My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 29! Self-control a gift from God

Wow, it's the end of the very last day of eating only 7 foods for an entire month! Eggs, chicken, avocados, cheese, bananas, grapes and Shakeology, I still like and enjoy all 7 of you, and I'm thankful to God for you, but it will be extremely nice to ADD to you for more variety!!

The most important lesson I have learned through this experiment is that I do have the Holy Spirit given fruit of Temperance, also known as Self-Control! It is definitely a gift and now I recognize it as such and need to be responsible to use it the way God wants me too.  I need to use it daily, anytime God prompts my heart when I feel excessive tendancies trying to take over!
In everything I do, even in eating and drinking, I need to do all things unto the Lord in such a way that He is glorified and honored in it.

I've learned so much just in this first month of seven and I am already making drastic changes in my walk and relationship with Jesus my Lord. I'm excited to see where this next month will take me.  Change me to be more like you Jesus, that is my hearts desire!

Galatians 5:22-25 ESV "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 28-If only it wasn't Leap Year! ;)

Tomorrow is the last day of 7 foods for me. If only it wasn't leap year, tomorrow would've been today! ;) I am looking forward to food freedom, but like I said before I am determined to practice the self-control God has blessed me with! I know I have it and He helped me to see that even more through this fasting food experiment.

I'm really trying to not worry about what I will be wearing over the next month, but I am having a really hard time choosing only 7 things!  It would be a whole lot easier if I new exactly what the weather will be like in March! I keep second guessing my choices and changing my mind, I just need to stop already!

Right now I'm feeling tired and all done, which pretty much translates to grumpy in my house. I need sleep!  AND I need to reflect on the following verses.

Matthew 6:25 ESV

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?"

Matthew 6:25, 28-33 ESV

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 27- first day of fast and freaking out

So I decided today would be the first day that I'm going to do once a week of fasting food all day in order to give my meals money to someone in need. It was a little hard, but surprisingly not too hard. 

Today was a shopping day, my honey and my boy needed some clothes, and I needed new sandals and of course I picked up some "new to me" clothes too :) I decided I would take 3 bags of clothes into Savers a second hand store and buy used clothes to save money, I kind of look at it as exchanging. They give me discount coupons in exchange for my clothes and I get a LOT for my money, and that's just what I did! I paid $12 for two cute dresses for me, $12 for 2 pair of jeans for my son, $12 for two pair of dress pants and $56 for 9 dress shirts for my Honey, he really needed work clothes! I need to shop regularly so I don't have to buy so much at once, the problem is I hate going shopping anymore, so I avoid it as much as possible!   Clothes are on my mind now, and I'm FREAKING OUT trying to narrow down the 7 articles of clothes I will wear all month long starting March 1st. I thought this next month would be easy for me, already I'm seeing how much having so many clothing options means to me! God is shining a light on areas I thought I didn't have issues in... I guess I'm still glad I'm doing this experiment, ugh! (just being real!)

Continuing the shopping day, right after school my son wanted to go buy Poke Park 2 Wii game. He's been saving up for it and waiting patiently for it to be released. He found out after going to 3 stores the release date on the website is actually the ship date, so we will be heading back tomorrow when the stores actually have it. He's learning  to wait with patience, it's a good thing :)

My mom's kitty cat of 19 years died today, so sad :(  I can't believe she's gone. She was a good kitty, I'll never forget her kitten years, she could jump amazingly high and liked to play keep away. She had a wonderful life and will be missed. I'm praying for my mom, it's hard saying bye to a pet you love so much.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 26-Love busy Sunday's

How many things can you pack into a Sunday? Phew! Today was a busy one, great as usual though. Started it out right by being with kids! Kidz City (sunday school) is a great place to be on Sunday mornings, then Kidz Praize learning new songs and choreography for our upcoming parade and outreach events, so fun! Worship service was wonderful followed by a great sermon by Pastor Chris. Came home to yummy rotisserie chicken lunch which is all I've had to eat today, unless you count the small taste I had of the new Tropical Strawberry Shakeology flavor, I had to taste it! And it's Shakeology so technically it is not cheating, although I found out after I drank it that fresh strawberries had been blended into it...ooops! Not my fault, I didn't know, I didn't mean to cheat! it sure was yummy though :) I made home made Spanish rice to take to Life Group since it was Mexican food theme, everything looked yummy. I know I will be able to eat anything I want in just 4 days, so actually it really wasn't that hard to be around all the tempting food.

A friend of mine asked me the other day, so have you not cheated at All? I said, nope, not once, except for the meal off on my anniversary. For some reason, when I set my mind to it, and once again, only with God's help, I can remain strong and not give in to temptation. So I'm excited for the weight loss challenge I agreed to do with a friend starting March 1st, when fasting all but 7 foods is over. Besides the fact it will keep me accountable with my eating when I go back to freedom, I am pretty competitive so I will really be on my game so I can WIN the challenge!

I canceled going to Bunko tonight to attend a much needed Women's Ministry meeting, bummer that they were on the same night :( I miss my bunko babes! Anyway it was nice to finally be home for the evening by 8:30, I was able to join the family in nightly prayers and give hugs and kisses good night. I love my sweethearts! GOD YOU are SO GOOD! I feel that much more blessed when I think of all the ways God has blessed my life. May HIS name be glorified and exalted in EVERYTHING I do, all because my God doesn't deserve anything less from me!

I'll be in constant prayer this week for a few friends who will be serving on mission trips! I'm so excited to hear all that God will do through them and in them on their missions. May hearts repent and lives be changed forever in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 25 of this 7 month experiment- Join me in the feast and the fast too!

Time really does seem to be going by a lot slower this month! Does anyone else feel that way or just me? It's nice in a way, since time usually seems to just race right by. I'm realizing though, really truly how much I LOVE food! It sounds crazy but it is sooo true! This experiment is really opening my eyes to how much our lives revolve around food. We get up in the morning, we eat. We go out on dates, we eat. We invite people over, we eat. It's lunch time, we eat. We go to the movies, we eat. We watch a movie at home, we eat. We get together after church, we eat. It's dinner time, we eat. We attend a meeting, we eat. We celebrate weddings, birthdays, retirements, graduations, holidays, we eat! We attend a funeral, we eat. We're bored, we eat. We're hungry, we eat. Ok the last one I listed really does make sense, and honestly so do the others, it's just what we do. Eating together is fun. Food is a necessity. Food is fun. It's our culture our way of life, and without it, time goes by slow. LOL!

I was reading Jen Hatmaker's book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" again and something she said just left me in awe. (paraphrased) The early Christian church practiced self-denial constantly. "In the Shepard of Hermas, a well-respected Christian Literary work in the early 100's, believers were instructed to fast one day a week:" He said to eat nothing but bread and water on that day and the money you would have spent on your meals that day should be given to a widow, an orphan, or someone else in need. What a marvel concept I say! It seems completely feasible to feast all week long and fast only one day a week. So why aren't most Christians doing this today? I'm sure there are a few, but why not all of us? Why not me? I think the answer is the belief that we have freedom in Christ and people are so afraid of legalisms within the church. So we think anything that is not done out of our "own" convictions and feelings or "being led by the Spirit to do" or if we don't hear the clear audible voice of God telling us to do it, then we aren't going to do it. The Bible clearly tells us to though:

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27(ESV)

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." 1John 3:17&18

"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Luke 12:32-34

"Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." Matthew 25:34-40

I'm ready to start, who wants to join me? I'm going to follow in the footsteps of the early Christian church, by taking a baby step and fast and pray for those in need, one day every week, giving the money I would have normally spent on my meals to someone who needs it. It's what we have all been called to do as followers of Christ. Provide for those who can't provide for themselves, loving them not just with words but with action.

"Oh God, may we be focused on the least; a people balancing the fasting and the feast." -Robbie Seay Band (Kingdom and a King)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 24- a funeral and a musical

What to say? Sometimes there is just so much to journal about! I know I get long-winded, but really I do try to keep it short, sometimes anyway ;)

Started the morning out with an energizing walk with my friend Amy. Love my walking schedule with friends, I have 4 walks a week scheduled with 4 different friends! Friends are great walking accountability partners, I need them and they need me! Thank you Jesus for my friends! I love the saying "Friends are the flowers in the garden of life", so true, they're beautiful and they bring me joy! :)

Sad afternoon, my husband and I helped out at a funeral at church for a 19 year old who was killed in a tragic car accident. My heart and prayers go out to his family and friends. He sounded like such a joyful, wonderful giving person. My favorite things to hear about him was how he selflessly did things for others just out of the kindness of his heart. He and his friends shared a house and instead of complaining about a messy room mate, he would just serve him by surprise cleaning up his friends messes and doing his friends laundry for him folding it neatly and leaving it on the bed. His friends said he would always offer them food and drinks knowing they would be hungry. He always stopped and gave homeless people money, anything he had in his pocket even if it was only fifty cents. I was so amazed by the servant's heart he had, and he really inspired me to evaluate myself. To me the legacy he left was a legacy of "love in action", that is the kind of legacy I want to leave. Jesus please help me to die to myself and be more like YOU, a true servant. A song that has been really penetrating my heart right now is Empty Me by Chris Sligh, these are the words I'm talking about " I know how I can stray and how fast my heart could change. Empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to Lord empty me of me so I can be filled with You"

Saw a spectacular musical tonight at Basic High School, it was sooo good! Loved seeing two of my favorite teens perform in it. Kaleb and Amber Stumbaugh both did an amazing job! I still think back to the first musicals they ever did at Harvest Church. I'll never forget those days, they were both extremely talented back then too! They just keep getting better and better and I can't wait to see them perform in more shows! I took pics tonight, but I'm not posting them because I don't want people to see any of it until the last show is performed. It truly was a wonderful night with lots of great friends!

Too busy to think much about food today so it was pretty easy to remain strong today, although, I opened the pantry to get my shakeology bag out and the Dove chocolate truffles my mom bought me for Valentine's day were mocking me! Get thee behind me truffles, only 5 days left now, I can do this! :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 23- Scrapbooking is always a great way to end the night

Did I ever mention I really love being around people? I just do. This morning was great because I got to walk with a fabulous person. I always enjoy being around her and I'm so glad our schedule's work out where we can walk twice a week together, as long as school is in session on those days! We love looking at all the homes as we walk through the neighborhoods and critique them. Today a cute medium sized dog was barking at us and it looked like it was standing on top of the high brick wall! I should have taken a picture, it just looked funny, we were both laughing.

I almost have my piano recital song mastered. I want to memorize it, so I have a better chance of not messing up while playing it. We shall see how that goes, my brain does not memorize things well these days!

Did some Girl Scout Cookie errands after school with the kids, we have sold all of the 474 boxes that we checked out. Woo-hoo! Belle will definitely break 500 with the ones she has also sold at the cookie booths in front of 2 stores and the one she still has left to work. So nice that she met and exceeded her goal to help pay for her troops trip to San Diego, Wild Animal Park. We could NOT have done it with out the help of all of our beautiful friends and family!!!! Thank you so much! You ALL ROCK!!!

Tonight was scrapbooking at my friend Jennifer's house. Love my friend, she is awesome! I always look forward to this night. I sit next to my sister so it's so great to be able to chat with her the entire time. Jennifer always plans our page for us, so we just do the work of putting it together which is so nice not to have to think about it. We just get to do the fun part! And she is so talented, her pages are always so amazingly beautiful!!

Along with scrapbooking Jennifer always has good eats for us while we scrapbook and I always partake of what she so generously provides, but as you guessed it, not tonight. Even when she offered me one of her favorite special chocolates all the way from Pennsylvania! It had a creamy white center and was covered in peanuts!!! I can't believe I passed that one up! I stayed strong again, only through You Jesus, seriously, it looked so delicious!!!

Well time for bed, up early for walking with another friend tomorrow. I'm getting nervous about next months only seven articles of clothing the whole month! What will I wear? I'm sure the initial decision will be the hardest, but once I have it, I won't have to worry about it the rest of the month! That part sounds nice. Good Night!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 22- Imagine giving 7 possessions away, a day!

Romans Bible Study this morning with a fabulous group of ladies, one week left and then we start Galatians! Love studying God's word, contemplating on it, and discussing it with others who love Jesus and desire to become more like HIM!

The real highlight of my day is when I drove my friend from the Rescue Mission to Man Power today to pick up papers she needs for her work. She humbly asked if I would and I'm so glad I did! She said the 20 minute drive would have taken her 2 hours on the bus! Wow, I never realized the large chunk of time having to take the bus can take from someone's day. Crazy! It's a good thing she will now have an Ipod, given to her by my generous Jesus-loving friend Molly! She will get great use out of it while taking the bus to and from work everyday. Molly loaded the Ipod with praise and worship songs and sermon podcasts. You should have seen the look on my friend's face today as she learned how to use and listen to her new Ipod. While I was driving she was scrolling through all the songs and clicking through so many of them, just giddy with excitement that so many of her favorite songs were on it. Her new Ipod replaces her old rather large tape playing walkman that she had been using. It was truly wonderful seeing one of my friends put a smile on my other friend's face! So excited for the month coming up, where we will be giving 7 of our possessions away per day the whole month long! You may say I'm a dreamer, but I hope I can be a blessing to people who really need it! ;)

I'm not talking about food today, well ok, the only thing I will say is, my husband says he is ready for me to be able to eat everything again. When I asked him "why?" he said, "oh, no reason" so I pressed him harder, "why?" "Is it because I'm edgy?" and he said, "yes that is a good word for it" I'm trying not to be, I guess I'm not doing that great of a job at it. I'm like a fussy baby by the end of the night. Being tired and hungry, makes me grumpy, and here I thought I was hiding it from him. Oh well, I guess he knows me better than anyone. If you think about it, pray for my husband, he has to endure me like this for six more days! ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 21- No Lent for me

I've never given anything up for Lent. I'm not Catholic so I have never been taught that it applies to me. I honestly don't really know what it is all about. I certainly believe in fasting which sounds like what Lent is, in a way. I am just curious as to the reason for it. Is it done because that is what is expected? Or is it done for the reasons the Bible tells us to fast? Isaiah 58:6-12 tells us what true fasting is really all about. I can recall the last time I seriously fasted other than the fasting I am doing now. It was before going on my Mission trip. God put it on my heart to fast all but one meal a day, for a week in order to pray for the people we would be serving in D.R./Haiti and then He led me to Isaiah 58. I remember how overwhelmed I felt with a sense of enlightenment while reading the Word. I felt the Holy Spirit with me strongly urging me to fast. It was truly an amazing thing. Fasting I believe should always be Holy Spirit led. In my experience when I fast because God called me to do it, I CAN do it and stick to it, because He gives me the strength for it. When I have tried to fast because someone other than God told me to or for selfish reasons, I pretty much failed every time. Of course if God calls me to give up something for Lent, I will do it, but as for now, no Lent for me.

Fabulous night at Girl Scout World Thinking Day. My sweet Belle really looking forward to it this morning told me, "Mom, if I ever have to miss any girl scout event, I do NOT want to ever miss Thinking Day. It is my favorite thing in Girl Scouts!" I just love her, she is the reason I worked so hard for the United States poster board. It took hours! But she is ALL worth it, she was proud of my work on it and that made me happy. She even helped me stick some of the items on it, which made me even happier! :) The night was a little torturous though, imagine me having had only two small pieces of chicken for lunch, grapes and water, going to a place at dinner time where there were all these exotic foods representing different parts of the world and I couldn't try one thing! It was Hard! I survived, and even had a smile on my face while doing it. Thank you Jesus, only through You and for You! Also want to thank Belle's awesome Girl Scout Leaders, they are absolutely the best ever!!! And my friend Moriya for saving me and letting me borrow her awesome tape gun since mine was out of tape! Moriya, you have no idea, how much time you saved me on that poster!!! This procrastinator seriously would not have been done with it in time, if it wasn't for you! Love you my neighbor! :)

Belle getting her passport stamped.

My finished product, yeah I added more to it from last night, I knew I would!

I would go CRAZY without my grapes!!! So glad I chose these among the 7!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 20 of the "7" month journey!- I REALLY celebrated Presidents day!

So today, nothing much of anything happend. I slept in, that was nice, read my Bible and then some crazy articles on the internet. Some things just really blow my mind...anyway, I did some shopping for a presentation board I need to have done for tomorrow night for Girl Scout World Thinking Day. G.S. World Thinking Day is when all of the GS troops in our area, pick a country to learn about and then present it to all the other troops along with food from that country and , a "swap it" sovenier. It's a great way for the Girl Scouts to learn about so many different countries. I do think the event should take place after cookie season is all done though, it just get's too crazy busy, which is why I'm making the presentation board instead of all the Girl Scouts doing it, there just wasn't enough time!...Oh well, they will still learn a lot!! After shopping I picked up my daughter and her K.S. friend from her friend's house so they could spend more time together and spend another night together. They always have so much fun together and get along really well. Makes me happy :) Today was the perfect day for Belle to have a friend over since I was on the computer practically all day, looking up pics, info and then printing it all out for the poster board. I barely had time to eat, and when I did eat, I really did not enjoy my food much today...Hate to say it, but I'm sooo bored with my choices now!!! I was thinking today, out loud, I just can't fathom having to eat the same thing over and over again my whole life long! I will never, never, never take for granted the wide array of awesome, wonderful, delicious food choices we have! Isn't it amazing how awesome God is? He made soooo many different flavors for us! He loves us so much!!! THANK YOU LORD for loving us THAT much!!!

My Presentation Board- Almost final, still need to mount everything. I think it will stay looking like this, unless I change my mind and add new things and take away other things! Ha! I have a hard time committing sometimes!

See I REALLY did celebrate President's Day today! ;)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 19- Things that make me go hmmm?

Why do I never want to get up on Sunday mornings? Is it because it is called by some the Sabbath day and I'm just trying to observe it by resting?! Ha! I wish! Actually it's because I'm just plain lazy sometimes! So I finally got out of bed this morning, and got ready for church and what a wonderful day at church it was! We started Kidz Praize up again today and had so much fun practicing our first song for the spring outreaches and St. Patrick's Day parade. It's all going to be awesome! I love working with the children especially with music, it's the best of both worlds! The church service today was wonderful with another powerful message on the danger of holding on to bitterness preached by Rev. Kev.

For Life Group today we all brought delicious Italian food! I made chicken fettucini pesto alfredo. It smelled sooo good, I really wanted some! There was a few other kinds of pasta as well as garlic bread, bruschetta, and b-day cupcakes for Diana! It really was all so delcious, or so I was TOLD!!! No,I didn't cheat. I enjoyed my yummy Shakeology. Only 10 more days! But who's counting? ;) Next small group is Mexican food, hmmm, what to make? Anyway, we had great discussion at life group. Love all the genuine Christ following brother's and sister's in our group! I wish everyone could belong to a life group as awesome as ours. We had fun! Amy is the best hostess ever! :)

So when we were finally home for the evening, I picked up my "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" book again and began to read some more, and Wow! Heavy stuff! Let me tell you! And really it's nothing new to me as far as my own thoughts and feelings are concerned. Especially after coming back from Dominincan Republic last summer. It's crazy the convictions I feel now. I'm so glad my husband sits and listen's to me and helps me to sort out my thoughts and emotions. Are we really living as Jesus has called us to live? Are we??? Is the American Christ following church living as Jesus commanded? Things that really make me go, hmmmm? It's really something we all need to ask ourselves and ask God too, especially if we claim to be followers of Christ. My mind is now loaded with questions and I need to study God's Holy Living Word, pray and do more research!!! I do not want to blend in with the mainstream Christian church, and just be a cultural Christian. I believe God has called us all to a greater purpose! Truly seeking His will in my life.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 18- only 11 days left!

I think the temptation is harder on the weekends when we are not busy! We relaxed a lot today, not going anywhere since my son is still recovering from being sick. I stayed kind of busy but being home all day with the kids and JJ eating pretty much whatever they want, makes me drool! They have Valentine candy they've been enjoying and I'm just watching them eat it...sooo hard! Still staying one point making my Shakeology meal replacement drink, I said to my husband, "I should just put peanut butter in it? Shouldn't I, it's ok if I cheat a little don't you think?" And being so supportive he said, "No. Come on you can do it, you only have 11 days left." To which I exclaimed "Only 11 days?! That's not long at all! You're right I can do it!" He is thee best accountability partner ever, I couldn't do this without his support. He completes me. :)

I helped my daughter set up her own blog today. She REALLY wanted to do it and has been begging me to help her. I'm excited to see what she will be writing and I think it will be great journaling for her. My son seems interested too, maybe he'll be next. This blog world is fun. I have looked at many blogs now and enjoy reading them when I can. I've never been great at journaling. I have started many journals, different types, but I've never been able to consistently stick to writing in them. I much prefer writing on the computer. I hate my handwriting.

I'm looking forward to going into the next month of this experimental mutiny against excess and really trying to imagine what it will be like wearing only 7 articles of clothing for the entire month. (not including undergarments, I think I've mentioned that before, phew!) I need to get creative! And I'm really looking forward to continuing in this journey. Reading ahead in Jen Hatmakers book for the month of "spending" I read something that really struck a chord in my heart. "I am the consumer the poor world and the responsible world and the world itself can't stand or sustain any longer. How will I answer for my choices when God confronts them one day? With this much expendable income funding restaurants, shoe stores, and movie theaters, I doubt Jesus will accept my excuses for neglecting the poor on account of cash flow."

Dear Jesus, I want to live and love like you want me to! I welcome you to change my life for your Kingdom's cause!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 17- chocolate covered everything!

I'm realizing that I am a chocoholic! I guess I just never realized it before. But as my daughter and I were shopping for a b-day present and I walked past a large bucket of pretzel sticks, the only thing that came to mind, was "mmmm, I'd love to dip those in chocolate! And I'm not even a huge pretzel fan, unless of course they are covered in chocolate!" I've got a serious problem if chocolate is always on my brain. Why can't I be craving broccoli or something healthy like that? At least I would feel more confident that this self-control I am using, will be able to continue in March! No, I need to stay positive. I can and I will be more in control with my quantity and quality of food choices. I'm sure you all know this but the country with the highest obesity rate is our very own U.S.A. Not good at all, but I know we can change that, with God's help and His perspectives in each of our lives, we CAN change!

Great early morning walk with my friend Amy this morning. Always love our chats, and I really love her family. They are genuine people with big hearts for Jesus and those in need. I'm seriously looking forward to serving another mission trip with them on the Island of Hispaniola in July. Can't wait!!!

My husband and I both played nurse today to our son who stayed home with a fever and ear infection, and to my mom who had a doctor appointment and just needed some tender loving care today. I hope we served them both well with love, patience and genuine concern. They are our family and we love them.

Well not too much to write about tonight, but definitely A LOT to pray about! There are so many friends going through so much right now. I have so many people on my heart and mind that I need to pray, I'm signing off. Good Night!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 16- blah,blah, blah, blog :)

More than half way through the month now. Why was I craving more Black Tie Mousse Cake today? Oh yeah because I made the commitment not to eat anymore after my meal off last night. I shouldn't have brought the half I didn't eat home, but I didn't want to Waste it! ;0) Good thing my honey loves me so much, he put it in the freezer for me, yes I will have to enjoy the remaining half in March sometime, if I remember it's in there, don't worry I'll remember, it's right next to the Girl Scout cookies. haha! I was thankful for my Chocolate Shakeology today it helped with my craving and really is nutritious, it makes me feel like I am doing something really great for my body when I drink it. Baja Fresh cups are the perfect size for the Shakeology and the straw is the perfect width too.

You know there is really something to this practicing self control thing. I haven't wanted this to be about losing weight, but I'll be honest, if it helps me lose weight then that is just one of the great perks about this "7 experiment". I'm actually down 5.5 pounds since February 2, when I started this journey. Thank you Lord, because quite honestly I am over weight and do need to lose weight for health reasons.

So have you ever had one of those days where you have many things you need to get accomplished and you wind up really only accomplishing one of them? Well that was my day today. God interrupted it with more important things. He must have known an extended long weekend was coming up! I just found out the kids are off from school two days next week instead of just one. I don't know why, but when they don't have to go to school the day seems longer to me, I know it makes absolutely no sense. One awesome thing about today was having heart to heart conversation with a beautiful friend who loves Jesus sooo much! Her heart is so genuine and precious, I really love my friend and learn so much from her.

So something scary...I have a piano recital coming up on March 10th. Yuck! I hate performing in front of people, seriously have bad stage fright. What is wrong with me??? I need to grow up already! Every time the recital comes around, really makes me consider quitting piano lessons. I only want to learn to play for me and God, it's for mine and His ears only people! OK and the dogs too, but she's just lucky is all ;) My piano teacher is a stickler about recital though, I think the only way she would let me get out of it, is if I was home with my Heavenly Father and not here on this Earth anymore. I'm really excited to see Belle perform in the recital though, she's doing awesome!

So does anyone know what fruits and vegetables I can grow here in the desert? Talking with my husband about planting a garden soon and he is all for it! Oh the excitement! I should talk to my Father-in-law about it, he's an expert in my eyes. Oh how I love that man, one of the best people I know. My sister and my brother-in-law planted a garden once in my parents backyard. I remember the strawberries grew well, yum! Looking forward to the challenge, thanks Jen Hatmaker for the inspiration, I don't think I would have ever thought seriously about it, until reading your book.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 15- Celebrating 15 Years of Marital Bliss!

Thank you God for blessing my husband and I with 15 wonderful years of marriage today! I admit it hasn't ALL been blissful, but it has been for the majority of the time. We have learned and have matured so much since the day we both said, "I do". I wouldn't change any of our life's challenges together except one, to bring back all of our loved ones who have since died. We miss each of them dearly, and look forward to the day we will see each of them again. Life is definitely full of ups and downs, but with the hope we have in Jesus Christ, we can weather any storm life brings our way.

So not to talk about food again, but that's what this month is about, fasting all foods but the 7 chosen ones, so I kind-of have to... JJ tried my chicken and broth soup with avocado and cheese added in today. He liked it! I love my man, so easy to please! :) For dinner we went to Republic Kitchen because I wanted their Seared Sesame Ahi Tuna with sweet mashed potatoes and asparagus. It was so delicious, JJ ordered the same thing and really like it too. My sister and brother-in-law are the best ever! They blessed us with a gift certificate for dinner, I love them, they're awesome. And my Mom stayed with my sweethearts tonight, so thankful for Nana and for the love she gives and shows to our family, she is a blessing!

We went to see "Joyful Noise" movie, my pick, what can I say I love music, and my honey loves me! The movie was entertaining, I liked a lot of it and some of it I didn't like. I would like to own the soundtrack though, "Man in the Mirror" is one of my faves, and there were more fun songs! We did NOT eat any popcorn or candy because we were saving room for Black Tie Mousse Cake at Olive Garden, one of my favorite desserts. I needed a chocolate fix. When we walked in I realized I was hungry again when the Italian food smells hit my nose, so we ordered salad and bread sticks and then our desserts. I could only eat half of mine.

It was a fabulous night. It was strange to be eating so many different flavors tonight, but I don't think I over did it. Now back to eating only my seven chosen foods of chicken, avocado, eggs, cheese, bananas, grapes and shakeology until the end of February. I'm thinking of trying a "7" friendly version of parmesan crusted chicken that I made up in my head today, I'm sure I can do it, I hope it turns out good!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

End of Day 14- Happy Valentine's Day!

Busy day, started with preparing my house for Valentine pizza dinner with my sis and her family and my mom. Had a Shakeology late so it was breakfast and lunch. Then I was off to run errands with more GS cookie stuff to do and then shopping for Valentine's Day gifts. Does everyone give gifts to each other for Valentine's day? Or is it just my family? The funny thing is my Valentine and I don't even exchange gifts with each other, we're always too busy focusing on our upcoming anniversary to think about V-Day. So here is a pic of our gift bags for exchange. Though it looks like a lot, we do try to keep the cost minimal and the gifts smallish.

It's crazy though isn't it? We give and get gifts for almost every single holiday! It's just the American way! or is it the Hallmark way? Whatever it is, we do it, and we enjoy it. The best part is just seeing each other with smiles on our faces for the thoughtful gifts given. I received one candy item, Dove chocolate truffles from my mom. I told her it's a good thing she didn't give them to me last week, because of how weak I was feeling, I don't know that I could have stayed strong with those things around! This week seems to be better so far... so no pizza dinner or cookie pizza for me tonight, just enjoyed my chicken soup and grapes again. My mom asked what spiritual lesson I was learning from this...and I told her "self-control" and satisfaction with natural food choices, especially in the dessert category. My hunger is being met by my chicken soup, so I really don't NEED the pizza. And the grapes are my dessert, so I'm not going crazy with junk food and giving in to gluttony. You would not believe how many thumb print cookies I ate in one day around Christmas... it was the first time I had ever made them. I absolutely loved them, so I couldn't or wouldn't stop eating them! So bad for my health! I was not practicing self-control at all! That is a sin and I know it. It's reasons like this, that I am soooo thankful for the covenant of grace we have in Jesus Christ! If my salvation depended on me, I would fail miserably! I am soooo thankful to God, that He loves me anyway in spite of my sins. I do not want to sin, but I still do. I praise God that He judges my heart, and not just my actions! I pray that He would help me to live out my heart in all that I do, and say, and continually forgive me when I mess up. I have confidence in Christ, He sacrificed Himself for me and only because of Him, I will live with my Heavenly Father for eternity! That is AMAZING GRACE!!!!

I have to tell a funny story, on Sunday the the children's teacher Mary asked the kids what colors come to their mind when they hear the word LOVE...someone said red, then pink, then purple and my son Eli says "green". The teacher said "green?" "Why green?" And my son said, "because love is gross". Not hearing him correctly the teacher said, "Oh, because loves grows...that's a good one. Green because love grows, I like that." My husband and I looked at each other and laughed, because we knew exactly what our son had said. I'll have to thank his teacher for "redeeming" his comment! LOL!

On this day of love, I like to think about the greatest love there is, that a man lays down his life for his friends. I praise God that He calls us His friend and that He laid down His life for us!

John 15:12-14
"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 13- I can't wait for day 15! ;0)

My huge pot of chicken in broth soup

Chicken Pillows and Mac n Cheese, yummy for JJ and kids tummy.

So it's true, I now can't wait for day 15! Since I made the decision that I will have one meal off on Wednesday night, I'm really looking forward to it! Ha! I just need to be careful I don't over do it. After fasting like this, my stomach has shrunk no doubt, so if I over fill it, I'll just be sick and I don't want that to happen. I am looking forward to having "Seared Ahi Tuna" for the second time in my life though, I hope it doesn't disappoint. The first time I had it I loved it and craved more for a few days afterwards, so we'll see how it goes this time. I Love food, who doesn't though right???

I love Monday's, I'm probably one of the very few people in this country that can say that. Being a stay at home mom, I make my own schedule and Monday just happens to be one of the best days of my week. I did a super fast grocery run after dropping the kids off at school, but then it was a day to spend a LOT of quality time in prayer and feasting on God's Word. Then it was off to fast walk and talk with my beautiful friend.

I went the whole day until 4:30 without eating and only drinking water, not too hungry today for some reason, but when I was hungry I DID eat! A nice hot bowl of shredded chicken breast in it's own broth with salt, pepper, avocado and cheese, it is becoming my staple. As long as I know that is in the fridge, everything is all good. So I made a giant pot of it to last throughout the week. Belle wanted some too, so I fixed her a small bowl, she ate a little of it and said she didn't really like it, which I thought was funny, because right now, it is sooo delicious to me. What's wrong with her? (just kidding, I'm sure I'm the weird one) I tried to imagine myself serving the soup to guest, and wondered if they would like it? I should make JJ have some for my test. Maybe I'll make it to share with our Life Group on Sunday! I shredded some of the chicken I made, to make chicken pillows which are crescent rolls stuffed with chicken, cream cheese & cheddar cheese mixture for JJ and the kids, I'm so glad they LOVE easy foods, they ate about half of what I made! The chicken pillows smelled really good, yep I wanted one, but once again God gave me strength to endure the temptation.

I forgot to say yesterday that I was a wee bit grumpy after church because I was starving! So, I'm also thankful for my husband for putting up with my not so nice tone of voice yesterday and I'm so glad that after I ate, my grumpiness went away. Crazy how lack of food can affect my mood like that, now I realize even more why my babies would scream their heads off as infants when they were hungry! Poor babies! I want to help feed hungry babies around the world even more now!!! I need a change, a real change in my life, to be able to do what God is calling me to do. Please join me in praying. I'm praying for clarity, Godly wisdom, provision and boldness. Be glorified in my life LORD, in whatever way that looks, that is my hearts desire.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 12- Thankful for my husband

Great Sunday! Although I did NOT want to get up this morning! I blame it on my unbelievably warm, cozy, soft, fuzzy blanket. I have never in my life owned a blanket that I love this much. I bought it the day after Christmas with my gift money when I went shopping with my mom and my sis for my sister's b-day. It was meant for me, I got it at Big Lot's, a beautiful shade of purple, they only had one and it was only $15! I couldn't pass it up. I had meant for it to be a living room blanket for when I'm sitting on the couch to read or watch a movie, but I not only use it for that, I use it EVERY night for sleeping too! My honey calls me Linus. I love this blanket so much in fact, that I went back a few times to see if I could buy more! I wanted to get some for gifts, but they never had more, I even looked online and researched the brand to try and order directly from the manufacturer, but nope, wasn't happening. I wound up buying a blanket for my friend at the Rescue Mission, a soft, blue, plush blanket, which she likes, but I was sad I couldn't get her one exactly like mine :( I'm still holding out hope that I will find more some day. Don't think I'm weird, you probably already do anyway, but I imagine how awesome it would be, to be able to give brand new amazing blankets exactly like mine, to children or people who really need one....wouldn't that be awesome?! I wrote way too much about my blanket. I admit, I probably have an unhealthy addiction to it, which is crazy for an adult right? Trust me, if you had one, you would probably feel the same way!

So it did turn out to be a great Sunday! Ran out of time in Sunday school this morning with the little guys... trying to do 2 crafts after the Worship time and Bible lesson might have been a little too much, but the kids were working hard! Church service was great and I met and chatted with a new girl sitting right next to me, who had only attended once before on our Wednesday worship night. I really hope I see her at church again and that I recognize her! I still remember her name, so that is half the battle!! After church we delivered more GS cookies, then finally came home to eat, and by then I was starving! Had 1/2 Shakeology with TWO bananas added in, almost made up for the missing peanut butter but not quite, and a yummy cheese and avocado omelet. Lunch was satisfying. Then Belle was off to Girl Scouts and we were off to Life Group with some amazing friends! I took the other 1/2 of my Shakeology so I wouldn't be tempted by all the yummy food at Life Group...and it worked! :)

At church I stopped to chat with someone who is also doing Jen Hatmaker's, "7-An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" challenge and she asked if I was going to do what all of the other ladies decided to do, which is take 1 meal off this month, maybe for Valentine's Day. I told her I was thinking about it, but only for my 15th wedding anniversary coming up on the 15th. I do feel conflicted about it, but she encouraged me in it. Sooooo.... I'm leaning towards taking the evening off. JJ has been so supportive through this whole thing. He offered for us to celebrate our anniversary in March. He really loves me, I'm so thankful for my husband. I don't think it's fair of me to ask that of him, and I am so happy to be celebrating 15 wonderful years of marriage to him, so it is important to me, that we celebrate it on our special day and yes, now I've decided, that is what we will do. (I'll still write my boring blog that day though, I think ;)

Well time to crawl back into bed with my blanket, looking forward to walking/talking with my friend tomorrow. Good Night!

p.s. I want to go to a church where everyone is barefooted! (you'll have to read Jen Hatmaker's book to find out what that means ;)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

End of Day 11- Staying Busy

Ok, I must have got a second wind today, because I was way more energized today then yesterday, maybe I just had no other choice but to be! ;) My adorable 5 year old twin nephew and niece spent the night last night, so I got up this morning and fixed everyone nice golden brown, thick and fluffy chocolate chip pancakes. They seemed to really enjoy them, which made me happy. I enjoyed, well I tried to enjoy, my overcooked crunchy over easy eggs, really wishing I had chosen tortilla's as one of my 7 food choices... oh well probably better for me health wise that I didn't. Next, I cleaned up the kitchen, wiping all the counters, table, stove, refrigerator, shined my sink and swept the floors. Then I was off to get ready for my friend Michelle's fun jewelry party and selling Girl Scout cookies at Hobby Lobby. We sold $750 worth of cookies there in only 3 hours, not bad at all! I definitely got my workout unloading and re-loading cases of cookies to and from my truck. It really was a great time, especially working with a fellow troop mom. She is great to be around and chat with and she loves Jesus too! We had fun :) Belle and I got home to an empty house, Eli and his daddy went to see "Star Wars" movie, but they were back fast and JJ being the awesome husband that he is, had picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner! Yay!!! It was delicious, juicy and tender and I was hungry! Busy day, which might be why it was such a great day, not enough time to think about all the food I want to eat. Staying busy is key! And as long as it's productive then it's good right? :) Really it was a great day because I love being around people, they always makes me happy. Tomorrow will be another busy day, looking forward to it!

Have to mention, I was sad to read the news that Whitney Houston died today at such a very very young age. It's really sad what fame and fortune can do to some people. I wish her life could have been better, I wish she would have lived it for Jesus and used the amazing beautiful voice God blessed her with, for His glory. I'm praying for her family, just so very sad :(

Friday, February 10, 2012

End of Day 10...yep, I'm addicted to food!

Well, one thing for sure, this is not getting any easier. I'm low on energy, feeling a bit fatigued and actually kind of grumpy. As much as I try to be thankful for 7 food choices I can have, and I am praying earnestly for those who don't have it nearly as good as I do, after 10 days of eating the same things over and over, quite frankly, I'm just losing my appetite for what I can have. I just have to hang in there though. I was reminded today while reading the Bible, of a conversation I had with beautiful Sarah at church, who said "she thought this 7 experiment was a good thing and how she can sometimes let her stomach be her god, by worrying too much about what she is going to eat." I'm realizing how much food means to me! It means way too much! I hope once this month of fasting is done, that I will have learned a valuable lesson, that I won't return to my old ways of gluttony, that I will choose healthy choices the majority of the time and that I will practice self control when eating, especially when eating the un-healthy sugary dessert foods on rare occasions!!! I'm really hoping depriving myself this month, will help me later to know, YES I can survive if I don't have ice cream for dessert; grapes, bananas or any of the awesome fruit variety's work just as well too, and even better!

I had a nice relaxing day at home, was able to read a lot, dream, plan and talk with my husband JJ a lot, take a nap, enjoy the sound of my niece and nephew playing and laughing hard with their cousin Eli, while Belle and her daddy were out selling GS cookies and I almost finished Girl Scout bookmarks that are due in 2 days. Tomorrow the project continues. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, should be a great day! Hoping I will feel energized.

Interesting scriptures I read this morning that really made me think a lot today... I don't want my stomach to be my god, and I don't want to live as an enemy to the cross of Christ, I don't want my mind set on earthly in me Lord and change me from the inside out. I love God's Word! It's amazing how He speaks to us through it!

Philippians 3:17-21 "Join together in following my (Paul's) example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 9- I had Chocolate today!

So I'm still reading Jen Hatmaker's book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess", and guess what?! It keeps making me laugh out loud while reading it! She is too funny! I'm enjoying it, and it's really making me think about so many different things. I'm going to have to read it again while doing this 7 Experiment. It's really helping me with my perspectives on certain things. I agree with her a lot on so many things and I think this book is going to help me get motivated to put my money where my mouth is and do the things I know God has called our family to do.

Today was another day where I was feeling tempted and having thoughts of eating things that I committed not to eating. I just had to make my "Chocolate" Shakeology tonight with a banana added in, and even though I drank the whole thing, I really did not enjoy it as much as I was hoping. Yes it's sweet and chocolaty, but it tasted really healthy too! blah! I know exactly what was wrong with it, it didn't have the peanut butter in it that I usually add! Amazing how the peanut butter makes it so much tastier to me. Oh well... I'll get used to it eventually :(

I want to say THANK YOU to GOD for making so many different flavors and so many different food choices for us His creations! I'm pretty certain God did not intend for any of us to eat the same thing over and over again every day of our lives. We were meant to enjoy every natural food choice He has made. Even the people living in extreme poverty who are lucky if they get to eat rice every day of their lives. God made the variety of food choices for them too. How are we going to help those who don't have the resources to help themselves? It's going to take sacrifice from each of us. Can you imagine? If every "rich" person, us American's, were to do our share of giving what God has so abundantly blessed us with, what an impact we could make on the lives of all the beautiful people starving to death in this world?! It would truly be a miraculous thing. Lord I pray for a miracle!

I am reminded of a story I heard by Jackie and Alan, the missionaries through G.O. Ministries in Dominican Republic and Haiti. They told us of a Haitian pastor whom they support and built a wooden church for in his community. They were able to bring him to an all-inclusive hotel/resort in the Dominican Republic. When he arrived and saw all the food before his eyes in the buffet at the hotel/resort, he couldn't believe his eyes and said, "I thought places like this only existed in Heaven." Wow...we really don't realize how amazingly wealthy we are...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 8- Tempted! All about the food today!

I ate a ton of grapes today! It was just one of those days! I was feeling weak and really, really, REALLY wanted a Caramel Delight! I imagined myself opening the box and eating just one, ok there is NO WAY I could eat just one, but I wanted to sooo bad! Why is it easy on some days, and hard on others? My daughter came home from piano lessons and tempted me with a generic store brand milk chocolate bar that she got from her teacher. She ate it right in front of me, waved it in my face and asked in a sweet sinister way, "Do you wish you could have some?" I seriously thought I saw horns on her head!;) I asked her, "Why are you tempting me??" She just laughed and then asked if I could open it more for her so she could get to the rest of it! Yep I was drooling, and it's cheap chocolate too! I'm sure I would have loved it, but (sigh) I didn't give in. Instead I enjoyed MORE grapes and let me tell you they are deliciously sweet, juicy and firm, they're perfect! I wonder what they would taste like chocolate covered? Anyone ever have a chocolate covered grape before??? I might have to try it next month! Today I ate over-medium eggs, 2 bowls of chicken in broth (1 for lunch and 1 dinner), avocados, cheese and of course grapes! I really need to have my chocolate Shakeology, that might help with my chocolate cravings, and I was really considering making it tonight, but I was actually too full to have it. Chicken in broth soup is very filling, I'm still enjoying it too, I wonder if I will get tired of it? Time will tell.

I delivered GS cookies again today, one to a friend I hadn't seen since High School and another to a friend I don't see very often. It's always good to visit with friends :) Went to Roman's Bible Study with some beautiful God-loving women, then picked up MORE GS cookies! I think that's why I want them so bad, they are always on my brain right now, talking about them, picking them up, sorting and delivering them. It's all going to be worth it though. My daughter will accomplish her goal of at least 400 boxes, earn her badges, and be able to go on the Wild Animal Park trip in October. All Thanks to AMAZING, GENEROUS, KIND, and LOVING Family and Friends, we appreciate all of them!!!

I was so anxious for tonight to be in church worshiping my Savior by singing songs of praise to Him with my church family, but that didn't happen. We were almost to church when we had to pull over because my son got sick. Poor buddy, I felt bad for him and he did not think he would be able to make it through the service, so we turned around and headed back home. He seems to be doing better now, which is a praise, because he has tests at school tomorrow that he does not want to miss and make up.

Well it's time for reading and sleeping. Good night! I'm hoping tomorrow, I won't feel tempted again, I hate that feeling!!! I need to pray more, and stay busier I guess.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 7- It's been a week :)

It's Day 7 of doing the "7 Experiment" That week went by fast! Kind of like my life sometimes, sooo looking forward to eternity where time doesn't even exist! Then I'll never be late to anything, I'll always have enough time to stop and chat with a friend, I'll never get tired because it won't get too late, I'll have plenty of time to spend with family and I'll always have time to worship at the feet of my Lord and Savior! Eternity in Heaven with God my Father, nothing on Earth can compare!
Today was wonderful! After a very nice walk and talk with my friend Shannon, I picked up my friend from work so she didn't have to go back to the Rescue Mission right away. I wanted to give her a day away, so I took her to IN-n-OUT for lunch ( I stayed strong once again and had water!) Then we did a little shopping, and then came to my house to watch the "Courageous" movie, since I love it, I really wanted her to see it. She loved it too and thought it would be a great movie for her Son-in-law to watch :) Then I took her with me to deliver GS cookies and to an hour long PTA meeting, I didn't know it would go so long, usually it's only a half hour, oops, sorry friend! She was fine with it. Next we came back to my house where I cooked a Spaghetti dinner for her and my family, I ate my famous Chicken with broth soup AGAIN! It's still good, I promise I am enjoying it, which is really weird! I am not normally a chicken eater, I prefer Steak over chicken all the time!!! Bring on the tender Steak filet, that is my choice any day! After enjoying a nice family dinner together, I took my friend back to the Rescue Mission and we went to the Church Service together, which was so awesome, because it was the night my home church takes a team to minister there and my pastor delivered an amazing sermon as usual! My friend said she really needed to hear it and I know she got a lot out of it. Today was pretty much perfect! I love days when they go as planned, looking forward to tomorrow. Night night all!

Monday, February 6, 2012

End of Day 6- Are you Rich?

Pretty amazed at how well I am doing on this eating thing. I have always thought of myself as an all or nothing person, and it seems like the more I do this the more I prove how true that is. Yes I do think about eating a Girl Scout Caramel Delight cookie every now and then, especially when I'm sorting out orders and handling all those hundreds of boxes of cookies, but I haven't given into the temptation yet and I won't! Started out my morning with a long talk with God. My heart is heavy for someone I love, who knows truth and chooses not to walk in it. I'm concerned. Concerned for this person's salvation. I will never understand why a person who knows the truth, and had a ministry that shared the Gospel, touched many lives and brought many to Christ, can just choose to walk away and live selfishly and in sin. This person is bringing strife and hardships on their own life, as well as on others who love and care for them, because of their bad choices. What will it take for this person to return to God and completely surrender their life and will to Him once and for all?! I just don't see how a life without God, especially after claiming to know Jesus, can be anything but miserable. I Had a wonderful long walk and talk with my beautiful friend and sister in Christ today. Molly is just one of those friends who I can share with and confide with on anything and everything. I'm so thankful for her! She is amazing and I admire how much she loves Jesus and desires to serve Him with all she has and is. She inspires and motivates me to always pursue righteousness, love God, love people, and to listen and follow the Holy Spirit and the desires He has placed on my heart. I'm so glad we are doing this 7 month journey together :) I'm really enjoying Jen Hatmaker's book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" and I leave you with this quote from it that left me just shaking my head.
"And I was so blinded I didn't even know we were rich. How can I be socially responsible if unaware that I reside in the top percentage of wealth in the world? (You probably do too: Make $35,000 a year? Top 4 percent. $50,000? Top 1 percent.)Excess has impaired perspective in America; we are the richest people on earth, praying to get richer. We're tangled in unmanageable debt while feeding the machine, because we feel entitled to more. What does it communicate when half the global population lives on less than $2 a day, and we can't manage a fulfilling life on twenty-five thousand times that amount? Fifty thousand times that amount? It says we have too much, and it is ruining us." -Jen Hatmaker

Sunday, February 5, 2012

End of Day 5- What to say?

I don't feel much like writing today, but I will try. I love going to church every Sunday and always get so much out of my pastor's sermon, today was a hard one though, hitting really close to home. Let's just say it was tough, but oh so very very good! I am so thankful for a Pastor who is not afraid to preach the hard truth that people who love Jesus and claim to love Jesus, need to hear! Thank you Jesus for Rev Kev! Had a low-key Superbowl family get together at my house, so glad we were all rooting for the Giants, and they Won, Yay! Had so much chicken left over from Friday night, that I threw it back in the oven and made it crispy again for us, it was delicious! With all the cookies, brownies, cheese dip, chips and soda, I'm really happy to say God gave me the strength to endure and I only ate 5 out of my 7 food choices today! I'm still enjoying it and love explaining to my kids the purpose behind it all. They seem to be a tiny bit impressed by this experiment, although my son says he doesn't think I should have to get on the computer every night. I even wait until after they are in bed! I'm sure he will like the mutiny against excessive media month ;) Well I'm off to read Jen Hatmaker's book, Good night!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

End of Day 4! Cruising right along!

Today was a great day! Picked up almost 350 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and we already need to go back for more!!! Thin Mints are popular! My favorite is Caramel Delights also known as Samoas, so when my daughter Belle and I were walking the neighborhood with the wagon selling them and she got hungry and needed help busting open a box to snack on, boy did my mouth water when the toasted coconut, chocolate and caramel smell hit my nose... I wanted one sooo bad! But with only the strength that God can give, I stayed strong! I did have good eats today though, a banana, grapes, chicken, cheese, and an avocado. All very delicious items, and satisfying, so glad I chose them. I still haven't had Shakeology, my blender is not the best so I need to buy a new one. I told my accountability partner/friend Molly that since I haven't had any Shakeology yet, maybe I should replace that item with Caramel Delights! Of course I was kidding, kind of ;) No seriously though, I do enjoy my Shakeology and I can't wait to be able to have it, it's going to be a treat for sure! I know I really should be drinking it everyday, it's loaded with vitamins. Well one thing for sure I have noticed only eating these 7 foods a day, I have more energy and I wake up earlier and easier in the morning. I really am feeling great, praying that will continue through out the month. I received my book "7- An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" yesterday, I just haven't been able to read it yet! I am dying to read it, so even though it is late, I'm going to go read until my eyes won't stay open anymore. BTW, I am rooting for the Giants tomorrow, only because I would rather visit New York than New England. Dumb reason I know, but I can't root for the team with the best colors because well, they're the same! At least I'm watching the game tomorrow, and especially watching it with family, which will be the best part. Good Night Blog World!

Friday, February 3, 2012

End of Day 3 and a GREAT end to it too!

Another busy day started off bright and early with my Savior and then went on an early morning walk with my friend Amy. Afterwards, I got busy making my house picture perfect from top to bottom so 16 friends could come over and join us for dinner. I like to have it picture perfect, (although it still wasn't) so that my friends can feel free to go into any room they like, and so I won't worry about them seeing my messes! ha ha!!...mi casa es su casa:)

Drinking nothing but water this entire month, I scarfed down a banana for brunch, never enjoyed a banana that much before! I was seriously impressed by the flavor, yummy! God does good work!! Finished house work at 1:30, and got ready so I could be at the school to get 10 kids out of class (which just happened to my my daughters class today, so she helped too) to drain, flatten and count used capri suns for re-imbursement, the kids love helping with that and they get a treat for it! Our school PTA is awesome! Does so much for our kids and teachers! :)

Next I made a quick stop at the grocery store for lots of chicken, so I could oven fry it. Dinner turned out wonderful, everyone brought something delicious to share...I stayed strong and only ate shredded chicken in broth, with avocados added in and a bowl of grapes. Again, it was super good!!! Amazing how satisfying it is, just knowing it's all I can have makes me really try to enjoy it to it's fullest. Right now I am truly grateful for being able to just go to the grocery store and being able to buy any food items I need or want. I know and realize that I could never truly duplicate living in extreme poverty here in America. We are soooo extremely blessed!!! Thank You God!!! I just can't Thank Him enough for all the blessings in my life! May I never take my blessings for granted and may I always choose to share them and not just keep them all for myself.

After Dinner, us 10 adults, played one of my favorite games, Telestrations. It really is a ton of fun! We always laugh so much when we play this game, I highly recommend it!!! It really was a fabulous night with friends, and now my house is really clean, Yay! Time to relax all weekend long! Ok not really, tomorrow we pick up Girl Scout Cookies, time to get busy delivering, and selling more! Go Troop 360!:)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

End of Day 2

So did I mention I was scared to even join in on this "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess"? Well I was!!! It just sounded too extreme! I mean the same 7 foods for one month? The same 7 clothes (not including undergarments, phew!)for another month? And the BIG one, giving up 7 types of media for a WHOLE month...Internet? Meaning facebook(YIKES!), podcasts(sad face), Itunes(NO!), twitter(OK), radio(NO!), television(OK), email(YAY!!!)What am I going to do? Now add Blogging to that list, hey maybe I can keep that one, that would make 8 types of media??? Yeah, probably going to have to handwrite journal for that month...we'll see. Anyway, Molly mentioned 3X that I should join her small group on this...but I just wasn't biting. I needed to really think about it, read about it, research it, mention it to my husband first, and finally after the 3rd time she prompted me, I took the plunge. And, I am so glad I did!!!

Today was busy busy again, I'm unorganized right now, or everything just seems to need to be done all at once, ok it's both. Did some grocery shopping this morning, was able to finally eat at 1:00. Boiled chicken, shredded it and put it back into it's boiling water, added salt and pepper and enjoyed. It was delicious! Then decided to torture myself and bake some banana bread with the ripe bananas I had. I took homemade Chicken Alfredo Pesto dinner tonight to a sweet little older lady who is recovering from surgery, and I thought she would love banana bread, and yay she did! So did my kids as they ate an entire mini loaf after school, must have been the chocolate chips in it. It smelled up the house wonderfully! Ok, I'll stop talking about it, my mouth is starting to water. My mom came over for dinner tonight and I told her all about this challenge, she thought I was going to make my family do it with me, which is actually not a bad idea! Maybe I will?! Well, somewhat, I'm sure they will join in on some of it. This all really is exciting to me! I'm really not even missing food that much, really! I guess when you feel called to do something by God, it makes it a whole lot easier! Definitely the lesson I have learned today. I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS, "I'll go anywhere, I'll do anything, at any cost for YOU my KING!" <3

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

End of Day 1

Today was a busy day, had lot's to do, which I am thankful for because it kept my mind occupied so that I wouldn't miss food too much. Right now, I'm going to bed with a major headache...but I know once I'm asleep I won't feel it. I skipped trying to figure out what to defrost and make into a meal for my family tonight, so instead I had my Honey pick up $5 pizzas on his way home from work for he and the kids. Smelling it and not being able to have any was a little tortuous, but wow, I actually survived!;) I'm so glad my sweet girl is feeling much better. Busy day ahead tomorrow, and really looking forward to breakfast! Which brings my mind to some statistics my friend Molly shared with me today: "In the world, every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger. And every year...15 million children die of starvation." Unbelievable, incomprehendable, just completely and utterly insane. Especially to think about all the different pies we had coming out of our ears at Christmas time, that went to WASTE. Just sick and unfathomable. Lord Jesus, may you help me be content and satisfied, with only one flavor of choice.

Day 1 of the 7 Challenge

It's day 1 of the 7 month challenge I am committing to, along with my accountability partner Molly and a few other ladies that I go to church with. This will be an intense journey to simplify and get rid of an ugly abundance of excess in 7 areas, in order to realize more deeply the heart of God for my life and my families life. Inspired by Jen Hatmaker the author of "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" you can read her blog here and hopefully order her book for yourself, if you desire to act upon what so many of us desire... real sacrifice and change for God's glory!

I wrote to Jen Hatmaker the following last night (almost word for word with some changes because I didn't save my final draft): "My wonderful friend told me about your book last week. I Wish I would have read your post long before today. After serving a mission in a 3rd world country last summer, my perspectives have drastically changed. This past Christmas was hard, I just wanted to skip it. The never ending shopping, the parties with over indulgent and over abundance of food, the meaningless gift exchange games, the last minute gifts bought out of feelings of obligation... For someone who has always loved Christmas, I felt like a scrooge, and the only ones who knew my true feelings, were my God and my husband. Even though I gave alot away to help those in need over Christmas, it just didn't feel enough and I would express to my husband that I just didn't want to buy anymore unnecessary stuff. And I would ask questions like "why aren't we Americans ever satisfied with what we already have?" Me included, I could list a number of things on my want list. Anyway so glad to not be the only one disgusted by excess in America and disgusted by the excess of stuff and other things in my life. I'm ready to take action and start 7 months of fasting in honor of and in prayer for those living in extreme poverty. May God do a work in me for His honor and glory, as I prepare to return to the same 3rd world country in a few months. Thank you Jen for being obedient to God and writing a book that so many of us need to read. I ordered it today and I can't wait to read it!"

So today I begin with prayer and fasting...I'm not even going to eat one thing today, just drink water to kick it off, besides the fact I decided so fast to join the other ladies on this journey, that I haven't been grocery shopping in awhile, so my cupboards are practically bare! I was going to go shopping Tuesday, but my daughter stayed home sick, and she stayed home sick again today. It's a good thing I have stuff in the freezer, so I'm making dinners work. Yesterday I made homemade maple syrup for the first time to go with their french toast because we were all out of the store bought kind. My kids love the homemade version better now, Yay! Well the 7 items I will be eating for the month of February will be, Chicken, Eggs, Cheese, Shakeology Meal replacement Shake, Avocados, Bananas, Grapes.

If you haven't read Jen Hatmaker's blog yet, this was taken from it, describing what the 7 months will entail :

"A seven-month experimental mutiny against excess, tackling seven areas of overconsumption in the spirit of a fast; a fast from greed, irresponsibility, apathy, and insatiability. Each area boiled down to just seven choices for a month:


Only seven foods for a month. Only seven pieces of clothes for a month. Give away seven things we own a day for a month. Eliminate seven forms of media for a month. Adopt seven substantial habits for a greener life. Spend money in only seven places. Practice "seven sacred pauses" a day and observe the Sabbath...a deeply reduced life to find a greatly increased God." (Jen Hatmaker)

I'll be praying for each of the ladies starting this journey today, as well as myself, as we embarq on this extreme, yet rewarding challenge together. Excited to see what I will learn through it, what changes will take place in my heart, and how God will use it to further the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom! In my life Lord, be glorified!!!