My Family

My Family
Easter 2014

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 16- blah,blah, blah, blog :)

More than half way through the month now. Why was I craving more Black Tie Mousse Cake today? Oh yeah because I made the commitment not to eat anymore after my meal off last night. I shouldn't have brought the half I didn't eat home, but I didn't want to Waste it! ;0) Good thing my honey loves me so much, he put it in the freezer for me, yes I will have to enjoy the remaining half in March sometime, if I remember it's in there, don't worry I'll remember, it's right next to the Girl Scout cookies. haha! I was thankful for my Chocolate Shakeology today it helped with my craving and really is nutritious, it makes me feel like I am doing something really great for my body when I drink it. Baja Fresh cups are the perfect size for the Shakeology and the straw is the perfect width too.

You know there is really something to this practicing self control thing. I haven't wanted this to be about losing weight, but I'll be honest, if it helps me lose weight then that is just one of the great perks about this "7 experiment". I'm actually down 5.5 pounds since February 2, when I started this journey. Thank you Lord, because quite honestly I am over weight and do need to lose weight for health reasons.

So have you ever had one of those days where you have many things you need to get accomplished and you wind up really only accomplishing one of them? Well that was my day today. God interrupted it with more important things. He must have known an extended long weekend was coming up! I just found out the kids are off from school two days next week instead of just one. I don't know why, but when they don't have to go to school the day seems longer to me, I know it makes absolutely no sense. One awesome thing about today was having heart to heart conversation with a beautiful friend who loves Jesus sooo much! Her heart is so genuine and precious, I really love my friend and learn so much from her.

So something scary...I have a piano recital coming up on March 10th. Yuck! I hate performing in front of people, seriously have bad stage fright. What is wrong with me??? I need to grow up already! Every time the recital comes around, really makes me consider quitting piano lessons. I only want to learn to play for me and God, it's for mine and His ears only people! OK and the dogs too, but she's just lucky is all ;) My piano teacher is a stickler about recital though, I think the only way she would let me get out of it, is if I was home with my Heavenly Father and not here on this Earth anymore. I'm really excited to see Belle perform in the recital though, she's doing awesome!

So does anyone know what fruits and vegetables I can grow here in the desert? Talking with my husband about planting a garden soon and he is all for it! Oh the excitement! I should talk to my Father-in-law about it, he's an expert in my eyes. Oh how I love that man, one of the best people I know. My sister and my brother-in-law planted a garden once in my parents backyard. I remember the strawberries grew well, yum! Looking forward to the challenge, thanks Jen Hatmaker for the inspiration, I don't think I would have ever thought seriously about it, until reading your book.


little sis said...

Tomatoes grow really well here but you need to start the seeds NOW - or just wait to pick up the plants at the nursery or Lowe's - cherry seem to do the best.

Sandra said...

Thanks! I need to start right away then! Cherry tomatoes, yum! :)