how to!  Trying to relearn as I type, hopefully I won't have to delete this draft like I just had to delete the other three! In my defense I usually post from my phone and right now I'm using the laptop which just doesn't seem to cooperate as well... user error.  I'm just used to my phone...of course I am, it's pretty much with me all the time... a sad reality, I know.  It's the world we live I'm just making excuses...ok done rambling about nothing.

Sunday in church we were challenged to write down 3 things every day until Christmas of what we are thankful for.  I pretty much NEVER back out of a challenge, so here it goes.  I'm aware It's already early Tuesday morning which means I missed Monday altogether, but I'm giving myself a little grace.  Today I'm just going to share what I wrote on Sunday when we were told to quickly write down 3 things we were thankful for.  Though my husband and dad made fun of me for writing a lot, I tried to do it as fast as I could so I could sing the last worship song with the rest of the church congregation.  Here is a picture of my writing from Sunday, it's messy, but I was trying to write fast! As if that's the only excuse it's messy...haha, terrible handwriting, what can I say?! :)

I will type out what the picture says in case you can't read it from the pic, but here it is:
"Today I am thankful for The Trinity.  I'm thankful for God my Father, Who loves me unconditionally and wants the best for me.  He's willing to allow things to teach me and grow me and also protect me.

I'm Thankful for Jesus my Lord and my Savior Who loved me so much to step down from His throne and become like me so I can become like Him.  His sacrificial love, is perfect and unending grace, mercy.

Holy Spirit thank You for always being with me, filling me up daily and for empowering me to serve You and walk with You.  You are my Strength and joy, peace and my Everything!"

My words were rushed and I didn't say everything the way I wanted to or even the way I fully believe, but they were my immediate thoughts of Thanksgiving to God.  Tomorrow which is actually today, I will write 3 more things that I am thankful for, and I will do this every day thereafter until Christmas day, or most likely until the day after Christmas.

 Since I've honestly been feeling some discontentment in my life for reasons I won't publicly share, I think this thankful challenge is just the thing I need.  I'm praying it draws my heart closer and closer and even closer to God! I'm praying also that everyone else in the congregation took this challenge to heart and will be participating too. Also I pray that everyone will experience God in real life changing ways.  Here's to the next 26 or so days of blogging my thanks to God my Provider!